How can you be so stupid.

  "Jianggujun Chuchun doesn't expect how many twenty years, Chuchun only remembers our days under the cherry tree.

  That was the happiest day in Chuchun's life, I don't regret it, no matter how many years

  Early Spring said softly.

  Her voice was melodious. "For so many years, I just want to be by your side, Jiang Gujun."

  Her voice was soft and she looked at Jiang Gu quietly.

  some words.

  It is the most affectionate confession to Jiang Gu.

  Jiang Gu did not speak.

  He couldn't respond either. "Jiang Gu-jun seems to be here."


  Early Spring seemed to sense something and said softly.


  A gloomy wind blew past.

  a green light

  It slowly emerged on Jiang Gu's balcony.

  She stared silently in front of her eyes, her expression a little dull.


  She whispered to her mother.

  Jiang Gu turned around.

  I saw this figure.

  Ruan Mengmeng. "One soul and three souls." Jiang Gu's voice was gentle. "mom

  Ruan Mengmeng called softly.

  The person she remembers who can protect her

  It seemed that it was only her mother.

  "Mom I'm so cold 1"

  She suddenly felt a chill.



  A hand appeared in front of her.

  Ruan Mengmeng raised his head blankly.

  I saw a handsome and elegant man. "I'll take you home."

  Jiang Gu said gently.

  Ruan Mengmeng gently held Jiang Gu's palm.

  Open the door.

  Jiang Gu walked upstairs.

  He knocked gently on the door of Mengmeng's house.

  quite a while.

  The door opened slowly. "Just put your salary in front of the TV.

  After a figure opened the door, he walked slowly towards the sofa in the living room, and said slowly as he walked.

  She sat straight on the sofa.

  Staring blankly at the TV.

  Jiang Gu walked in slowly.

  Mengmeng walked in.

  It wasn't long before the two walked in.

  He heard rapid footsteps. "wack?"

  Ma Xiaoling's voice sounded.

  Only behind.

  Ma Xiaoling, Jin Zhengzhong, and Wang Zhenzhen all rushed over. "It's Mengmeng!" Jin Zhengzhong was overjoyed when he saw Ruan Mengmeng's ghost.

  "You are. The center—"

  Ruan Mengmeng recognized Kim Jong-jung.

  "What's wrong with me? Why can't I remember anything? I seem to be going home in a daze

  Why don't you remember anything?

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  Ruan Mengmeng rubbed his head in a daze and asked inexplicably.

  She is confused.

  Compared with her optimistic state, it is completely a sky and an underground. "You—" Kim Jong-jung was about to speak. "You're all right."

  Jiang Gu's gentle words interrupted what Jin Zhengzhong was about to say.

  Ma Xiaoling glared at Jin Zhengzhong.

  Kim Jong-jung also realized that he was wrong.

  Ghosts can't stand fright.

  Especially now, Mengmeng's ghost is still incomplete. Once scared away, it will be difficult to find again. "Why are you here?" Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu who was standing at Mengmeng's house, a little curious. "She came to my balcony." "I took her home_-"

  Jiang Gu was as gentle as ever.

  Ma Xiaoling seemed to understand something.

  Early spring in Jianggu's house

  Natural yin is the strongest in the entire building.

  "Zhongzhong, you call the ambulance, we will send Mengmeng's soul back to the hospital, don't delay."

  Xiaoling ordered.

  "it is good!"

  Kim Jong-jung went to make a phone call. "Mr. Jiang"

  Wang Zhenzhen looked at Jiang Gu and said embarrassedly, "Have we met before?"

  A slight smile appeared on Jiang Gu's delicate cheeks: "Maybe."

  is talking.

  Ma Xiaoling's cell phone rang.

  After picking up the phone, Tang Benjing's voice came from the other end of the phone: "Miss Ma, I want to find Jiang Gu Jiang Xian.

  pregnancy. "If you have time, you can come to see me at Tsutenkaku tomorrow, and I will invite the two of you to dinner."

  After Ma Xiaoling hung up the phone.

  He glanced at Jiang Gu strangely. "Tang Benjing, I'm looking for you."

  "Could it be that you have something to do with it?"

  Ma Xiaoling looked at Jiang Gu with her beautiful eyes, feeling a little unbelievable.

  "Kutang Benjing." Maybe. "

  Jiang Gu had a gentle smile on his face, but his eyes were a little deep.

  these answers.

  Not ambiguous.

  Maybe these two words.

  It's not that Jiang Gu didn't know Wang Zhenzhen and Tang Benjing.

  It was Yamamoto Xue and Domoto Jing who knew Jiang Gu, but Wang Zhenzhen and Domoto Jing did not know Jiang Gu.

  Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes: "Can you have another answer?"

  Jiang Gu was about to leave.

  Hear Ma Xiaoling's words.

  He paused.

  After half a sound. "Maybe.


  He went out.

  Watching Jiang Gu go out.

  Miss Ma took a deep breath.

  she feels

  I got pissed off myself. "Weird! Oddball! Oddball!

  Ma Xiaoling said angrily.

  "Xiaoling, it seems that you have never been so angry with someone before." Wang Zhenzhen looked at Ma Xiaoling and laughed softly. "You're still laughing at him because he's mad at me on purpose!" Ma Xiaoling pouted. "But, I think you are very happy." Wang Zhenzhen looked at (Zhao Zhao) Ma Xiaoling and said.

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