"If you don't mind, you can take me to see it."

  Ma Xiaoling said.

  Yuan Bupo thought for a while.

  Finally nodded.

  He also wanted to ask Mr. Tian Yi what was going on.

  Why was Alice taken away by Our Lady of Yaochi?

  "Let's go."

  Hearing this, Ma Xiaoling took out the vanity case directly from the bar and said to Jin Zhengzhong and Kuang Fusheng at the bar, "Help me manage it well, I'll be back soon."

  "Understood, Master."

  Jin Zhengzhong pouted, "I am an exorcist, a descendant of the Ma family, so I actually want to come to the bar"

  "Then do you want to go to the West to catch vampires?"

  Ma Xiaoling glared at him.

  Recently, the vampires in the West have been a little turbulent after Na Jianggu's recovery.

  When Ma Xiaoling and Yuan Bupo left.

  Bar door.

  Jiang Gu walked in slowly.

  "Are you interested in meeting Mr. Tianyi with us?"

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes lit up when she saw Jiang Gu.

  "Mr. Tianyi."

  Jiang Guwen's eyes flashed a strange color, "Let's go."

  "It's so easy to promise, I said it first, but I don't have the money to pay you for your help now."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu and smiled slightly.

  "Let's go."

  Jiang Gu smiled gently and turned to leave.

  "It really hasn't changed at all."

  Ma Xiaoling muttered.

  "Are you familiar?"

  Yuan Bupo asked suddenly.

  "What questions do you want to ask me"

  Ma Xiaoling saw that Yuan Bupo seemed to have something to ask.

  "Is he Jiang Fu?"

  Yuan Bupo looked at Jiang Gu's back and asked, "Did he have this identity back then?"

  identity he said.

  Naturally the zombie king.

  That kind of... repression.

  make him feel intimidated.

  "do not know."

  Ma Xiaoling shook her head.

  Her beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Gu's back, and for a while, her eyes were a little splendid.

  The time of Lucifer's appearance can be traced back to the age of the gods in the west, the fallen lord of the dark hell, which is far longer than the age of the Song Dynasty.

  And Jiang Gu seems to be involved with the second zombie king.

  There is even a possibility in Ma Xiaoling's mind.

  That scene, that sword, that young man seemed.

  so similar.

  Maybe, Part [-]::Partial records will have the answer she wants.


  She stepped forward quickly and sat in front of the car.

  Yuan Bupo told Ma Xiaoling the address of Mr. Tian Yi.

  Ma Xiaoling started the vehicle.

  ————————In a building.

  There are countless buildings rising from the ground, and there are many buildings.

  Ma Xiaoling's car stopped in front of an alley.

  Next to the alley are high-rise buildings.

  "He's in there."

  Yuan Bupo pointed to the end of the alley.


  There is no entrance.

  Ma Xiaoling heard the words, picked up the makeup box and walked towards the end of the alley.

  Jiang Gu slowly followed behind.

  The moment he entered the alley.

  He sensed a strange smell.

  "It's really weird, there should be some formation here."

  Ma Xiaoling looked around.

  Just when she was about to take out the makeup box and break the formation.


  Jiang Gu, who was beside her, tapped his finger lightly.

  A touch of energy poured into the depths of the alley in an instant, and at the moment of influx, there was a slight fluctuation, and then it seemed that something broke.

  At the end of that alley.

  A door appeared.

Chapter 331 Kuang Tianya is Missing!Dozens of corpses appeared!

  That door appeared at the end of the alley.

  Seeing the appearance of the door, Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu and rolled her eyes.

  There seems to be something that Jiang Gu can't solve.

  Yuan Bupo opened the door.

  What catches the eye is a beautifully decorated villa.


  Just walked in the door.

  Ma Xiaoling and Yuan Bupo were stunned by the scene in front of them.

  In that beautifully decorated villa, there are dense words on all the walls! "Fate"

  "came back"

  These words were densely packed on the wall, almost filling the entire wall! Jiang Gu's deep eyes looked forward.

  In front of that, he felt an unfamiliar aura and he stroked the wall with his hand.

  These dense fonts.

  Destiny has already appeared.

  The original fate was secretly sabotaged there.

  But now the fate is clearly in the game.

  Jiang Gu came here more to see if he could capture the breath of destiny, so as to find destiny and solve the disaster of this civilization.


  This fate is very cunning.

  Even come here.

  He couldn't capture his true aura either, and the aura that stayed here was so strange that it couldn't be captured at all.

  "Fate is back"

  "What the hell does this mean"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the dense question on the wall incomprehensibly and fell into thought.

  No one knows what this sentence means.

  Even if it is flawless.

  It is also difficult to understand the true meaning of this sentence.


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