"Life or Death"

  "Win or lose"

  "You all lost"

  "The people you want to protect are already dead."


  "Ma Xiaoling"

  "There are countless others, you have already lost."

  Destiny stared at Jiang Gu with a morbid twist in his eyes.


  Jiang Gu lost.

  It is different from Jiang Gu.

  If it doesn't die, it doesn't lose.

  But Jianggu is different.

  Jiang Gu is not dead.

  His humanity also made him lose.

  He wants to protect everything.

  Initially, he wanted to protect Kyushu.

  In the end, he wanted to protect Ma Linger, Ma Xiaoling, and countless people who believed in him.

  "The people you want to protect are all dead."

  Destiny looked at Jiang Gu and said again.

  It wants to see Jiang Gu's anger.

  I want to see Jiang Gu's defeat.

  I want to see Jiang Gu's anger even more.

  It waits for this moment.

  Because it found that the person who was against it and the person who blocked everything seemed to be Jiang Gu in front of him.

  But fate is doomed to disappointment.


  A gentle smile appeared in Jiang Gu's indifferent eyes.


  "They never left."


  he said.

  Point to the front.

  The buzzing rang with him.

  There was a drama in the Three Realms and Six Paths! And in the Underworld.

  In the deepest part of the underworld! The deep, cold and quiet waters of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation are slowly rolling over.

  at the same time.

  In front of Jiang Gu, a crack appeared.

  The sea water of the Sea of ​​Reincarnation slowly gushed out from this crack.

  At the moment of gushing out, it is like a collapsing river, and in an instant it pours into the eternal kingdom behind Jiang Gu.

  "It's your time to come back."

  "Sleep for endless years"


  "It's time to come back."

  Jiang Gu said softly.

  With his voice falling.

  Under the horrified gaze of fate.

  A beautiful woman in a blue shirt and blue gauze appeared behind Jiang Gu in a daze.

  her appearance.

  Just like Ma Xiaoling.

  Her eyes looked left and right:.

  at last.

  His eyes fell on Jiang Gu.

  Across countless years, her eyes seem to be eternal.

  I didn't wait for her to speak.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  beside her.

  A beautiful woman in a kimono slowly appeared.

  Early spring.

  After that, Zhongshan Meixue, Zhenzi, Yingyue, Kuang Tianya, Yue Yinping, Qiu Shu, Bi Jia, Kuang Tianyou, Axiu, Wanyan Bubro, Situ Fenren, Jin Zhengzhong, and Wang Zhenzhen were countless familiar figures.

  All appeared behind Jiang Gu.

  All those who had died were resurrected.


  A confused voice sounded.

  A woman dressed in gorgeous gold clothes, wearing a crown, and a beautiful face, looked around blankly, and finally her eyes fell on Jiang Gu, and she slowly shouted the name of the previous era, "Meet God. "

  A sound rang out.

  Destiny stared at everything in front of him.

  at this moment.

  It seems to understand something.

  Its eyes stared at Jiang Gu in front of him in amazement.

  Her beautiful face was full of unease and terror.

  It finally understood why Jiang Gu appeared in this eternal kingdom.

  She also understands.

  Where is the chance of life that Ma Xiaoling said.

  turn out to be.

  This is a lifeline.

  Those who should die, those who should be obliterated, those who should not exist, they are not dead at all.

  Including the empress of the Dajiang Dynasty.

  She is not dead! "The Way of Reincarnation"

  "Three Realms and Six Paths"


  Destiny laughed as if mad.

  "finally, I understand"

  "Why did the Three Realms and Six Paths, which have never appeared in countless epochs, emerge in this era of civilization."

  "Everything is a scam, everything is a scam,"

  "Those reincarnated souls are not the source"

  It understands everything.

  It also understands that it loses.

  Completely lost.

  When the door of the eternal kingdom is opened.

  It loses.


  Here lies an eternal truth.

  A truth that made it lose.

  This big game.

  From that peak, the most prosperous era.

  It started thinking that it had seen the end of this chess game and that it was destined to be the winner.

  Every time the ending is what it thinks, even if the process is different, the ending is the same.

  But it never thought about it.

  There is a murderous intent in that process.

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