An indifferent white fog shrouded the entire Zhuxian Town! 2.

  Number of scary mighty zombies.

  At this moment, all of them are kneeling on the ground! The few people who were on the verge of desperation just now found their greatest vitality! That is! The existence of Jiang Fu! "Eight hundred years later, I never thought that we would meet here. ."

  A gentle voice echoed in Ma Xiaoling's ears! She heard Jiang Fu's words clearly.

  After the voice fell.

  Jiang Fu slowly turned around.

  "Come with me."

  He said softly and walked slowly into the distance.

  Those zombies fell to their knees on the ground! There was absolutely no way to move! The sea of ​​zombies was just fierce and vast! It was extremely silent at the moment! Jiang Gu walked slowly into the distance.

  Ma Xiaoling hesitated for a while.

  He followed slowly.

Chapter 287 A silver lining, see you in eight hundred years!

  she does not know.

  What does Jiang Gu's words mean? I didn't expect to meet her here. Could it be that Jiang Gu knew of her existence and Ma Xiaoling was a little confused.

  She followed Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu slowly walked forward.

  Countless zombies knelt on the ground, trembling on the ground, unable to move, and even those pale red eyes were looking at the front blankly at the moment.

  At the moment when Jiang Gu passed him! His crazy blank eyes regained a trace of sanity.

  He looked beside him, followed Jiang Gu's footsteps, and slowly looked back.

  He saw it.

  His worst enemy in the past.

  At this moment, it was like the emperor who ruled the world, step by step toward the sealed land.

  In his heart, there are too many puzzles and incomprehensions.

  But the power in him seems to have turned into nothingness.

  Completely unable to move.

  Ma Xiaoling followed Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu in front of him regained his deep, sea-like appearance.

  Passing through the endless darkness, the surroundings of Zhuxian Town were extremely silent, and those zombies were trembling on the ground, not daring to make a single sound at all.

  The breeze blew countless bloody smells, and also blew Jiang Gu's long hair scattered on both sides, the long hair fluttered, the armor on his body disappeared without knowing when, and only a white coat was left.

  "A silver lining after [-] years, what happened after [-] years?"

  Jiang Gu asked slowly.


  Ma Xiaoling didn't know how to tell Jiang Gu.

  "A silver lining has emerged."

  Jiang Gu looked at Ma Xiaoling, "The present history has changed."

  He smiled, smiled softly.

  Those deep eyes looked at Ma Xiaoling quietly.

  Seeing those deep eyes, Ma Xiaoling's heart could not help beating.

  She didn't forget what she just said.

  She spoke out about the desperate situation eight hundred years later.

  It was a real darkness and desperation.

  There is no hope that meteorites will break through that atmosphere and destroy everything.

  She came with hope, with the hope of the Three Realms and Six Paths.


  Jiang Gu nodded.

  "Generals, Nuwa, a ray of life, traveling through [-] years of time."

  "It seems that everything has changed."

  He muttered to himself, suddenly burst out laughing, and quickly walked forward under this dark sky.


  Countless zombies crouching on the ground.

  Ma Xiaoling froze in place.

  She didn't understand what Jiang Gu understood.

  But this Jiang Gu was able to infer a lot of things just based on her words.

  That kind of... smoky feeling.

  It made Ma Xiaoling feel that she and Jiang Gu were only a few meters apart, but they seemed to be separated by a layer of sky, like someone who could never be touched. She wanted to stretch out her hand, but what she touched was indeed nothingness.

  This ethereal feeling made Ma Xiaoling's feeling seem unreal.

  Just like the person in front of you.

  It will go away with the wind at any time.

  "A silver lining should be what you're looking for."


  Jiang Gu stopped.

  in front of the two.

  It is a towering peach tree rising from the ground! It exudes a strange power! Under that strange power, the breath belonging to Pangu continues to permeate, suppressing everything.


  Jiang Gu did not know when a very ancient sword appeared in Jiang Gu's hand! It gave Ma Xiaoling a very familiar atmosphere.

  This long sword.

  She seemed to be very familiar with Ma Xiaoling, but she felt a sense of familiarity coming from the Ma family, lingering on the long sword.


  Boom! Boom! The long sword pierced through the air.

  In an instant, it slammed into the peach tree in front! The blade pierced through the body of the peach tree! There were bursts of low roars from the peach tree! Then there was a painful low!

  Under Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes.

  This peach tree.

  Broken slowly.

  The seal of Pangu seemed to sense something, and suddenly a lot of power surged!

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Cut! Ma Xiaoling seems to sense something.

  Her beautiful eyes looked at the bright moon in the sky.

  That bright moon.

  It's about to cross that peak.

  The power of Pangu will destroy everything here! "History, will it change?"

  Ma Xiaoling muttered to herself, and then she asked Jiang Gu: "Will you destroy the Jin Kingdom?"

  Jiang Gu shook his head.

  "I have already done my best."

  "The situation in the world is like this, the fate of all living beings is like this, and everything you change, the good or bad results are destined to be unpredictable."

  "I'm wandering in this world, but I've never made a move to change it once. It may be Jiang Fu or someone who changes the world, but it's never me."

  "Unfortunately, they failed."

  Jiang Gu's words made Ma Xiaoling feel a touch of unfathomable depth.

  "Then who are they and who are you"

  Ma Xiaoling asked this question.


  Jiang Gu's eyes were slightly confused.

  at last.

  He looked at the Bingjian.

  "They are my heart."

  "A heart that has been dead for over a thousand years."

  He laughed.

  "So far in this world, I no longer exist."

  He said, his eyes turned to the power of Pangu in front of him.

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