Ma Xiaoling looked at the hotel in front of her and said lightly.

  Once this resentment spreads, the area around the hotel will be thousands of miles away.

  All may be eroded by this resentment.

  Ordinary people who are eroded by resentment may be eroded by their sanity and become: attacking people indiscriminately.

  "Fortunately there is another walkie-talkie."

  Mao You said to Ma Xiaoling.

  The two of them knew that ordinary walkie-talkies were useless in the spiritual barrier, and in order to avoid this from happening, there was just such a walkie-talkie in the spiritual equipment.

  Mao You took out a walkie-talkie again.

  She turned on the walkie-talkie and said, "Can anyone hear me?"

  "Hear the speed answer,."

  Her voice came into the walkie-talkie.

  But there was a rustling voice on the other end of the walkie-talkie, like a random frequency.

  "Someone turned into a ghost."

  "He's going to kill us"

  Intermittent voices came from the walkie-talkie.

  after it is issued.

  A strange and cold low voice came out again after the intermittent sound.

  Mao You and Ma Xiaoling couldn't help feeling a little.

  It was like a ghost was looming at the two of them on the walkie-talkie.

  "The situation is not very good, the magnetic field of this enchantment is too strong, and even breaking the magnetic field walkie-talkie has no effect."

  Maoyou frowned and looked at the hotel in front of him.

  The hotel in front of you.

  The resentment grew stronger.

  It has even begun to spread to the periphery.

  From outside the hotel, it gradually spread for ten miles.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Mao You took out the walkie-talkie again and asked her troops for support.

  "Disperse all ordinary people in a radius of ten thousand miles."

  The instructions she gave were simple.

  Faced with such an event, it must be dealt with as soon as possible.

  Even if this is a special period, human beings can't stand the shock, but if these grievances continue to pervade and erode, then people in this area will be greatly affected. Even if this spiritual weapon is solved, these people's bodies will produce various Visions can lead to unrest in life.

  Ma Xiaoling walked around and carefully observed the hotel.

  "I don't have enough spells in my hand to set up the formation. It is difficult for us to forcefully break through this barrier."

  "But it's not impossible."

  Ten spells appeared in her hand.

  She waved forward.

  Om! The talisman was immediately attached to the barrier! She held the magic wand in one hand and a seal in the other.

  The talisman burned, and a mass of terrifying energy spread out in an instant, turning into golden light to cover an enchantment, and then the golden light kept attacking the enchantment, and the enchantment vibrated violently! Boom! whee"


  "Want to play with me?"

  A cold and strange laughter came out from under the dim sky.

  Ma Xiaoling and Mao You instantly looked at the rooftop of the hotel.

  On the roof of the hotel.

  The two saw a terrifying scene.

  I saw it on the roof of the hotel.

  A little girl in a white shirt looked at the two with a weird smile on her face, behind the dark night sky, the surrounding was cold and dark, she was wearing a white shirt, very strange and terrifying.

  her face.

  He laughed so weirdly and intriguingly.

  Those eyes were full of resentment, but with a smile, they stared at the two of them under the night sky.

  Endless resentment.



  Suddenly, Ma Xiaoling seemed to sense something.

  She looked at a place where resentment filled her eyes.

  in the moment just now.

  She seemed to sense a familiar scent.

  Boom! Suddenly.

  Just when Ma Xiaoling was distracted! Endless resentment and coldness spread from the hotel.

  Five or six hundred grievances slowly poured out from all over the hotel.


  Under the ground, countless unjust souls poured out from the ground, looking at everything around them resentfully.

  "This is"

  Mao You looked forward with some anxiety.

  A lot of resentful ghosts and grievances poured out from the ground, and the resentment of these ghosts is very strong! Hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands of grievances and innumerable souls, instantly covered the surrounding of the hotel! "Hee hee hee"

  "Come become a shadow and play with me"

  A grim laughter.

  Ma Xiaoling and others saw that there were dense shadow marks outside the hotel.

  As the little girl's words fell.

  Those shadow marks gradually turned into ghosts.

  And the resentful ghosts pouring out of the ground and outside the hotel are overwhelmingly rushing towards the hotel! In an instant! The entire hotel is surrounded by thousands of miles, and there are screams of panic! The entire hotel is thousands of miles away.

  Make a mess directly! And the barrier in front of Ma Xiaoling! But it's getting more and more solid! "Not good!"

  Mao You feels that things are starting to get out of control! No one knows how terrifying this spirit weapon will be! And how terrifying the ghosts created by this ghost weapon will be! Once these ghosts emerge, it will be a catastrophe Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect, push

Chapter 305 The horror of spirit weapons!The ghost that infects everything!

  But all this has been unstoppable! Endless ghosts poured out, causing ordinary people in a radius of ten thousand miles to panic in an instant! Although the third calamity has passed, it is the shadow of everyone! So try to avoid supernatural events everywhere! The chaos of the residents! But the occurrence of the supernatural incident in this hotel instantly stirred everyone's sensitive heart! The darkness of the third calamity is the greatest fear in human hearts! Now.

  The residents who were thousands of miles away were panicked when they saw the ghosts and ghosts coming towards them overwhelmingly.

  However, Mao You's troops responded quickly and instantly blocked everything in a radius of [-] miles, preventing those journalists from entering and filming, but even so, they could still see what happened here from a radius.

  An agglomeration of anger.

  There seemed to be countless ghosts surging in the air.

  And those ghosts and ghosts shuttled through various buildings, sucking the yang qi of those who failed to evacuate in time.

  "Sir! The big thing is bad! Many ordinary people are sucked by yang energy"

  A frightened and disturbed voice came from Mao You's walkie-talkie.

  "Even if you take yang qi, you must avoid the biggest casualties. You must evacuate people from thousands of miles away. In addition, I have taught you how many times the most important reaction is to calm down."

  Mao You was a little dissatisfied.

  This team member was trained by her, but now she is so flustered when she encounters a little thing! When she is flustered, especially when it comes to supernatural things, she is most likely to be caught by ghosts.

  When the mind is in chaos, the seven souls and six spirits are in chaos, and ghosts are more likely to invade the body.

  "No, sir, these people who are sucked by Yang Qi have become shadows."

  "And those ghosts patted our team members, and one team member became a shadow!"

  "And for some unknown reason, a lot of ghosts suddenly appeared on the ground. After these ghosts appeared, they attacked us crazily."

  "The ghosts we conquered before also broke through the seal and rushed out, not as docile as before, thinking of attacking us!"

  The panicked voice of the team members sounded! They have just subdued a lot of ghosts, these ghosts are all good ghosts, and they are very easy to subdue! So they didn't put any seals, but now, these ghosts suddenly broke the five-pointed star and attacked frantically. Look at them! Mao You's expression changed: "What did you say!"

  The team member on the other end said with a sad face: "Many people have become shadows, ah"

  His voice stopped abruptly! Mao You's expression changed slightly! Bang! The magic wand in Ma Xiaoling's hand was beaten! The ghosts who were about to pour out in front were instantly beaten in half! Endless grievances filled the air!" !"

  A talisman appeared in Ma Xiaoling's hand! The talisman hit the air, and instantly turned into a flame! Under the flame, those who were a little bit closer were burned by the flame! The ghost was about to disperse! A flame filled the air Come on! But only a part of the ghosts can be eliminated! "These ghosts are getting more and more."

  Mao You said in a deep voice, "Girl, it seems that you are summoning the souls of those who have already died. Since the third calamity, more than one billion people have died, and in Xiangjiang alone, there are several million."

  "Where these grievances permeate, those ghosts wandering in the world seem to be infected."

  Mao You looked around.

  They knew best that there were many ghosts in the hotel without resentment, and those ghosts were called good ghosts, but now the five or six hundred people poured out of the hotel first, which proved that these ghosts were infected. .

  This spirit weapon is far more powerful than Mao You and Ma Xiaoling thought!

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