"Yuan Bupo."

  this man.

  It's just perfect.

  It was the general of the Jin Kingdom [-] years ago! He didn't know Ma Xiaoling's name, but after [-] years, he finally discovered that the woman who appeared [-] years ago was Ma Xiaoling.

  "I wanted to meet you later, but it seems that the current situation does not allow it."

  He smiled.

  Looking at the little girl in front of him, he said slowly, "Let's go, Alice, I'll take you home."

  He stretched out his hand.

  "Come back home"

  "I don't have a home anymore"

  "Hee hee hee"

  Alice smiled strangely! The moment her laughter came out! A strange mass of terrifying resentment energy! Instantly slammed into Wanyan Bubu! That strange resentment energy seemed to have countless ghosts intertwined in it, madly banging To that Wanyan Bupu! Wanyan Bupu's glasses-wearing eyes were slightly startled.


  He let out a low roar! The terrifying corpse aura surged out in an instant! The moment it emerged, the terrifying aura permeated his body! Boom—the terrifying momentum spread out in an instant! "Zombie King"

  "No, not the zombie king."

  Mao You saw the pale red in Wanyan's eyes, but Wanyan's breath did not reach the Zombie King at all! "It's a pseudo-generation stronger than the second-generation zombie."

  “There is also here”

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Zhongshan Miyue behind her.

  The previous Zhongshan Miyuki felt like this to her.

  It's just that with Jiang Gu's departure, the power of Zhongshan Miyuki no longer exists.

  Even Ma Xiaoling felt that if Zhongshan Meixue's zombie bloodline still existed, it might be even more terrifying than Wanyan Bupo! This is the power of Jiang Gu's bloodline! Bang! A blood-colored mist appeared in his hand, and he shot straight forward! The blood-colored mist covered the resentment energy! But when the blood-colored mist wanted to cover the resentment energy.

  The grievances around that anger immediately moved towards the anger energy! "Not good!"

  "The power of this grudge magnetic field is helping Alice!"

  "She is almost invincible in this resentment magnetic field."

  Mao You said in a deep voice.

  They all felt it.

  The power of Alice! Wanyan Bupo watched the resentment energy expand! A hint of surprise appeared in the pale blood-colored eyes! Bang! ! Directly knocked Wanyan Bupo back ten steps! "This"

  Unbroken eyes narrowed slightly.

  Eight hundred years.

  He was never injured.

  But today.

  He reached out to the corner of his mouth.

  A trace of blood appeared.

  He slumped Alice in front of him! In this resentment magnetic field, Alice's power, although not stronger than him, can use the resentment magnetic field to defeat him! [Change the keyboard a little] Fei Lu reminds you: reading three things collection, push

Chapter 309 Life is hanging by a thread!That familiar aura... is back! 【3】

  on this magnetic field.

  Wanyan Bupo also felt the constant resentment around her! These resentments are Alice's energy and Alice's strength.

  He didn't expect that he had miscalculated! "These are the ghosts who died in the third robbery, wandering in the world, Alice should have been infected with these ghosts, so the resentment became more and more intense, which directly caused the magnetic field."

  Maoyou said.

  "The magnetic field of resentment."

  Unbroken eyes narrowed slightly.

  Unexpectedly, the problems left by the third robbery actually caused Alice to become even more terrifying! "Roar!"

  Wanyan Bupo let out a low growl, he slowly took off his glasses, his pale red pupils looked at the grievances around him, and said to Alice, "Alice, I'm here to help you, you"

  Bang! His words haven't been finished yet! Alice's resentment energy suddenly swept up! Alice, who was standing in the center of the grievance soul, let out a strange laugh, her hair was floating behind her, and there was no wind! Her resentment His eyes looked stubbornly unbroken.

  Om! Resentment energy distorts the space! Hit Wanyan Bupa again! Bang! Bang! Bang! Three consecutive hits! Wanyan Bupa's body instantly retreats! Om! Behind Alice! A blood-colored mist shrouded in an instant! "Dragon God pardoned, Vulcan borrowed the law! Sleepy!"

  Ma Xiaoling's talisman appeared, and she threw it straight ahead! The humming flames intertwined! Alice was controlled in an instant! Isolated Alice's magnetic field resentment! The blood-colored mist directly covered Alice's body! One breath! Just when he thought he was successful.

  "You are all bastards!"

  The cold cry of resentment came from Alice's mouth! Alice's resentment, who was stained with resentment by the ghost who died in the third robbery, was far more terrifying than before! The moment her voice fell, a terrifying mighty force broke through the blood mist ! The energy like a sea is like a giant mountain hitting Wanyan but not breaking! Bang! Wanyan is not breaking body back dozens of steps! And Alice in the flames broke through the blood-colored fog.

  The body actually grew slowly! As she grew bigger, a cloud of black mist filled her body, the black mist enveloped her, her body broke through the flame, and suddenly swept up! Dozens of meters high The huge body filled with black mist appeared on the magnetic field of resentment.

  And the resentment of those resentful magnetic fields implicated Alice in the black mist at this moment, and in an instant, a mighty and terrifying force swept out directly! At this moment! in front of the crowd.

  Looking at the crazy Alice in front of him, his expression changed slightly.

  "I didn't expect that what Mr. Tian Yi said was actually true."

  He said in a low voice.

  "Mr. Tianyi"

  Ma Xiaoling heard this key name.

  This is one of the clues that Uncle Qiu said! "Mr. Tianyi asked me to help take down Alice, but he said that Alice may have variables, which are closely related to the legacy of the third calamity."

  Wanyan said indifferently.

  "By the way, don't ask where Mr. Yi is, when he wants to appear, he will appear."

  Wanyan Bupo looked at Ma Xiaoling.

  The meaning is self-evident.

  This sentence was said to Ma Xiaoling.

  "Did Mr. Yi... tell you how to solve this crisis that day?"

  Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes.


  Wanyan Bupo shook his head.

  "But, as he said, there is a silver lining in resentment."

  He also did not understand what Mr. Tian Yi said.

  But the immediate crisis is really not something he can handle.

  Under this crisis, his zombie identity is not the opponent of this Alice! This Alice itself is a major Shura, plus

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The resentment magnetic field, the accumulation of ghost resentment left over from the third robbery, has directly turned into a terrifying existence that surpasses the Great Shura! It can even defeat everyone with the help of the resentment magnetic field! "Didi Di"

  Mao You's walkie-talkie rang.

  "Following the doomsday catastrophe, an unknown incident broke out in Hong Kong again"

  "Zizzi countless people Zizi has become a shadow Zizzi Xiangjiang is in a panic again"

  Intermittent voices sounded on the walkie-talkie.

  This is the channel where the news is broadcast.

  the situation outside.

  Very critical! After those ghosts were infected, they attacked human beings, causing countless people to become shadows! This is the most serious disaster after the third calamity! Hear the words of the walkie-talkie.

  Everyone's expression became more and more serious! If they continued, even if everyone worked together to solve Alice, there would be countless casualties in the outside world! Not to mention.

  Alice in front of you.

  Everyone is hardly an opponent! "Dragon God pardoned, Thor took advantage of the law! Boom!"

  Ma Xiaoling threw the spell in her hand! Endless thunder surged above the sky! It slammed directly at Alice! Mao You threw a spell in one hand! Endless water mist directly covered Alice! Terrifying sealing ability, Let the grievances around you freeze! "Wonderful!"

  Ma Xiaoling snorted softly! Even if her face is not broken, she naturally knows that now is the best chance! "Roar!"

  His body moved forward in an instant! The violent force in his hand went directly towards Alice in the black mist! Three-way force! At the same time! After Ma Xiaoling cast the spell, the magic wand in her hand shook! Wanyan Bupo attacked Alice together! "You are all bad people"

  A gloomy voice sounded! A pair of huge green pupils emerged in the black mist! The moment Wanyan Bupo and Ma Xiaoling attacked her, the intense resentment energy exploded! The thunder light and the water mist were dissipated directly! Ma Xiaoling and Wanyan Bupo were already approaching Alice! Seeing this scene, their expressions sank slightly.

  Bang! In the black mist, the violent force distorted the space, and rushed towards Wanyan Bupo and Ma Xiaoling in an instant! The violent force formed by the resentment seemed to tear everything apart, and the air was filled with a trace of cracks! Rich resentment Appeared in the sky! Bang! Ma Xiaoling's body was hit by the violent force in an instant! The magic wand in her hand fell on the ground! She and Wanyan were not broken.

  Directly shot up! "You"

  "Give me into the shadow world."

  An eerie gloomy laughter came.

  Endless black fog.

  Emerged from that Alice.

  A strange force suddenly swept in.

  Wanyan Bupo and Ma Xiaoling fell to the ground, separated by a long distance, Ma Xiaoling spit out a large mouthful of blood, and that violent force almost killed her.

  Feeling the monstrous black mist, Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes showed a hint of despair.

  Yu Kimura, who was shrouded in the black mist for the first time, turned into a shadow! Before everyone could react, the black mist continued to spread and approached Ma Xiaoling in an instant, "Master!"

  Jin Zhengzhong shouted! Om Ma Xiaoling closed her eyes at the moment when the black fog was about to approach Ma Xiaoling.

  She was seriously injured and had no strength to resist.

  The moment she closed her eyes.


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