It is slowly dissipating.

  Jiang Gu gently pulled Chuchun.

  Slowly walking towards the firelight...

  The two figures...

  disappeared completely.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 7 The cherry blossoms that bloomed twenty years ago [10/[-]]

  "This... also works?" This novel was first published by "Dragon"


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  Kim Jong-jung was stunned.

  "No, why did Jiang Gu pull her away?"

  A series of questions.

  In an instant, Kim Jong-jung felt his mind was in chaos.

  Ma Xiaoling watched Jiang Gu pull Chuchun away from the fire.

  I also feel a little confused...

  Questions in mind...

  keep appearing...

  Jiang Gu... what kind of identity is he?Why does it appear that the early spring is taken away?And where did he get that talisman, and his purpose... what was it?

  Most importantly...

  What is that talisman?

  Why is a big Shura...

  Because of that talisman...

  And follow Jiang Gu...

  Countless questions arise...

  Ma Xiaoling just wants to go out and ask clearly now!


  This raging fire...

  The three of them could die in a sea of ​​fire at any time.



  A force shook the sky.

  Ma Xiaoling looked up.

  only half empty...

  A talisman of blue light appeared.

  The moment of emergence.

  pouring rain...

  Fall from the sky.



  Jiang Gu walked slowly to the front.

  Early Spring quietly followed behind.

  Her beautiful eyes are dazed...

  The Great Shura will devour all sanity...

  Only the deepest obsession remains...

  She is now slowly withdrawing from the state of Great Asura.

  The two walked quietly.

  There are cherry trees in full bloom...

  With the cold wind blowing...

  Cherry blossoms kept falling.

  Uiharu stretched out his hand.

  a cherry blossom...

  It fell on her slender hands.



  She stopped.

  Jiang Gu turned his head.

  I saw the early spring behind me.

  stopped in place.

  In a white kimono, under the cherry blossoms in the sky, under the moonlight... like a bright fairy.

  her eyes...

  Tears kept pouring out.

  Look at Jiang Gu.

  There is resentment, there is joy, there is pain...

  At last.

  All turned into joy.

  "You came."

  She smiled happily.

  A smile bloomed, tears flashing in his eyes.

  It seems that the female ghost who was full of resentment and laughter... has nothing to do with her.

  Jiang Gu smiled gently.

  He turned around.

  Keep going.

  Early Spring quickly followed by his side.

  " really came." Chuchun bit her lip slightly and said softly.

  "You waited twenty years."

  Jiang Gu looked at the cherry blossoms in front of him with deep eyes.

  "Do you know the Longevity?"

  Jiang Gu asked.

  Chuchun shook his head gently and followed Jiang Gu carefully.

  "Longevity is a kind of long loneliness, and it will gradually swallow up countless emotions. In the eyes of the longevity... time is the least valuable thing."

  "They are like the ghosts of the long river, wandering in this world. They have seen the rise of the great dynasty, and they have also watched the great dynasty from the prosperity to the decline..."

  "There's nothing in this world that they haven't seen before."

  "What they've been through...the world can't imagine."

  Jiang Gu said softly.

  "So their hearts...maybe it's hard to make waves again."

  long years...

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Time can smooth everything...

  Even for a hundred-year-old man...

  live to a certain age...

  Everything will be overlooked.

  This is also an answer he gave Chuchun.

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