
  on the plane.

  Ma Xiaoling closed her eyes slightly.

  But her heart.

  But not calm.

  Records from two thousand years ago...

  About Majia...

  About the second zombie king...

  What kind of unforgettable memory exists in this record...

  Let the ancestors of the horse family...

  This record is scattered all over the place, unwilling to mention it, and unwilling to be mentioned by others.

  The Taoism and Majia flourished two thousand years ago.

  The era of monster corpse chaos two thousand years ago.

  Those two thousand years ago, the people who followed the ancestors of the Ma family for five years...

  What happened between the two...

  all of these.

  Will it be documented in the missing part?

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes were a little dazed.

  She looked at Jiang Gu on the side.

  Jiang Gu closed his eyes.

  Like falling into a deep sleep.



  This dragon vein, known as Huaxia, envelops countless mountains.

  Zhongnan Mountain and Huashan Mountain.Taibai Mountain...

  Hunren Ping.

  Just one of the mountains.

  There are beautiful mountains and rivers here.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jiang Gu came not far from the foot of the mountain.

  This is a deep mountain.

  Few residents live nearby.

  Ma Xiaoling looked at the mountains in front of her.

  Majestic into the clouds, the mountains are stacked, the mountains are high and steep, and the white mist pervades the mountainside, making people only vaguely see the whole picture.

  Jiang Gu's eyes looked at everything in front of him.

  He closed his eyes slightly.

  Countless years of memories.

  In those distant years...


  "This used to be a dense forest mountain range... The trees and vine branches are entwined, the peaks overlap, and no one dares to enter."

  Jiang Gu said softly.

  "The changes of time can make everything right and wrong."

  "It's just that there are some things that still remain here."

  He stepped forward.

  Slowly walk towards the foot of Hunrenping Mountain.

  Follow him step by step.

  Countless voices sounded.

  Birds chirping, insects chirping, and high-pitched voices echoed in the sky.

  Ma Xiaoling followed Jiang Gu.

  Step in together.


  Ma Xiaoling stopped.

  She looked at the mountains in front of her.

  Countless whistling sounds sounded, and the entire mountain range trembled, like a mountain shaking...

  under her beautiful eyes.

  Endless, sky-filled birds flew out of the woods and flew towards the sky.


  What a terrifying beast...

  Wake up these birds and all things.

  Ma Xiaoling's eyes were a little dazed.

  There seems to be a depressing atmosphere all around...

  She recovered.

  It was found that Jiang Gu's figure was getting farther and farther.

  "Hey...wait for me."

  She followed quickly.


Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!Testimonials for the latest chapters

  It's finally on the shelves.

  The author would like to thank everyone for your ten-day support!

  [The [-]th update on the first day of release will be officially launched at night, and the [-]th update will be uploaded directly at one time.The remaining five updates will be updated after the point]

  It has been ten days since the book was published.

  Every day, the lowest five is kept, and the highest is ten.

  Thank you all for your support.

  Fifteen chapters will be updated on the first day of launch. If you subscribe well, the author can guarantee that ten chapters will be updated every day with high-quality updates!Twenty thousand words!Keep it for a month!

  After washing again, everyone support!


  The dead-end story is a very distant story.

  Involving myth, supernatural, love, and countless themes, this is a classic drama.

  Every story in it is inspiring.

  When the author Jun first wrote it, he did not intend to make this story a routine, but wanted to write a plot and a story with his heart, so that everyone could watch it comfortably. My update time will be focused on the evening, sorry about that.

  Because of this, many readers

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Didn't find the book because there was no update in the morning and noon and afternoon, of course... there are still many readers who support me.


  If you think the story is good and you are comfortable with it, then give the author a subscription.

  The author guarantees that the update will be fast and high-quality update~

  The data is good, the faster the update~

  Originally there was still a lot to say, but after thinking about it, let's not talk about it, let's see the real chapter in the book =. =

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  [The [-]th update on the first day of release will be officially launched at night, and the [-]th update will be uploaded directly at one time.The remaining five updates will be updated after the point]


Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 1 There is a tear on this mountain [15/[-]]

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