A woman in a black trench coat walked from outside the town to the inside.

  Riley, who was sitting in the castle, seemed to sense something, and his pupils shrank slightly.

  Ma Xiaoling frowned, and a trace of unease appeared on her beautiful white cheeks.

  Just out of town...

  A corpse aura fluctuated inexplicably.

  "Let's eat first," Riley said softly, as if he didn't sense anything just now.

  "Mr. Riley, you seem to know the owner of this castle very well, so do you know the name of the person the owner of the castle is waiting for?" Ma Xiaoling asked.

  Riley raised his eyes.

  "Miss Ma seems very interested in that person?"

  "Professional habits." Ma Xiaoling smiled.

  She felt... her guess was not wrong!

  This character that Riley has been waiting for for thousands of years is very likely to be the second zombie king recorded by the ancestors of the Ma family in the lost records!

  "I don't know his name." Riley shook his head.

  As soon as this sentence comes out.

  Let the four of them be stunned.

  You've waited for a thousand years...you don't even know someone's name?


  When Ma Xiaoling was about to speak.

  The sound of the heavy castle gate being opened sounded.

  Riley's hands trembled slightly.

  at this moment……

  He finally knew.

  That man... didn't lie to himself.

  "Riley, why didn't the guests from the castle tell me."

  Just as Riley and the four were about to get up.

  A woman in a black trench coat walked slowly from the door of the restaurant.

  This is a typical British beauty, looking at everyone with a pair of eyes smiling.

  "This is..." Kuang Tianyou looked at the woman vigilantly.

  "I'm Riley's fiancee, Shiya, nice to meet you. I just came back from outside." Shiya smiled, her pretty face very cute.

  Riley stopped shaking hands and stood up from the table.


  "Eat first, I'll wait for you in my room." Shi Ya smiled and walked to the castle's room.

  Riley looked a little silent.

  After half a sound.

  He sat down to continue dinner with the crowd.

  Ma Xiaoling observed Riley, her expression becoming more and more vigilant.

  After dinner.

  The four of them wanted to get out of here as soon as possible.

  "Mr. Riley, it's very late, we won't bother." Wang Zhenzhen was very polite, although she knew that Riley might be a zombie.

  "Okay." Riley nodded, looking a little dazed.

  "Are you going to leave?"

  Shi Ya's figure appeared, she glanced at Wang Zhenzhen, and then said, "It's very late now, there are regulations in the town, try not to go out at night."

  "But..." Jin Zhengzhong swallowed, "I think it's better for us to go back."


  Who wants to hang out with two possibly zombie creatures!

  To know.

  When that female zombie came to snatch Angel's Tears, her ability was almost beyond his and Master's imagination!

  This zombie who has been on the road for two thousand years...

  even at a low level.

  I am afraid that it is not something that Master and him can deal with.

  "I think we'd better go back to the hotel..." Kuang Tianyou smiled, his expression a little unnatural.

  It's just that his voice just fell.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Wang Zhenzhen next to her seemed to cover her forehead uncomfortable: "Why do I feel a little..."

  Before he could finish speaking, Wang Zhenzhen fell down.

  "Miss Wang seems to be a little uncomfortable, why don't you live here for now." Shi Ya smiled, her bright white and pretty cheeks were very cute.


  "Okay, let's live here for now." Ma Xiaoling nodded and took Wang Zhenzhen.

  "Riley, take the guests to the guest room first," Shiya said.

  Riley nodded and left with the four.

  while leaving.

  He took a deep look at Shi Ya.


  Inside the castle room.

  "This Riley... is the owner of the old castle he said." Ma Xiaoling said with a frown.

  "Master, why is this judgment?" Jin Zhengzhong asked.

  "Zombies can't eat food. Did you see Riley eating food at the dining table?" Ma Xiaoling said a zombie habit.

  In a word.

  In an instant, Kuang Tianyou and Jin Zhengzhong recalled that at the dining table, Riley was talking all the time without eating food at all.

  "Then we..." Jin Zhengzhong looked worried, "Isn't it very dangerous?"

  "I'm here." Ma Xiaoling snorted coldly, "I see what the two zombies are doing."

  "We'll be leaving at dawn tomorrow."

  Ma Xiaoling said directly.


  Cloudy wind blows.

  "Shiya, you..." Riley looked at Shiya in the room.

  "You killed my father, killed my relatives, and turned me into this monster, a blood-sucking monster..."

  Shi Ya looked at Riley in front of her, her eyes were full of resentment, and the cuteness just now seemed to disappear.

  Can be resentful...

  There seems to be a trace of love hidden.

  Fifty years ago...

  Bandits break in and kill anyone they see...

  When a zombie that has not sucked blood for a long time, feel the taste of blood...

  at that moment.

  Riley was completely out of control.

  This is also the reason why Shi Ya left completely.

  A monster who killed his father and relatives...

  A lover who ruined his family...

  How should she stay?

  Riley looked at Shiya.

  The words of the man echoed in his mind.

  Wedding Bells Fifty Years Later...

  will ring on time.

  But now...

  Shi Ya in front of her could not wait to kill herself.

  Is it...

  Did he fail too?


  [A minimum of four updates are updated every day! 】

  [Flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, and rewards will all be added one more time! 】

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