
  She seemed to have thought of something.

  Quickly walked down the stairs.

  Linglingtang Cleaning Company.

  Ma Xiaoling went back to her room.

  She was standing at the door of her room.

  His eyes turned to the door at the end of the corridor.

  He hesitated for a while.

  Ma Xiaoling raised her feet and walked over slowly.

  Ding dong.

  She rang the doorbell.

  A moment of silence.

  Look no one opens the door.

  Don't know why.

  Ma Xiaoling felt a little disappointed.

  Is it...

  Did you really think wrong?


  Just when she was cranky.

  The door opens.

  In a dark room.

  A figure slowly opened half of the door.

  "Miss Ma."

  A gentle voice sounded.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu in front of her, and for a while, she was a little flustered.

  She never thought that Jiang Gu would be in the house.

  Here she is...

  Just try it out.

  If Jiang Gu was in...

  Then her guess has been verified.

  If not...

  Then it proves that Jiang Gu is just an ordinary person.

  So she will feel a little disappointed.

  Not a disappointment to Jiang Gu.

  But she was disappointed with her guess. If Jiang Gu was just an ordinary person, then her guess was wrong.


  "Didn't you move out?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu carefully and asked.

  Her beautiful eyes looked at Jiang Gu.

  In the end, he landed in the living room behind Jiang Gu.

  She saw a candle.

  Just this candle...

  has been extinguished.

  Three broken days.

  The ghosts gather.

  Alone in the room?

  Ma Xiaoling's heart... has gradually become vigilant.

  "For me, it's the same wherever I go." Jiang Gu's face was calm, with a gentle smile.

  "Today is the Three Breaking Days, and it's also Luo Kaiping's soul-returning night... I think no one is not afraid."

  "Tell me, who are you?"

  A smile appeared on Ma Xiaoling's mouth.

  But in this smile.

  full of hostility.

  Jiang Gu saw this scene.

  The look has not changed in any way.

  He turned around and walked back to the living room.

  "Please come in."

  He is sitting on the sofa.

  Ma Xiaoling also followed.

  Jiang Gu, sitting on the sofa, gently took

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Take out a box of matches and strike a match to light a candle.

  "Is this answer important?" Jiang Gu asked.

  "Jiajia Building is where I live. If there are unidentified people intruding in, I will not sleep well, so..." Ma Xiaoling raised her eyebrows and said directly.

  "do you know……"

  "I saw a woman a long time ago."

  "She made a big impression on me."

  "But...the first time we met, she pressed me like that."

  Jiang Gu smiled and looked at Ma Xiaoling quietly with his pitch-black eyes.


  "I will exorcise."

  Ma Xiaoling was wondering why Jiang Gu suddenly said this, but the words behind Jiang Gu made Ma Xiaoling stunned.


  Jiang Gu shook his head: "It's not really exorcism, it's just a few talismans."

  He said, tapping his fingers lightly on the table.

  He swiped his fingers on the table, and Taoist symbols emerged, with the hook as the head and the word as the symbol...

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu's talisman, her eyes fixed.

  Just the first step...

  She knows...

  The Jianggu painting talisman skills in front of me are unfathomable!

  It is not easy to draw talismans, and Ma Xiaoling naturally knows some ways, but in the inheritance of the Ma family, almost all spells are cut off. Ma Xiaoling's talismans are all learned from Qiu Shu, and they are not advanced.

  Jiang Gu started with the three hooks, which is the Taoist Sanqing as the pardon!

  A pardon comes out.

  The gods will answer!

  This is the origin of the spell.

  Ma Xiaoling usually draws talismans for the pardon of the Dragon God. Compared with the Taoist Sanqing, the Dragon God is not at the same level!

  So it can be seen from this.

  Jiang Gu's talisman skills!


  Jiang Gu does not need to open an altar, no yellow paper, and draws out of thin air...

  The power of this talisman...

  It's been amazing!

  It's just that what Ma Xiaoling doesn't understand is...

  Why Jiang Gu painted the talisman with the Qin Dynasty Xiaozhuan as the talisman.

  To know……

  Taoism has flourished since ancient times!Only in the Qing Dynasty will it weaken!

  The Taoist inheritance is broken!

  The inheritance of painting symbols is also broken!

  Today, almost all of the talismans that are flourishing are slowly revived after the Qing Dynasty, and the talisman is mainly based on Yunzhuan.

  But actually.

  The oldest and most powerful talisman is recorded in the Qin Dynasty Xiaozhuan as the talisman!

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