
  In the center of Zhuxian Town, a blood-colored force gradually spread out.

  Seeing this scene, Ma Xiaoling felt more and more uneasy.

  ————————The center of Zhuxian Town’s mansion.

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  Array Department.

  Wanyan Wulei is constantly casting magic tricks to break through the seal of Pangu! There is not much time left for Wanyan Wulei.

  She has continued to break the seal of Pangu! What Emperor Jin wants, Wanyan Wulei knows very well, if she doesn't get this thing, then she and her brother will never be able to retreat! The army of the Yue Family Army Coming soon, the blood gods born from these blood gods' forbidden spells won't last long! "Come soon"

  Wanyan Wu Lei looked at the center, where countless power fluctuations permeated, and it seemed that the seal of Pangu would be broken at any time! Wanyan Bu Po stood on the spot and watched the seal break open. For some reason, he always felt vaguely uneasy in his heart! Om! Those forces continue to fluctuate! There is a strange aura! The entire Zhuxian Town.

  A depressing breath permeated.

  ————————— Late at night.

  The Yue family army, who had been tired all day, soon fell into a rest.

  The entire Zhuxian Town was silent.

  Because of those blood gods and the oppression of the surrounding air, those people were silent, and the Yue family army was also severely damaged today, and their morale was somewhat low.

  Ma Xiaoling was in a room.

  She had a rare sleep.


  She first experienced the World Destruction War, and then she came here through time travel. Before she had time to rest, she encountered such a war again today.

  in this sleep.

  She was a little uneasy.

  Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

  in that air.

  The suppressed breath became more and more strange, fluctuating constantly in the air.


  Ma Xiaoling suddenly opened her eyes, and there were drops of cold sweat on her forehead.

  She got up and walked out the door.

  in that garden.

  She saw a man in a white robe standing in the middle of the courtyard.

  His long hair was scattered behind him, with his back to Ma Xiaoling.

  "Miss Ma, you also woke up"

  He turned his head, it was Jiang Fu of course.

  He took off his armor and wore a white robe.

  "Why did you wake up"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Fu.

  "I feel a little bit of unease. It seems that something bad will happen in Zhuxian Town."

  Jiang Fu said to Ma Xiaoling.

  When Ma Xiaoling heard Jiang Fu's words, her heart moved.

  It's uneasy.

  Very few people can feel it.

  "Have you ever thought that you might be more than just an ordinary person"

  Ma Xiaoling said.

  "Not an ordinary person"

  Jiang Fu looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  "Well, I mean, not an ordinary person of flesh and blood."

  Jiang Fu raised his brows: "Am I still a monster who can manipulate the Three Realms and Six Paths to call for wind and rain?"

  He looked at Ma Xiaoling with a half-smile but not a smile.

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't help rolling her eyes.

  You can really control the Three Realms and Six Paths, not only can you call for wind and rain, but you can also break the heaven and the earth.

  But she knows.

  Jiang Fu would definitely not believe her words.

  It seems that it is very difficult to wake up Jiang Fu's memory.

  Om! All of a sudden.

  The dim sky was instantly filled with a thick layer of blood mist! The whole ground.

  Crazy trembling! An extremely terrifying breath.

  It filled the center of Zhuxian Town! It directly swept the entire Zhuxian Town! Then.

  Under Ma Xiaoling's eyes.

  She saw it.

  Outside Zhuxian Town.

  A stone pillar rising from the ground, standing outside Zhuxian Town! Floating under the sky! To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 276 From the crisis, the chaos of zombies eight hundred years ago!

  Not just one! There are five! Five stone pillars, standing between heaven and earth, a majestic and vast force immediately blocked the Zhuxian Town! The blocked Zhuxian Town, endless blood fog The sky is filled with air! And the blood god, who was fierce and mighty yesterday, is actually here at this moment: hovering constantly on the sky, it seems that he has encountered something terrifying! Under that dark sky.

  The atmosphere in the whole world suddenly suppressed! "What happened?"

  Arrow, a meteor rushed in.

  Yasha came over not long after.

  The shaking of the ground just now caused all the soldiers of the Yue family to wake up! They took out their weapons and rushed out! All the soldiers of the Yue family stayed outside the courtyard.

  In yesterday's battle, only [-] soldiers were left of the [-] soldiers, and all of them were dragging their wounds. Such a terrifying shaking of the ground made the soldiers of the Yue family even more uneasy.

  "Everyone be careful."

  Jiang Fu's eyes narrowed slightly.

  "I feel very uneasy."

  He felt a great unease.

  In this extreme anxiety, something extremely bad seems to be happening.

  The exorcism wand appeared in Ma Xiaoling's hand.

  She felt the breath of Pangu! This terrifying and mighty breath of Zhuxian Town! It was the breath of Pangu! Could it be that Ma Xiaoling, the seal of Pangu, knew.

  The ray of life that belongs to eight hundred years later has come! But where did the breath that accompanied the seal of Pangu come from in the whole courtyard, the atmosphere was extremely solemn, "roar"

  When Yue Jiajun looked around vigilantly.


  Riots broke out in the distance.

  A soldier of the Yue family rushed to report: "Pioneer! It's not good, the people outside have all run to Zhuxian Town! It seems that they have encountered something terrible!"

  The moment his voice fell! A burst of roars echoed throughout Zhuxian Town! "Roar!"

  A low roar! It is constantly ringing all over Zhuxian Town! It's like there are countless wild wolves emerging all over Zhuxian Town! "It's a wolf"

  Arrow said in confusion.

  "Do not."

  Ma Xiaoling looked solemn.

  "It's a zombie."


  Jiang Fu was taken aback.

  "Yes, it's a zombie that is more terrifying than a monster."

  Ma Xiaoling's voice was low.

  this sound.

  She couldn't be more familiar.

  The end of the world is also due to zombies.

  Jiang Fu is also the king of zombies! "Arrow, order to go down and let the brothers set up!"

  Jiang Fu looked serious and said to the arrow.

  "As ordered!"

  Arrow left quickly! "Meteor, you are responsible for leading the soldiers to investigate the news ahead! If there is anything wrong, return immediately!"

  "Yaksha, you lead the soldiers and gather all the people together!"

  Jiang Fu gave three orders in a row! Arrow, Meteor, and Yaksha left quickly! Only Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Fu are left here! I don't know why! .

  Such unease.

  From the power and breath that fills the air! "Ma'am, what is a zombie?"

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