Just when he wanted to continue talking.


  There was a wave in the underworld.

  The emergence of volatility.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ask your uncle to point your fingers.

  His expression suddenly changed.

  "It was Mao You who sent the news and asked for your news."

  "she says"

  "She found Kuang Tianya."

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling and said slowly.

  The existence of Tianya.

  He knew it.

  This is a person from the future. If they find Kuang Tianya, then they may be able to know what will happen in the future.

  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes looked at the sea of ​​reincarnation, full of worry.

  "I will ask someone to guard this place, and if there is any fluctuation, I will tell you immediately."

  Uncle Qiu knew Ma Xiaoling's worries and said to Ma Xiaoling.

  "it is good."

  After hesitating for a moment, Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  Kuang Tianya has been missing for a long time.

  Everyone had misunderstood her before, but they didn't expect her to finally appear now.


  Uncle Qiu suddenly stopped her.

  "Xiao Ling, be careful, what came from Mao You is an urgent report."

  Such an emergency.

  Used almost exclusively in emergencies.

  If you find Kuang Tianya, then it shouldn't be of use: unless something happens.

  ————————The realm of the sun.

  "I'm looking forward to your performance"


  on the rooftop.

  A man in a white shirt laughed and seemed to be expecting something.

  below him.

  It was a woman in a girl's dress, but at this moment, her expression was icy cold.

  The purple eyes are intertwined with ice blue, which looks very strange.

  The strangest thing was that there were two fangs at the corner of her mouth, and her whole body exuded a gloomy aura.

  "go Go"

  "Rewrite the fate of all of them."

  "Fate is merciful and merciful to the world. I am looking forward to your perfection."

  The man in the white suit laughed.


  Ma Xiaoling is back here.

  See this familiar environment.

  Ma Xiaoling felt a little unfamiliar for a while, in the sea of ​​reincarnation, she seemed to have experienced her whole life, that feeling, she seemed to have become Ma Linger, accompanied Jiang Gu and she watched everything in the bar.

  The bar is a bit deserted.

  After the dragon god was on the verge of death, few people dared to wander around here.

  The only people who can come here are the former team members who work here, as well as Mao You, Yuan Bupo, Arrow and Ma Xiaoling's eyes, looking at the edge of the bar.


  Two people sit.

  It is the King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi.

  She wanted to go over and ask what happened to Our Lady of Yaochi.

  Two thousand years ago, could it be that she and fate made a move together, but she knew that the two were repaying their fate.

  Otherwise, Uncle Qiu will also personally intervene.

  "The King of Humans and Our Lady of Yaochi, there is still the last month left."

  "Hopefully nothing went wrong."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the two of them.

  Mao You walked over slowly and said to her.

  "Why, I went to the underworld and found the fifth part of the Ma family:: Partial records?"

  she asked with a smile.

  Ma Xiaoling nodded.

  "found it."

  Hearing this, Mao You nodded, but did not ask further, as if there were more important things.

  "It's good to find it."

  "I have good news and bad news here, which do you want to hear?"

  She looked at Ma Xiaoling and asked.

Chapter 372 Kuang Tianya's Weirdness!Manipulation of fate!

  "Certainly bad news."

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Mao You with some helplessness in her eyes.

  "I've got a lot of bad news now, not less than one."

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling who was a little tired, but she didn't know what to say, but when she mentioned this bad news, she looked a little dignified.

  "Forget it, I'd better say good news first."

  "The good news is that we found Kuang Tianya, at the border of Xiangjiang."

  "The bad news is that"

  "Kang Tianya's state is very strange. She blatantly turned into a zombie in front of the public, and she wandered around Hong Kong, and she bit a lot of people."

  Ma Xiaoling's expression tightened slightly at Mao You's words.

  Kuang Tianya's class, she didn't know.

  But its power seems to be similar to Nakayama Miyuki! If it really attacks pedestrians, there are only a few who can subdue her! "Can you find her trace now?"

  Ma Xiaoling asked directly.

  "You don't take a break"

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling who had just rushed back and was a little tired.

  "You can't deal with her."

  Ma Xiaoling said, "But after I came back from the pool of reincarnation, I felt that my body seemed to have a steady stream of strength, but my spirit was a little tired."

  She felt as if there was a steady stream of strength in her body.

  It was her source power, but reading the records in the sea of ​​reincarnation made her mentally tired, but her body was extremely active.

  It seemed that there was some kind of power in that record, which made her body's power continue to increase.

  "Yuan Bupohe's staff have all passed."

  “But it doesn’t seem to be going well”

  Maoyou said.

  "Then what are you waiting for, let's go!"

  Ma Xiaoling picked up the vanity case and walked out directly.

  Mao You quickly followed and led the way.

  Hong Kong City.

  It used to be a bustling city.

  But at the moment, in the center, it is very empty.

  The surrounding citizens hid aside, daring not to approach the center.

  I saw it in the middle.

  There were five figures surrounding one person.

  The person surrounded in the middle is Kuang Tianya in a girl's outfit, her black hair is intertwined with purple hair, her eyes are double pupils, purple pupils are intertwined with ice blue pupils, she looks coldly at the surrounding people in front of her. Her five 5.

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