in this vast white fog.

  He seemed to be able to vaguely see, one after another silhouettes emerged in the white fog.

  Tomorrow's reddish pupils.

  Slowly he looked around.

  this moment.

  Her pupils shrank rapidly! "Roar!"

  A low roar suddenly came out from the white fog! Under everyone's horrified eyes.

  Everyone saw the countless figures in the white mist and walked out slowly.

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 258 The Three Realms and Six Realms Start!Battle of the Zombie King! 【7/8】

  A white fog rose up.

  In the white fog all over the sky, one after another silhouette can be seen coming to the end of the white fog.

  at the end of that.

  One after another figure stood in the white fog.

  Countless ancient auras emerged from these figures, and everyone could feel a mighty aura suppressed between heaven and earth.

  Jiang Gu stood in the void.

  He felt that there were countless blood vessels constantly emerging under the ground between heaven and earth.

  But he did not call out those bloodlines.

  He stood above the void, his scarlet eyes staring silently ahead! "It's Shadow Moon"

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes looked at a figure in the white mist.

  There is Shadowmoon! This existence is inextricably linked with the second Zombie King! And Biga is also in it! Behind it, there are thousands of zombies.

  Thousands of zombies intertwined with ghosts from the underworld, in front of millions of zombies! These zombies appeared at the end of the white fog.

  As the white fog gradually dissipated.

  These zombies look a little weak.

  But buzzing buzzing suddenly.

  At the end of the sky! At the far end! I saw countless black bats swept in from the distance! In an instant! The end of the western sky seems to have turned into a black sea. One after another bloody green pupils appeared in the black sea.

  The endless bats in the sky swept from the west, and the number was extremely large.

  "According to the latest news reports"

  "Western journalists found out"

  "Just now, countless bats crossed the ocean and rushed to the east at a very fast speed."

  "The vampires hovering at the end of the east also turned into bats and came here together."

  Screen shot.

  Aim at the bat in the distance.

  The hostess sounded in the picture with a terrified voice.

  The sound of the bat flapping its wings in the sky constantly echoed in the sky and the earth.

  under that lens.

  In the white mist that dissipated.

  The bats in the sky are endless, like the tide of the Black Sea, spreading out in an instant.

  Jiang Gu's whole body.

  Bats all over the sky hovered around him.

  Some bats fell directly behind the zombies, and the real body emerged! Vampires from the West! These vampires fell from the bats to the ground.

  Filled up the empty spaces behind those thousand zombies in an instant! Those bats are not low! They are also in the millions! The vampires of the West have plagued the West since Dracula and Cain woke up Earth! Under this lens.

  The sky is full of bats circling Jiang Gu's body.

  The camera falls on Jiang Gu.

  He is like the dead king who wakes up in the darkness.

  Circling, the earth shakes! The zombies of the generals come from the earth.

  Jiang Gu's impure bloodline came from the sky.

  The bats all over the sky covered the sky! Countless people saw this scene.

  My heart trembled again! "Do you remember what Mao You told me about Western Lucifer?"

  "The awakening of those vampires is because they sensed the disappearance of Lucifer, the ancestor of their vampires, the true master of the devil in hell."

  "Could it be Jiang Gu"

  Uncle Qiu looked at Jiang Gu in the sky.

  Ma Xiaoling did not tell Uncle Qiu the identity of Jiang Gu.

  Because the Vampire Rebellion in the West was the first to break out.

  There is an inexplicable relationship with Jiang Gu.

  Ma Xiaoling wants to talk to Jiang Gu.

  But the following things kept happening, which made it impossible for the two to sit down and talk about these things.

  "The vampires hovering in the east are looking for the breath of the ancestors."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  "No wonder these days, they have been hovering at the end of the eastern ocean, never crossed."

  Uncle seems to understand something.

  a few months ago.

  Uncle Qiu found that the vampires from the west crossed the ocean and came towards the east.

  But at the end of the east, they suddenly stopped.

  It seems that it is because Jiang Gu's breath has disappeared.

  Uncle Qiu looked at Jiang Gu above with complicated eyes.


  Now he can compete with the generals.

  It's Jiang Gu! Jiang Gu is on their side! "Roar!"

  As the bats circled in the sky! A low growl came out! Then.

  I saw a figure coming towards Jiang Gu! In that mid-air.

  In an instant, it turned into a long snake demon with a height of 7 meters and [-] colorful scales! It screamed in the sky! Then it rushed directly to the feet of Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu gently landed at Shuran's feet.

  The green snake and the white snake made a neighing sound! With the sound of neighing! The green snake and the white snake appeared in their original shape, standing on the left and right sides of Jianggu! Millions of bats circled around behind them, and the green snake and the white snake appeared. Standing on both sides, a hundred-zhang long snake with seven colorful scales stands at its feet.

  this moment.

  Heaven and earth are silent again! Such a mighty and terrifying battle! It is indeed scary!

  "If you don't want to die in that chaos"

  "Listen to my orders and wake up in danger."

  A straightforward voice resounded in the sky! Jiang Gu tapped his finger lightly.

  A drop of blood poured into Suiran's body in an instant! Om! Falling down with Suiran's words! The ten thousand demons between heaven and earth awakened from their deep sleep.


  All over the land of Kyushu, the roars of demons from all over the world suddenly emerged! Om! At this moment.

  Earth shakes.

  In the mountains of the earth, countless demons awakened.

  In the depths of the ocean, countless monsters broke out of the waves.

  The demons between heaven and earth seem to feel a call.

  When the darkness comes, when the earth is destroyed.

  The Call of the Demon Lord.

  As an ancient monster.

  Coupled with the power of Jiang Gu's blood, let these demons come to Xiangjiang in an instant! This day.

  The three realms and the six realms are shaking.

  this day.

  Hovering over the things beyond the three realms and the six realms, calling all things! In the distance.

  The general watched this scene quietly and carefully.

  Blood red pupils looked at Jiang Gu's whole body.

  "So familiar."

  He suddenly smiled softly.

  "Two thousand years ago, I saw it."

  in his mind.

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