That battle.

  She saw it with her own eyes.

  Jiang Gu's breath has completely dissipated.


  He actually returned. "If he can come back, then there is a great chance to prevent the two from fighting."

  Tomorrow breathed a sigh of relief.

  after all.

  She had seen Jiang Gu's power.


  The only thing she was worried about.

  It's that... one of the three books from heaven.

  Once let him appear, things will not be easy.

  Millions of years ago, that plan failed and the plan came to a standstill.

  And recently, the Pangu people have sensed it, and that guy has already started to sabotage secretly.

  "You must be careful."

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Tomorrow said to everyone, "Some things have exceeded your guesses and imaginations."

  She can't say too much.

  What she knows is also limited but it is enough to make everyone's worldview change drastically.

  "You have a good rest, here, we will not let you have an accident."

  Ma Xiaoling said to Mingyue lying on the bed.

  "I go first."

  Wanyan Bubao seems to have something in his heart.

  , and soon left here.

  ————————In a villa.

  A man in a white suit sits in front of a white table.

  In front of him.

  There are twelve black books neatly placed here.


  "The Book of Heaven has begun to reorganize"

  A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  The destruction of the third kalpa begins.

  Tianshu has already begun to be unable to predict the future ending, or in other words, a lot has changed, but today, at that moment.

  After the energy that shook the world emerged.

  The Book of Heaven began to reorganize.

  Could it be that he thought of a possibility.

  These two groups of energies probably have a lot to do with the reorganization of the Heavenly Book.

  That is to say.

  These two groups of energy may be variables.

  Om! All of a sudden.

  He saw the book in front of him opened directly.

  Countless densely packed words slowly passed through the book.

  "what happened!"

  Dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead! This was the first time he had seen a book from heaven get out of control! The dense words flowed in those twelve books.

  Om! Countless black words formed a cloud of black mist, which suddenly swept away towards the man in the white suit! The man in the white suit was engulfed by the black mist before he could react.

  The black mist all over the sky poured into the body of the man in the white suit! The man in the white suit had not had time to struggle.

  After half a sound.

  His scattered pupils slowly converged.


  A strange smile appeared on his cheek.

  "I'm finally back"

  "Variables between heaven and earth have occurred, the Book of Heaven is about to be reorganized, the Pangu Clan will perish, and there is no one in the world who can stop me."

  "Even if you hide something, I'll know about it sooner or later!"

  He sneered and waved his hand.

  Twelve books, closed in an instant.

  ————————In front of half the mountain peak.

  Jiang Gu felt the breath that belonged to Pangu.

  He opened his eyes, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

  "When you enter the game, you have already lost."

  His voice fell.


  When he opened his eyes, a black mist appeared.

  "here we go again."

  He walked into half of the mountain peak.

  For four years, after the second form of darkness revived, his dark state gradually began to get out of control.

  Although he can control some consciousness, it is only a trace.

  In this dark revival, he must suppress himself.

  He walked up the long stairs to the platform in the dark.

  below that.

  It is an endless abyss.

  He didn't hesitate.

  From above, it rushed down.

  The long darkness enveloped him.

Chapter 319 The Arrival of Our Lady of Yaochi!The woman who appeared in the bar!

  Endless darkness.

  wrap him up.

  Above that half of the mountain peak, the golden light in the sky burst into five in an instant, and darkness emerged! ——————Bar.

  Seriously injured tomorrow.

  After she said what was in her heart, she felt a lot more relaxed.

  After all, if Jiang Gu participated in this battle, then the chance to face fate would be even greater! But now the most important thing is to capture fate! Just when Ma Xiaoling was going to leave the room and let her have a good rest tomorrow.



  A vast aura instantly enveloped the entire bar! Ma Xiaoling and the others, who were about to leave just now, changed their expressions slightly, all of them stood there vigilantly and looked around.

  I saw in the surrounding buildings, around the simple room, there was a slight rush of blood-colored mist.

  These blood-colored mists were very light, and as they gradually poured in, a terrifying aura instantly made everyone feel breathless.

  An extreme depression.

  Instant influx! Then.

  At the door of the living room.

  The door opens immediately.

  A cloud of blood-colored mist poured in.

  At the moment of influx, a woman in black gauze appeared at the entrance of the hall.

  Everyone in the room saw the black veil woman at a glance.

  The blood mist covering the sky covered her, and she came slowly.

  "You can't protect her."

  "None of the Pangu people are innocent."

  "I have been sealed for such a long time, why, even a word, was not allowed to tell the King of Humans?"

  The woman's voice in the blood mist was steady, but it made people feel trembling all over.

  Especially Kuang Fusheng and Arrow, their bodies were shaking so badly that they wanted to leave here.

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