"It will come out of the nest."

  Just like two thousand years ago.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the spell in her hand.

  "Shenlong should have been seriously injured by the power of the Mother of Yaochi just now."

  Ma Xiaoling's explanation.

  Making Mao You seem to understand something, her beautiful eyes widened: "It means that the recovery of the world's demons is what I want."

  "Dealing with the Dragon"

  Ma Xiaoling turned to look at her.


  The monsters in the world came out of their nests.

  This is a catastrophe! A catastrophe far more terrifying than a spirit weapon! Om.

  Those faint green mists slowly gathered in the sky.

  Seems to be at the next moment.

  It is about to swallow up the golden mist! "Retreat!"

  At the moment when the golden mist was about to be swallowed up! A low voice emerged! The moment it emerged! The faint green mist seemed to sense something, Sam! The entire sky.

  Only a wisp of golden-yellow golden mist remained.

  As the voice emerged, the golden aura was as dazzling as a galaxy! It shocked the monsters in all directions! In an instant! The monsters between heaven and earth.

  Don't dare to move! Ma Xiaoling and Mao You's eyes looked beside them in disbelief.

  Just beside him.

  An old man with gray hair in a white robe appeared behind the two of them.

  He looked pale, and his breath was weak.

  But when he stood there, there was an air of indifference and self-arrogance, which shocked Xiao Xiao! "Uncle Wang"

  Ma Xiaoling shouted softly.


  Mao You sensed the breath of the dragon from the old man.

  "cough cough"

  After the old man said this, he coughed twice.

  His breath is very

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading


  But his eyes remained calm.

  "did not think of"

  "Today, two thousand years later, I will be seriously injured."

  He smiled wryly and shook his head.

  "Uncle Wang, you"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the old man worriedly.

  "The power of Our Lady of Yaochi is very strange, and it gradually eroded my life force. Maybe, I should be like this."

  Uncle Wang looked at Ma Xiaoling with kind eyes.

  "It's just you that I worry about."

  "The grievances of the Ma family, the grievances and grievances two thousand years ago, the monsters in the world don't want to swallow your Ma family generation all the time."

  "Once I leave, those sleeping monsters will revive, and the world will be in chaos."

  he said slowly.

  Once he leaves the world's demons, he will recover from that slumber, because once he leaves, the world's demons will have no scruples and will bring chaos to the world! The existence of the dragon.

  It is to suppress and deter the demons in the world! Once he dies.

  The demons in the world will have no scruples.

  More serious is.

  All the demons in the world have been dealt with by the Ma family, and those demons and grievances captured by the Ma family will devour the descendants of the Ma family when it is weakest! This is the revenge of the Ma family.

  It is also the sin of the dragon.

  "I came from the vast universe to suppress all the demons in the world."

  "I should have left two thousand years ago, but I never thought that that sword, that young man, saved my life."

  "For two thousand years, the master asked me to protect the Ma family from generation to generation. It seems that I have lived to this day, it is enough."

  "I'm getting old too."

  Shenlong smiled softly.

  There was an indescribable vicissitude in his eyes.

  Those years seem to have come to the fore.

  The boy stretched out his hand to him.

  So far.

  He has been guarding the Ma family since that graceful young man until now! A promise on paper.

  He not only suppressed the demons in the world for two thousand years.

  He also guarded the Ma family for two thousand years.

  "Uncle Wang, the master you said"

  "Is it him"

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes were filled with indescribable horror.

  The most feared spirit in the world, the dragon.

  He actually recognized a Zombie King as the master Shenlong. He seemed to understand Ma Xiaoling's thoughts. His kind eyes were full of vicissitudes: "Everything in this world is far more complicated than you think, and it is far more tortuous than you think."

  "It seems that there is always an invisible hand controlling our destiny."

  "One day, you will understand, Xiaoling."

  His words were very meaningful.


  Ma Xiaoling was a little puzzled, "He is the zombie king, is there anyone else who can control his fate?"

  "No one can control his fate."


  "Apart from him"

  Shenlong's words became more and more profound, making people feel unfathomable.

  No one can control the fate of the Zombie King.

  But what about the fate of the people beside the Zombie King? This is the answer.

  Ma Xiaoling couldn't understand.

  "If you want to understand, maybe, the fifth and sixth parts of the Ma family will have the answer you want."

  "It's just that I don't know if I can last until the day I see you find the answer."

  "I'm running out of time."

  His eyes looked deeply at the two of them, with indescribable reluctance and helplessness.

  "Only three days."

  "Three days later, I should also leave and return to the dust of this world."

  To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 322 The First Calamity of Two Thousand Years!Hidden thing!

  three days.

  The dragon will face death.

  "Uncle Wang, don't."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  She felt depressed in her heart.

  Uncle Qiu left, auntie left her relatives, and it seems that they don't exist anymore.


  Even the dragon who guarded the Ma family generation had to leave.

  Uncle Wang smiled softly.

  "I'm going to find Our Lady of Yaochi to settle accounts now!"

  Ma Xiaoling turned around and went directly to the Lady of Yaochi to settle accounts! "Xiaoling!"

  Uncle Wang stopped Ma Xiaoling.

  "Our Lady of Yaochi has shown mercy."

  "My injury existed two thousand years ago."

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