Slowly emerged from there.

  Everyone looked around.

  I saw it outside the Xiangjiang River.

  One after another, black figures covering the sky and the sun blocked the entire Xiangjiang! I don't know how many terrifying monsters were waiting for the opportunity to move the entire Xiangjiang outside the Xiangjiang, surrounded by the endless monsters, filled with an extremely depressing breath.

  Xiangjiang's human skin was in a panic.

  Reports from all over the world have set their sights on Xiangjiang! To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter 324 The Demon Breaks the Formation!Terrible crash! 【5】

  around the bar.

  It's a dense group of supernatural troops wearing black supernatural equipment! They patrolled around vigilantly, feeling the suppressed breath in the air, and every member of the supernatural troop was nervous.

  They usually deal with ghosts.

  But now to face it.

  It's those monsters who have come back from all over the world! On the rooftop.

  Mao You and the others looked around vigilantly.

  The golden mist was about to dissipate gradually.

  As the golden mist dissipated, the faint green mist became more and more intense! The whole world was enveloped by this dark green aura, and on the periphery of the Xiangjiang River, those dormant demons outside the Xiangjiang River were no longer concealed at this moment. Slowly approaching the bar from outside the Xiangjiang River.

  A sky full of monsters.

  Like a vast black galaxy, it is so oppressive that people can't breathe, the whole world seems to be shrouded in darkness, and now that darkness is slowly closing! Countless demons.

  From that day and the earth, the surge came! "After all, it came."

  Uncle Wang's figure slowly appeared behind Ma Xiaoling and the others.

  "I didn't experience a catastrophe two thousand years ago, and I knew that this day would come sooner or later."

  “The only pity is”

  "I haven't seen you in love yet."

  3 Uncle Wang looked at Ma Xiaoling with a kind expression on his face.

  "I have guarded the Ma family for two thousand years. I never thought that in my last life, I would find myself again."

  "Those years seemed no different from what you are experiencing now."

  "A sword, a boy, a woman, traveled all over the Kyushu, slaying demons and eradicating demons."

  "No difference, no difference"

  He smiled.

  It seems that there is something to be said.

  Everything that has happened during this period.

  It seems to have gone through that long time ago.

  Ma Xiaoling didn't understand Wang Bo's words.

  But right now.

  These are not the point.

  The endless darkness was slowly approaching, and the golden-yellow aura had weakened to the point of almost dissipating.

  those monsters.

  No more cover up.

  A monster with a huge body poured out from all over the sky.

  There are thousands of zhang high monsters! This monster is like a sculpture and has horns, its voice is like a baby, and it is cannibal.

  The leopard body, carved mouth, and one horn! It is the ancient monster Gu carving! The snake hook, the scorpion, and the countless monsters that have survived from ancient times to the present are slowly coming from all over the world.

  Its Taoism has almost exceeded [-] years! There are countless thousand-year-old, ten-thousand-year Taoxing demons, all following behind these demons, slowly approaching.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at everything in front of her.

  I couldn't help thinking of the fourth part of the record I saw in the dragon's body.

  Just the current situation.

  It is far more dangerous than two thousand years ago! Today's Shenlong has lost its power to suppress the demons in the world! Two thousand years of demons, there is still a trace of power to suppress those demons.

  "Horse House"


  "I was born from those chaotic years, and suppressed me for millions of years"

  "Have you ever thought about today's retribution?"

  Cold voice.

  reverberates in the dark.

  Countless gloomy eyes looked at everyone on the rooftop coldly from the darkness.

  Those demons gradually gathered from the periphery of the Xiangjiang River.



  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading



  The three thousand paranormal troops picked up the weapons in their hands and aimed at the surrounding darkness! The strong depressive atmosphere made people almost breathless! Even some weak-willed paranormal troops had fallen directly, and their bodies could not help shaking! The will of the members of the army is very strong! But some are only a lot stronger than ordinary people, and these people are the first to fall.

  Today's oppressive breath is enough to crush the will of ordinary people! Between these demons' words.

  Darkness gathers again.

  Endless darkness.

  It's getting closer to the bar.

  Om! At the moment when the monsters are getting closer! A ray of golden light suddenly swept out! The bar is centered around a radius of [-] meters.

  In an instant, a huge formation emerged! The formation was intertwined with spells, and the terrifying and mighty power was filled with golden light, which illuminated the darkness in an instant! The formation emerged! The fallen members of the supernatural army were relieved! Ma Xiaoling and others also breathed a sigh of relief.

  The depressing breath just now.

  If such a terrifying act of Taoism continues to be suppressed, I am afraid that they will all be defeated without a fight.

  An array of golden light shrouded the bar's radius of [-] meters.

  The entire area of ​​[-] meters is filled with endless golden light, and the golden light is intertwined with spells, resisting those monsters on the periphery.

  The demons did not attack.

  hum all of a sudden.

  The golden scent above the bar was only a trace of light, and finally slowly dissipated.

  It was like a faint light was gradually extinguished.

  Uncle Wang's breath.

  Debilitated to the extreme! This moment.

  Boom - the terrifying and mighty aura suddenly swept out over the Xiangjiang River! The air of demons filled the sky.

  In an instant, the land of Kyushu was swept across the land of Kyushu! Among them, the Xiangjiang demon was the most powerful! At this moment! Above the sky, the green mist turned into a vortex! A group of vortices appeared! ,!"


  A cold drink! Echoes the entire Xiangjiang! The terrifying and mighty power blasts towards the formation in an instant! Countless low-pitched voices accompany the attack! Millions of demons roar at the same time! The endless darkness makes people feel like they are in the endless black sea, People can feel suffocated when they look at them! Bang! Bang! Bang! The terrifying impact force made the formation violently shake! Cracks emerged from the formation! "Shoot."

  Mao You picked up the walkie-talkie and said coldly.

  She looked at the monster outside the law with her beautiful eyes.


  Wherever you look, whether it is in the sky, in the air, or on the ground, there are densely packed demons! Tiger demons, spiders, and white foxes that once existed in the world are all crazy! They are constantly attacking the formation! The formation is crumbling. .

  It seems that it will be completely broken in the next moment! "Xiao Ling."

  Uncle Wang glanced at Ma Xiaoling.

  He had too many words to say that the catastrophe was inevitable.

  He didn't want Ma Xiaoling and others to be buried with him.

  It's just that the words are on his lips, but he can't say them.

  After all, the person who protects the horse family from generation to generation.

  He knew very well what the character of Ma Linger two thousand years ago was like.

  And the character of Ma Xiaoling two thousand years later is almost the same! "Array"


  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly.

  The magic wand in his hand appeared in an instant! A golden aura suddenly filled the air! Above that.

  The formation formed by the golden charms shattered in an instant! The demons all over the sky came in like darkness in an instant! Feilu reminds you: [-] things to read, collect, push

Chapter 325 The Return of Everyone... Just Like Years Before! 【6】

  Endless monster.

  Came by.

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