The volatility made him feel uneasy.

  He made a quick calculation.

  "Little Ling"


  "problem occurs!"

  Before the calculation was finished, he stood up directly from the chair! Naihe in front of the bridge.

  Meng Po is holding Meng Po soup to the ghost.

  Suddenly, her dazed expression fluctuated, and she looked up dazedly.

  "who is it"

  "Why does it feel so familiar"

  She muttered to herself, not understanding what was going on, but felt that there seemed to be a familiar aura between heaven and earth.

  She suddenly remembered what King Jizo gave her.


  "What's wrong with me"

  Ma Xiaoling felt that the two forces in her body were intertwined! The moment of interweaving! She felt that the power in her body seemed to have reached a peak in an instant! It was just that this energy hit her body, and her already tired spirit was hit by such a shock , fell into a coma in an instant.

  While in a coma.

  She stared blankly ahead.

  A heartfelt longing that springs from every part of the body! "Mmm"

  ——————“Where is this”

  Ma Xiaoling opened her eyes blankly.

  There was a vast darkness in front of him.

  The moment her voice fell.

  In the vast darkness in front of me, a series of pictures suddenly appeared.

  appeared first.

  It was a woman in a blue shirt in the dark, she stood in the dark and walked forward step by step.

  Follow her to the front.

  Everything around me slowly emerged.

  This is a place with beautiful mountains, spirits and rivers, she kept walking forward, as if she was looking for something.

  "You want to save him"

  "You can only go to this place to find things that don't exist in this world."

  "His soul is lost there"

  An indifferent voice sounded in the darkness.

  It seems to sound in the deepest part of Ma Xiaoling's heart.

  She looked at Malinger and walked forward step by step.

  She saw a vast land.

  On that land, countless buildings stood up, and ancient buildings emerged in the vastness.

  "Where are you going"

  Ma Xiaoling looked ahead and asked softly.

  It's just that no one answered her.

  Ma Xiaoling followed suit.

  There seemed to be a desire in her heart to let her follow Ma Linger forward.


  Ma Xiaoling was lying on the bed.

  His eyes were tightly closed.

  around her.

  It's Uncle Qiu and Mao You.

  "The situation is very bad."

  "In her body, she is about to be completely occupied by that power."

  "Once occupied, then she might"

  Uncle Qiu looked at Ma Xiaoling lying on the bed, her expression was worried, and her eyes were even more deeply sad.

  "It's going to be someone else."

  ————————【Thank you for your monthly ticket reward and thank you for your support as always】Feilu reminds you: collect three things in reading, push

Take a day off today, the novel is almost at the end~ Tomorrow update chapter 5~

  Take a day off today, the novel is almost at the end, and tomorrow will update chapter 5 to see the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu novel

Chapter 374 The Means of Destiny!Bureau Bureau! 【1/5】

  "What's the meaning"

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling lying on the bed, and asked with some puzzlement.

  She checked Ma Xiaoling's body and it seemed that something was wrong, but it was intact, very strange.

  "To put it simply, there was originally only one power in her body, and that was her power, but now she was bitten by that girl Kuang Tianya, the blood of the zombies poured in, and the power in her body clashed. "

  "The most important thing is not this, but her bloodline and the zombie bloodline seem to have a huge conflict, but now that her bloodline power and the zombie bloodline power are mixed, the bloodline power is suppressed by the zombie bloodline."

  "Once it is suppressed, it is very likely that one will spawn, Zombie Ma Xiaoling."

  Uncle Qiu explained to Mao You and others.

  It was also difficult for him to explain clearly what happened in Ma Xiaoling's body.

  "What now"

  Maoyou asked.

  "I'm going to look at the records of the Ksitigarbha. You guys can hold on to Xiaoling for the time being. If anything happens, notify me immediately."

  Uncle said directly.

  He had read the Jizo records, but had not read them all.

  "There should be a record of awakening the Ksitigarbha King. The Ksitigarbha King may be the key, but I haven't found a way to wake the Ksitigarbha King. Once I find out, the Ksitigarbha King may have a way."

  After saying that, Uncle Qiu left here.

  Some of the keys mentioned in the Ksitigarbha records are to awaken Ksitigarbha, but Uncle Qiu has not found a way to awaken Ksitigarbha.

  But there are some things mentioned in it.

  It seems to be related to the horse family.

  So Uncle Qiu thinks that the awakening of Ksitigarbha may have something to do with the Ma family.

  Watching Uncle Qiu leave.

  Mao You looked at Ma Xiaoling on the bed with some worry.



  A purple light flashed.

  But very fast, almost instantaneously.

  Mao You looked around in a daze.

  But found no source of breath.

  "Am I wrong?"

  Mao You muttered.

  Only when she can't see it.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyelids on the bed moved slightly.

  ———————— "Ma Xiaoling"

  "It's your turn to prepare."

  "You are really difficult to deal with. I created you, but you are not under my control. It's really funny, but what's the matter? In the end, you can't escape the palm of fate. Ma Linger was like this two thousand years ago. Two thousand years later The same is true for you, Ma Xiaoling."

  Inside the villa.

  The man in the white suit flipped through the books and sneered.

  He flipped through the book, and suddenly his hand paused:.

  "I forgot you"

  "Our Lady of Yaochi."

  As he spoke, the figure disappeared.

  —————————In the bookstore.

  Yao Qiong is signing autographs for fans.

  She can be considered very happy recently, and a lot of things have happened recently, especially when she and Ren Xi met the people they love all their lives, and they will get married soon.

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