She picked up the phone, and Uncle Qiu's deep voice came from the other end of the phone: "Xiao Ling, you asked me to find the Madonna peach tree mentioned in the record [-] years ago. I have found some records, among which It is very likely that it has something to do with the first kalpa two thousand years ago."

  When Ma Xiaoling heard the words, she nodded and said, "Okay, I got it, Uncle Qiu."

  After hanging up the phone, Ma Xiaoling glanced at the half mountain peak in front of her with complicated eyes, and then left with Jin Zhengzhong.

  The deepest part of the half mountain peak.

  in the endless abyss.

  A faint breath loomed in this abyss.

  —————— Seeking uncle’s residence.

  "You said before that the Virgin peach tree may not be simple. I searched for some information and found that there are not many records about this Virgin peach tree."

  "But what you said about the record [-] years ago, I have fallen to it."

  "That record seems to have disappeared completely when you changed history. Whether it is Taoism or exorcism, there is no trace of it."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  That's why he's been looking for years! Before that.

  Although the records they looked for eight hundred years ago were not so detailed, at least there was a trace of them.

  But Ma Xiaoling went back eight hundred years later.

  The traces of records disappeared.

  There were no traces of any living people in Zhuxian Town, and even that Yejia disappeared.

  That is to say.

  The past has been changed.

  But Ma Xiaoling didn't know what had changed.

  The only thing that is confirmed is that Zhuxian Town was turned into ruins a long time ago, and no one knows what happened to Zhuxian Town.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  , And when Ma Xiaoling came to this Zhuxian Town, although this Zhuxian Town only had Ye Family, at least there was still a trace of anger.

  But now it is in ruins.

  What's going on here, no one really knows.

  And those who know all this.

  In the third robbery, the breath dissipated, and there was no life.

  The reason why Ma Xiaoling asked Uncle Qiu to find out what happened [-] years ago is that since Jiang Gu already knows what will happen in the future, wouldn't he be prepared?

  So what about Jiang Gu, "Do you remember Yuan Bupo I mentioned to you earlier?"

  Uncle asked.

  "Remember, do you have anything to do with him?"

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  "Of course, I remembered later that since Yuan Bupo was so familiar with the Song Dynasty, maybe he could find a clue."

  "He gave me some records, and I found the ending of Zhuxian Town in the records."

  Uncle said.

  "what ending"

  Ma Xiaoling asked quickly.

  She cares the most.

  It's that... the figure who walked into the white mist.

  Eight hundred years ago, Ma Xiaoling watched him walk into Baiwu with her own eyes.

  Didn't expect it to be the last one.

  That feeling made her very regretful.

  "The catastrophe in Zhuxian Town ended in a white fog"

  "Those zombies in the white fog are all sealed on the ground, and the figure that walked out of the white fog is unknown."

  "The people of Zhuxian Town have no one to live."

  The uncle said in a low voice.

  according to the future as they know it.

  There should be a remnant of the population in Zhuxian Town.

  Why did Ma Xiaoling find a chance of life, but instead made Zhu Xianzhen suffer a life-and-death crisis? There is no one alive. "After the white fog dissipated, a figure appeared in this Zhuxian Town, and she brought disaster and darkness."

  "The last part of the record is four words."

  "Our Lady of Yaochi."

  Uncle Qiu finished the record that Yuan Bupo brought him.

  The Virgin of Yaochi Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes were a little stunned.

  Could it be that Our Lady of Yaochi came back [-] years ago? Zhuxian Town has no survivors, it seems to make sense.

  "Also, I found a little bit"

  "It was the first calamity provoked by the second zombie king two thousand years ago."

  "In that first calamity, I found the slightest similarity."

  Uncle said again.

  "Do you remember, you told me that once the peach tree of Our Lady of Yaochi comes into the world, it will be a catastrophe for the world?"

  Ma Xiaoling nodded: "The contagion of the Virgin Peach tree is terrifying."

  Uncle Qiu: "Yes, infectiousness is very scary."

  "And as far as I know, two thousand years ago, the zombie chaos, the breeding of the first catastrophe, was also because these zombies were extremely infectious."

  "I doubt that the second zombie king has anything to do with the Lady of Yaochi."

  "According to some records, I found that the zombie chaos two thousand years ago was far more terrifying than the blood of the generals of the Third Tribulation."

  "So I think, what does the second zombie king have to do with the Mother of Yaochi and Jiang Gu?"

  The question of what is the relationship between Jiang Gu and the second zombie king has puzzled everyone for four years.

  four years ago.

  Ma Xiaoling returned to [-] years ago and found a lifeline.

  Eight hundred years later.

  That is four years ago.

  The moment the meteorite fell.

  The second zombie king woke up.

Chapter 301 Ask Uncle's Instructions!The existence of Mr. Tianyi!

  What is the relationship between Jiang Gu and the second zombie king, and what happened here and now.

  The appearance of Our Lady of Jade Pond made everything shrouded in a fog.

  "What is certain now is Our Lady of Yaochi, who may have returned."

  "As for the answer you want to find, I think it might be better for you to go to Mr. Tian Yi."

  "in addition"

  Uncle Qiu suddenly sighed heavily.

  "I'm leaving too."

  Ma Xiaoling was stunned.

  Before she could regain her senses, Uncle Qiu continued: "I'm going to return to the earth and go to the underworld."


  Uncle Qiu nodded: "After this calamity, the entire underworld has been in chaos. For four years, countless grievances have wandered in this world, and I was invited by the underworld to let me go and subdue these resentful ghosts."

  "I don't have much time. After I go to the underworld, I will help you find things about the Lady of the Jade Lake. I don't think this matter is that simple, and there may be huge implications."

  Ma Xiaoling revealed a piece of news, that is, someone is looking for a chance to survive.


  It may not be over yet.

  "It's okay, we'll meet again."

  The uncle smiled calmly.

  Although it is said to go to the underworld, in fact, it is also leaving the world, and it is very likely that the heaven and the human are separated forever.

  "After I leave, you must be careful about the second Zombie King and the Lady of the Jade Pond, especially the second Zombie King, who appeared four years ago and then disappeared waiting for the next appearance. It may be a bloody storm."

  Uncle Qiu is instructing Ma Xiaoling.

  Going to the underworld is a very difficult choice.

  But he knows that the human world has no power to deal with the next catastrophe! Jiang Gu's breath dissipates, the world is waiting for the moment when the second zombie king emerges, I am afraid the catastrophe will come again, so he must go to the underworld , maybe waiting for the catastrophe to come, he can still bring a glimmer of life.

  The general dies.

  The death of Jiang Gu is now the biggest catastrophe in the world.

  It is the second zombie king.


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