Jiang Gu pointed forward.

  on white paper...

  Instantly, a white light appeared.

  A spell.

  Under Jiang Gu's paintings...

  emerge slowly.

  "If you are in danger, take out this piece of paper to solve it."

  Jiang Gu said.

  "But if you can't think of anything..."

  "Just keep the ghost in your bag away from you."

  Jiang Gu's eyes are deep, and he naturally knows what the ghost in Ruan Mengmeng's bag is...

  "Ah..." Ruan Mengmeng was shocked, she spared her head and said very embarrassedly: "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to hide it, but he is really pitiful."

  "I'm so unlucky wherever I go, but he followed me, and I seem to be getting lucky! Let me be shortlisted for Miss Bauhinia!"

  "You don't want to kill him, okay..."

  Ruan Mengmeng said nervously.

  "He is destined to be unlucky, nine hundred and ninety-ninth..."

  Jiang Gu smiled slightly and shook his head gently.

  "Any thing else?"

  he asked.

  "Ah... it's alright! Thank you!"

  "How much is this charm?"

  Ruan Mengmeng asked.

  "It's just a talisman."

  "But... okay! Thank you! Jiang Gu!"

  "I will definitely repay you!"

  Ruan Mengmeng stood up and bowed ninety degrees to Jiang Gu.

  Waiting for Ruan Mengmeng to leave.

  Jiang Gu walked to the balcony.

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  This unlucky bastard.

  Nature is the Buddha of the correct timeline...

  tampering with fate...

  The correct timeline is distorted...

  Heaven is furious...

  Buddha is destined to experience the catastrophe of the nine hundred and ninety-ninth generation before he can recover himself.

  "The right timeline..."

  Jiang Gu stared into the night.

  The timeline he is now experiencing is still wrong.

  It's just that the people and things that appear on the correct timeline will still appear on the wrong timeline, except for the different identities of some people...

  "It's too soon."

  He muttered to himself.

  After Kuang Tianyou died in Yingguo Town...

  The timeline is slowly dialing back into the correct trajectory.

  The moment when the timeline is set exactly right...

  That's when the catastrophe begins.

  The hand of fate.

  is in control of it all.


  Tongtian Pavilion.

  Domoto Jing anxiously waited for the news.

  Since he met Jiang Gu.

  Restless all night.

  Even if it's been two days since we met.


  A man in a black suit walked over quickly.

  "Did you find it? Did you find it?" Domoto Jing asked anxiously.

  The man glanced at Domoto Jing in surprise.

  It was the first time he saw his BSS so gaffe.

  "We couldn't find any information about Jiang Gu." The man shook his head.

  "What..." Domoto Jing was stunned for a moment, then said directly: "Impossible."

  "What's the use of me raising you? Can't even find this information?"

  Domoto calmly looked at the man in front of him.


  "You calm down first..."

  "Although we haven't found any information about Jiang Gu, but..."

  "We've discovered a very strange thing."

  The man was sweating coldly.

  I don't know if it was because of Domoto Jing's scolding, or because of the strange things he discovered.

  "What weird thing?"

  Tomomoto asked hurriedly.

  "Although we haven't found any information about Jianggu."

  "But when we were looking for some historical data..."

  "Found a shocking thing."

  "The person in the photo..."

  "We found his portrait in history."


  Today's seven is over~

  Thank you for your support~

  Ask for flowers ~ ask for evaluation ticket ~ ask for monthly ticket ~

  The next episode will be more and more exciting~

  Tomorrow, if the evaluation ticket can be broken, it will be more ~ ​​ask for support~


Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter [-]: Ma Family Records!

  The ghosts that appear in the long river of history...

  This sentence can't be too much to describe Jiang Gu...

  Although it is not surprising that there are similar appearances in the world.


  It is impossible for every dynasty to have one!

  "He seems to appear in every dynasty... Sometimes he is a scholar, sometimes a general, sometimes a businessman, and the historical celebrities of those dynasties seem to have something to do with him."

  "This person... is very strange. He has left traces and records in every dynasty. It seems that he is not worried that someone will find him..."

  "Boss, this person... who is this person?"

  The man swallowed his throat and asked.

  when he saw it.

  trembling all over!

  This is a kind of awe for the unknown existence!


  Domoto stopped his trembling hands, and looked out the window with his bespectacled eyes.

  "is God."

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