Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 99: Blue Dragon White Tiger!

From the perspective, the light is a masterpiece.

Many spiritual imprints flickered in the dim perspective like stars, one of which was bright and dazzling.

"Tong Zhengyang ..."

There was a slight ups and downs in Lu Anqisheng's heart, and the one that imprinted a bright masterpiece.

The line of sight was extremely drawn in, and the light filled the entire perspective.

Humming ~

In the light of 累 累 getting more and more prosperous, that ‘star’ suddenly broke apart.

The endless light and shadow seemed to flow from the tide, endless, like an endless river flowing in front of him.

Lu Anqisheng was not calm. He experienced similar scenes several times and often felt shocked when he saw it.

Have you traveled through time and space?

He is still in their spirit?

凭 Why can I awaken such a powerful ability?

While many thoughts flashed, in his perspective, many pictures flashed like slides, and An Qisheng could see all the pictures.

Sitting in the mountains in the middle of the night, Zhengzheng was sitting in a mountain forest. He shot violently, defeated Potter with one palm, and patted him on the beach with one hand. , On the deck, reading books through Zhengyang .......

The events that took place in Tong Zhengyang once passed through between his mind turning.

随着 And with Tong Zhengyang's experience countercurrent, An Qisheng only felt that his mental strength was also being consumed very quickly.

"Not enough, not enough ..."

Wu Anqisheng murmured to himself.

The most interesting thing about Tong Tong Zhengyang is how he came to this world.

第 The first traverser he saw should be Wang Honglin, the great master, but unfortunately, Wang Honglin has already passed away. The spirit of that book is only in that courtyard, and he cannot see it before.

But Tong Zhengyang is different. He is a real living person. Moreover, he has not come to this world for a long time.

The picture flowed through, An Qisheng also really saw the tyrannical place of Tong Zhengyang.

上 On the coastal plains of Florida, fighters roared past, tanks came in, and gunfire poured down, as if to clean the ground.

Zhengtong Zhengyang shuttled through the bullet rain, except for the shells that swayed from the flame, he was basically bathed in the bullet rain!

Each palm-sized machine gun bullet poured down like a pouring rain, but could not shoot through its flesh at all, leaving at most one white mark on it, even though occasionally bullets were shot from the huge wounds in its chest and abdomen,

I ca n’t even hurt his internal organs!

What is this overbearing body? !!

Even with a glimpse in this state, An Qisheng's heart could not help beating.

Finally, the picture slowly stagnated, and the familiar picture that he once saw in the video given by Jiang Shili appeared in his perspective.

It was a free port at dusk. The sky above the deep pit where the statue of Goddess should have stood, her eyes closed, and Tong Zhengyang with blood all over appeared suddenly!


But at this moment, An Qisheng only felt black in front of his eyes, as if hitting a layer of invisible barrier!


之下 Under the night, An Qisheng opened his eyes suddenly, his face lost its color, pale as paper.


Tong Zhengyang frowned, and opened his eyes and glanced at An Qisheng:

"Get into the magic?"

Suddenly in his induction, An Qisheng's breath fell, as if the burning fireball turned into a candle, the contrast was extremely great.

Is very similar to getting into the magic.

"Sickness ..."

Luan Qisheng coughed twice, and a moment of pain appeared on his face:

"I'm old, I'm terminally ill, and I'm not cured."

"Certain illness?"

Zhengtong Zhengyang shook his head slightly and stopped paying attention.

The king's power sword tonight is extremely active, and almost all breaks out. Except to appease the king's power sword, he has no time to pay attention to other things.

The king's power sword looks like iron and non-iron, like gas and non-qi, and it is invisible and qualityless. Once he escapes from his flesh and blood blockade, he can't even find it.

For the king's power sword, he lurked for about forty years, suffered endless humiliation, was chased and killed by the whole world for several months, and was seriously wounded to death. He also came to this spiritless land.

If the King Sword is lost ...


Luan Anqi coughed like a pretender, pulled out Gu Gudan and swallowed with saliva.

"All the pictures stopped abruptly when Tong Zhengyang appeared ..."

Luan Qisheng's complexion was cloudy.

The matter is mixed, and the good news is that Tong Zhengyang doesn't seem to find his peep like Mr. Yang Ming, but he can't get a glimpse of what happened before Zheng Zheng passed through.

或许 "Maybe, what conditions can't be met?"

Wu Anqisheng turned his mind to him, and he still knew very little about his ability.

He was mentally distressed, but he was not strong enough. He took a few steps, sat down against a big tree, fell asleep for a second, and fell into deep sleep very quickly.

A dangerous person like Tongtong Zhengyang is on his side. As long as he doesn't take the shot, he will not be in danger.

And he shot, unless he can run dozens of miles in an instant, there is no difference between defense and defense.

Soon, the shapely cry sounded.

Tong Zhengyang's eyelids in the listening gazing jumped,

跳 Another jump.


On the outskirts of Daxuanjing, in a fully enclosed office some 100 meters underground.

紧急 An emergency meeting is being held.

两侧 Dozens of people sat opposite each other on both sides of the long table, each one looking serious.

Before the long table, a huge projection screen was being shown on the coastal plains of Florida. The scene was like a battle that would take place in a Golden Eagle blockbuster.

Crackling ~

At the left-hand corner, a majestic middle-aged man got up, pressed the projection, and glanced at many colleagues with a serious look:

"I believe that everyone who has watched the video from the Golden Eagle Country has done it. No matter you believe it or not, you have to tell everyone that this is true."

The middle-aged man, code-named 'Qinglong', is the host of this meeting.

The room was silent.

众 Everyone present is the leader of each action group, who is responsible for guarding Daxuan, and also has access to many things that ordinary people cannot reach.

This video has been seen by everyone present.

"According to reliable information, this dangerous man is likely to want to sneak into my Daxuan! Before I did, he committed a murder in Fuso and hundreds of people died in his hands!"

Ying Yinglong held the long table, his eyes were cold:

"This mysterious person suspected of an alien creature has more power than seeing God!"

"Ying Long, from the video alone, it is not surprising that he has surpassed the sight of God! It is not surprising to see the god, speed is like running a horse, a short distance of 100 meters broke out in less than two seconds, but this person surpassed the sight of God too much.

Seeing God ’s musculoskeletal density is very high, but can only resist small caliber pistols, but the person in the video is enough to resist machine gun bullets! "

首 On the right, a gray-haired old man tapped on the long table:

"One shot of the machine gun bullet on the Golden Eagle fighter is enough to cut the lion and tiger in two, and you can't see blood when you enter the internal organs from the wound of the man. It is hard to imagine that this is what the flesh can do."

老 The old man is named Bai Hu ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ and is the leader of another action group.

"How to deal with it? The army cannot move outside the border."

Someone questioned.

"The artificial intelligence Yinglong has mobilized a military satellite to search for this person's trace, except for the four special seven teams that can not be pulled out. No matter what purpose the person is holding, he will never be allowed to step into the big mystery!"

Ying Ying's eyes fell on the young man in the middle of the long table:

"Well, can I reach the Chief of the Jedi Road?"

The young man with the code name 睚眦 stunned, his hesitation flashed across his face, and his teeth grinned:

报告 "Report Qinglong, I can contact the teacher, but I am not sure whether the teacher will go."

"Just contact!"

Qi Qinglong waved his hand and looked at a middle-aged man on the other side:

囚 "Prison Cow, can you contact Master Xue?"

The middle-aged man got up and sighed:

"The teacher is old, why bother his old man? His subordinates are willing to go to the border and would rather die than let this person enter!"


Qi Qinglong sank.

"All right."

White Tiger got up and waved:

"It is the duty of our soldiers to defend the homeland. The master division has been retired for decades. We cannot force it."

"Prison Cow!"

Qi Qinglong looked at middle-aged people:

"You and your subordinates, let me go with this mission!"

"Qinglong, why are you going? It's too dangerous!"

Bai Hu and everyone present changed their looks. I didn't expect this one to go in person.

Uh ~

Qi Qinglong's body stood upright like a gun and sounded like iron stones rubbing:

"What is the responsibility, what is the danger?"

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