these complicated things.

  It made Ma Xiaoling feel like a mess.

  but no matter.

  If the crisis in front of her cannot be resolved and she can't find that ray of hope, then she may be trapped in reincarnation until she finds a ray of hope! When she heard the words behind the robbery, she knew it.

  A lifeline after eight hundred years.

  right here.

  A lifeline for everyone now.

  Also here.

  As for that... the supreme existence, she doesn't know where the lifeline of the founder of the eternal kingdom is.

  But maybe.

  It is closely related to everything she is doing now! "What is the eternal kingdom?"

  she asked puzzled.

  "What did you say after that?"

  Jiang Fu looked at Ma Xiaoling, he seemed to see that Ma Xiaoling's expression was very complicated, shocked, and countless emotions appeared on Ma Xiaoling's face.

  "You, didn't hear"

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

  She thought.

  Everyone heard it.

  But in fact, the voices behind were all told to her by Jie.

  She pulled Jiang Fu and Yasha aside.

  I will make it clear to the two of the situation in Zhuxian Town that Zai Jie just mentioned.

  Of course, she didn't tell the two of her words behind Zed.

  after all.

  That was so intrusive.

  If everyone finds that they have been in reincarnation all the time, waiting for a chance to emerge.

  It's scary to think about it! But even so.

  The news of Zhuxian Town also made both of them bombard like a thunderbolt! If the seal cannot be repaired, the entire Zhuxian Town will die! "A silver lining"

  Ma Xiaoling took out Pangu Guangyu.

  There is a lifeline here.

  Where to repair the seal, it seems that we need to use the energy in Pangu Guangyu, but the biggest problem now is how to get close to the place where it was sealed. Ma Xiaoling, Jiang Fu, and Yasha all fell into silence.


  It is densely packed with tens of thousands of zombies! How to fight against those golden soldiers and zombies, but swords! After being besieged for a long time, it is impossible to die with the combat power of the Yue Family Army today!

  The people stood where they were, in a very orderly manner without confusion.


  All the people of Zhuxian Town believe in the Yue Family Army! The reputation of the Yue Family Army is not... just talking about it! Everyone knows that the Yue Family Army is the hope of China! But with the passage of time.

  those flames.

  gradually dissipated.

  The soldiers and zombies of Jin Guo let out bursts of roars! In that roar.

  Through the flames, countless people saw the zombies of the Jin Kingdom who were staring at them with their fangs open! There was some commotion among the people in an instant! Yasha saw this scene and walked over slowly.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Seeing Yaksha, the people who had just rioted, did not know when it calmed down again, and everyone was looking at her.

  "My father taught me to have a country first and then a family."

  "Our Yue Family Army fights for our own family and for this country. You are one of our Song Dynasty. Then, we will fight for you."

  "No matter how dangerous or suffering is ahead, we will be there to protect everyone, so everyone, don't worry."

  Yaksha soothes the people.

  With her soothing.

  The people gradually fell silent.

  "Do not!"

  An old man stood up.

  He looked at Yaksha and said slowly: "Yaksha pioneer! And every soldier of the Yue family is also a member of our Song Dynasty. If you protect us then we will not stand idly by!"

  Everyone "Take up our arms!"

  "We protect each other!"

  All the people know.

  How terrifying those monsters are! But the people also saw that in order to cover everyone's retreat, the Yue family's army sacrificed a lot of people. Everyone remembers this scene.


  The exit of Zhuxian Town was blocked.


  are countless monsters.

  All the people know that now is the time of life and death! But even so.

  standing in front of the people.

  There are still countless Yue family troops.

  But this time.

  They have to stand up.

  The old man's words sounded.

  Countless people stood up directly, changing their fear and anxiety, and many people directly picked up the objects on the ground and used them as weapons.

  "Take up arms! Defeat these monsters! Let's fight with the Yue Family Army!"

  Countless people shouted to the sky! The momentum echoed in the sky! Every common people's face was full of determination.

  The blood of Chinese people.

  Let the men, women and children in Zhuxian Town take up their weapons and look at the zombies of the Jin Kingdom who are about to rush through the flames in front of them! Everyone.

  They are absolutely incomparable.

  see this scene.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Fu turned their heads.

  in front of the two of them.

  It's a "mob" with a weapon and a determined face

  "This time, it's our turn to protect the Yue family army."

  The old man in front said loudly.

  No one spoke.


  This is the belief of the people! "This is our Chinese people."

  Jiang Fu said to Ma Xiaoling.

  When the Yue family army had to let the people flee even if they sacrificed themselves.

  This scene.

  It's already doomed.

  At this dangerous time of life and death, those people who were afraid, fearful, and uneasy stood up resolutely.

  Perhaps because of fear, the people could only wait for death.

  But at the most dangerous moment.

  There will still be countless people who will stand up and show the blood of China to the fullest! This is also.

  Why is the Yue family army, or in other words, why the soldiers of the Song Dynasty have to protect the Song Dynasty! Because the soldiers of the Song Dynasty are behind.

  All have a home.

  This home is Huaxia.

  "very good"

  "Then, everyone go out with me."

  "Kill out here, we still have a chance!"

  The long sword in Jiang Fu's hand shook! He said to the decisive people in front of him.

  Boom! The flames dissipated in an instant.

  Countless golden soldiers.

  Directly coming! One-third of the population, a total of [-] to [-] people, accompanied the Yue family army, and rushed forward together! The entire Zhuxian Town! Instantly turned into a battlefield! Feilu reminds you: Book three things ,push

Chapter 281 The mighty sea of ​​zombies!That drop of blood from Pangu Guangyu! 【1】

  The screams of killing are endless! The whole Zhuxian Town.

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