Severe pain! "Don't hit me - don't hit me - don't hit me-"

  He immediately burst into tears.

  The bloody snake head actually shed tears

  0” uh

  The young man who was sitting on the snake's head and raised his fist did not punch.

  From his rage just now

  Gradually regained his composure.

  Scarlet eyes.

  gradually returned to normal. "I was wrong, don't hit me"

  Suiran was crying, the pain in his head made it start babbling!

  "I really didn't mean to eat it, but it's really delicious. Don't hit me, please.

  stop hitting me

  "What to eat?"

  A weak voice sounded.

  I saw Malinger lying on the lawn - gradually waking up, the loud noise rang out.

  She got up from the ground.

  I saw an incredible scene.

  The young man in black clothes was sitting on the head of Suiran, who had just been insane and professed, and was still punching.



  This blunt snake head

  a piece of blood

  Looks like it was attacked by some terrifying creature

  Most importantly

  It's a no-brainer

  I was beaten and cried? "Don't beat me, it hurts" woo woo woo woo

  Malinger's body was weak.

  see this scene.

  I don't know what happened for a while. "It's okay."

  Just when she was stunned.

  She saw the young man standing in front of her.

  Squinting, smiling, he reached out to her. "I remember that behind him was the sky of flames and a big snake" in the ruins "he stretched out his hand to me "his hand" was very warm. "Four.

Zongyue: I have lived from the Qin Dynasty to the present!The latest chapter Chapter 9 Power Recovery [15/[-]]

  "Is this second zombie king really that stupid?" Ma Xiaoling saw behind her, and a sweet smile appeared on her cheeks. "And why is she so stupid?"

  what she said.

  Of course it's in the record

  Blocking each other's fatal blow.

  her heart.

  Involuntarily jumping.

  Jiang Gu sat under the tree.

  His gentle eyes showed a few inexplicable emotions, and the interweaving of these emotions made him look at

  Ma Xiaoling.

  Seeing Ma Xiaoling's sweet smile, his gentle eyes flashed slightly.

  But only in a flash.

  "What are you looking at—" Ma Xiaoling seemed to sense Jiang Gu's gaze, and gave Jiang Gu a sullen look: "Since

  We are obviously desperate for the other party, but we are not allowed to shed a single tear for a man

  she muttered.

  Continue to look at the record.

  She walked back and forth, slowly reading the things recorded in the records.

  "I can't forget that day, when he "[-]" rushed towards me recklessly and blocked the fatal attack for me.


  I can't forget when he fell to the ground, how resolutely my heart was full of death." But what if "he was just an ordinary person" is just an ordinary person who can't help but laugh when he laughs how nice”

  Ma Xiaoling said softly.

  Jiang Gu looked at her.

  In this moment of trance.

  He seemed to see Ma Linger wearing a light blue gauze, walking quietly in front of him to explain the Taoism to him.

  Profound, explain how to draw a talisman for him "I thought someone passed by and rescued us, and I was too scared to speak." He smiled and told me that it was his credit, and I gave him a blank look. "He never seemed to lie to me.

  *Surran was indeed baited by the people of the Li family and became a crazy demon. We took the bait with us

  We went back to the county town and confronted the county guard. We found the county supervisor and brought down the county guard. The Li family was also affected.

  The Li family was not punished. "But "after a month."" The entire Li family was killed. "Maybe, this is fate. "

  The second paragraph records.

  Left the last sentence.

  Stopped abruptly.

  Ma Xiaoling gently put away the record and put it back in the wooden box.



  She looked slightly taken aback. "My Taoism" seems to deepen?"

  She felt the power just poured into her

  That's the power of the horse family

  Find her who lost the record in the second part, and it's easy to deal with four generations of zombies!

  【Power Recovery Hidden Mission Completed】

  [Mind control: 75%]

  [The law of speed: 10%]

  In Jiang Gu's dark mind.

  A cold mechanical sound rang out.


  Jiang Gu slightly opened his eyes.

  under his eyes.

  everything around

  seems to be in extreme slowness

  slow to

  He could even see what the wind looked like.


  Is that the ten percent speed rule?

  everything around

  Seems to be nearly fifty times slower!

  And the resurgence of mind control

  Make him feel like he can make a mountain crumble in one thought!

  Although it only increased by [-]%.

  But this improves

  But it's huge! "Sweet story"

  Beside Ma Xiaoling.

  Xiaoqing's eyes were full of yearning.

  "Your Ma family ancestors and that young man can fight for each other regardless of their lives. It's simply the love we yearn for." Maybe. "Ma Xiaoling is also a little depressed.


  The story really goes on like this

  So why

  Will the ancestors of the Ma family curse and swear so that the descendants of the Ma family cannot shed a single tear for the man?

  And she

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