corpse inside

  Very strong.

  Could it be that someone is going to take a shot at Zhenguo Shiling?

  But why didn't the person who shot it destroy the Zhenguo Shiling, but just killed the guards?

  Doubt here.

  It made Ma Xiaoling look lost in thought. "Master, what should I do?"

  Kim Jong-jung looked at the corpse and looked a little nervous: "Why are the lists we encountered recently so complicated?

  Yes, just kill me.

  Ma Xiaoling did not speak.

  After a moment.

  Ma Xiaoling stood up and said directly, "Let's go."

  She took Jin Zhengzhong to the special exhibition area of ​​the cultural district.

  Kuang Tianyou and his party of police just came to investigate the case.

  Although the homicide has not been solved.

  However, the Zhenguo Shiling is also a very important cultural relic, which cannot be lost.

  "Tianyou, why do you look so preoccupied?" Jin Zhengzhong looked at Kuang Tianyou with a solemn expression and couldn't help but ask

  road. "Nonsense, there is such a big murder here, only you can laugh."

  Ma Xiaoling rolled her eyes. "Master, it's not right for you to say that, I'm not smiling, I'm serious too, okay?"

  As Jin Zhengzhong said that, he looked at the descendants of the Li family who were guarding the stone spirit of the country, with a few hints of provocation: "But some

  People may not really be able to laugh. "

  The expressions of the descendants of the Li family sank.

  Kim Jong-jung's words.

  Like a slap in the face, it hit him hard in the face.

  He looked at Jin Zhengzhong with cold eyes. "Don't look at me, I'm just talking casually."

  Kim Jong-jung spreads his hands.

  The descendants of the Li family gritted their teeth and did not speak.

  Although the surrounding area of ​​Shiling in Zhenguo is empty and forbidden to enter, there are still many reporters in the outside world.

  Take a photo here.

  Yesterday they found out after being transferred from the mountain.

  He hurried back.

  but after returning

  There is only one corpse left.

  Although concealed

  But Ma Xiaoling and others knew the real situation.

  Kuang Tianyou stood not far from the town stone spirit, his eyes were complicated.

  The call he got today.

  It is to destroy the town stone spirit.


  As the reporters dispersed.

  It's getting quieter here.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong sat aside.

  Ordinary guards blocked the place, and in the center of the place were the descendants of the Li family, Zhang Bao, Zhang Sheng, and others.

  Line peculiar people.

  The Li family heirs and the Ma family are at odds.

  The peculiar people are also on the side of the descendants of the Li family, and they are also indifferent to Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong.

  Ma Xiaoling and Jin Zhengzhong didn't care either.

  "Tianyou, have you found the murderer in your case? Do you think it was the same murderer?"

  Kim Jong-jung had nothing to talk about.

  "Ah, oh I don't know."

  Kuang Tianyou looked a little nervous.


  never done evil

  Not to mention this time to destroy the town stone spirit.

  if not for resurrection

  But even for resurrection.

  Destroying the town stone is already the bottom line.

  If you let him kill.

  This is simply not possible. "God bless, why are you feeling so wrong today?" Kim Jong-jung asked curiously.


  The moment his voice fell!

  all lights

  -->>This chapter is not over, click on the next page to continue reading

  The light disappeared in an instant!

  The whole exhibition hall was pitch black!


  Ma Xiaoling's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and the magic wand appeared.

  Kuang Tianyou's figure disappeared immediately.


  A low growl came from outside the exhibition hall. " is outside the exhibition hall

  Ma Xiaoling got up immediately and walked quickly towards the outside of the exhibition!

  After Ma Xiaoling and others left.

  in the dark.

  Kuang Tianyou was wearing a black mask, and his figure instantly appeared above the town stone spirit!

  The moment he appeared!

  The descendants of the Li family and the peculiar people instantly looked up!

  It's just too late!

  Kuang Tianyou descended from the sky! One palm slammed into the town stone spirit!


  This palm directly shattered the exhibition stand! It collapsed directly to the ground


  This town stone spirit still has any damage

  Apart from

  A trace of cracks! "Roar"

  Kuang Tianyou let out a roar, opened his fangs, and headed towards the Zhenguo Shiling again! "Stop him!" said the heirs of the Li family!

  Mission this time.

  If the Zhenguo Shiling is destroyed

  Their Li family will no longer be trusted!-

  ask for flowers...

  At that time, the Li family, which has finally prospered a little, will weaken again!


  The figures of two peculiar people disappeared from the spot, turning into afterimages and flocking to Kuang Tianyou!


  The speed of these two.

  It's too slow!

  Kuang Tianyou's figure passed directly through them!


  Zhang Sheng and Zhang Bao directly stood in front of Zhen Guo Shi Ling!

  The two shot directly when Kuang Tianyou was in front of them!

  Both of them are first-class players in the peculiar people!

  One punch at a time!

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