Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 922: If he doesn't allow it?



   Bleak, the ancient wind slowly falls from the endless river, drifts from many time and space, permeates the world.


   The realm of immortality, and even the world of all realms, are all silent.


  The years are long, ancient and long. In the endless years, too many powerful men have been born between heaven and earth.


   They may have established sects, or lived alone, or laughed at the world, or looked at it horizontally and horizontally. The years have buried everything, and many living beings in the world have no longer remembered their existence.


   may the years, or the world, still remember them, imprinting their peerless demeanor.


   Looking at the powerful figures stepping on the river, even in the Tai Chi formation, the Prince and others under the purple sun couldn't help but change their colors.


   "They, are they still alive?"


   There was a trembling moan, and his mind swayed.


   Even though they have not been concealed by the predecessors of rebirth, they still have the memory of their past lives as gods. How can they forget the existence that once overwhelmed them?


   Even in their previous lives, many of them fell into the hands of those beings.


   "No, it's not them... this is the brand they left between heaven and earth..."


   The prince looked moved and looked back at the old Buddha holding the Seven Treasure Tree in the gloomy void, and let out a deep breath:


   "Can he push them to this point?"


   The heart of the prince was trembling.


  He used to be the Eastern Great God in his previous life. He was only under the Five Emperors. He knew a lot of secrets, and he knew the power of the saint.


   The saint opens the sky with one thought, and destroys the world with one thought, all beings under it are no different from ants. Even if it is a golden fairy of good fortune, it is just the big ant in their eyes.


   Ever had to rely on the "ant" in their eyes to block other people?


  This can only show that they have no time for him to take care of!




   Above the long river of time and space, a group of figures have stepped over the years and arrived, separated by the boundless time and space, locking the death in the void.


   The indescribable dignified aura is already permeating between heaven and earth.


   "I was in a panic when I was born, but restless after I died. How sad..."


  Miesheng stands with his hands on his back, without joy or sorrow, only shook his head slightly, his tone is flat:


   "Red boy, hand it to you!"


   "Yes, Buddha!"


   The Red Boy Donkey Kong bowed and worshiped, naturally he understood the mind of Buddha.


   After a moment of thought, the void that was blocked by Gautama for a moment, boiled again.




   A avenue of divine light suddenly appeared in the void, tens of thousands of miles long.


  The divine light is like a waterfall, and there are thousands of Ruicai, and Buddha's light.


The moment    appeared, it had already penetrated through the void, lay across the void, like a golden bridge connecting to the other shore, dipping into the depths of the void.




   In the next instant, Vientiane roared.


   The giant Sumi, who shows great power and power, stepped out among the roar of Vientiane, and stepped onto the golden road.


   simultaneously issued a loud shout that resounded all over the world:


"wake up!"


"wake up!"


"wake up!"




   The great earthquake is shaking, Wanchuan is collapsing.


   Earth-shattering visions occur at the same time in Dixian Dao, Nether Dao, and even in the collapsed Demon Realm Heaven and Earth.


   "Netherworld Great Black Mountain?!"


   In the dull and colorless Netherworld, there are ghosts and gods who are shocked, looking back at the center of Netherworld.


   I saw that in the legend, the Nether Emperor became the mountain of Taoism, shaking violently, and between the shaking and shaking of the earth, a scarlet and black, terrifying giant came out!


   "Big, Daoshan!"


   The land of immortality, the east victory of the continent, the Taoist ancestral courtyard where thousands of dragons and dragon veins converge, shake the mountains one by one.


   A master of the Taoist School looks shocked.


   I saw the Daoshan Mountain that had carried the preaching of the Heavenly Sage for 30,000 years, and it was trembling at this moment, shattering the Daomen array above the mountain.


   Like a living thing, trembling fiercely.


   Not long after, a Taoist man with a high crown belt holding a whisk in his hand had already torn away the constraints of the mountains, and flew off into the air.


  Netherworld Dahei Mountain, Daomen Avenue Mountain, Buddhism Xumi Mountain, Demon World Tianlong Mountain, Tianrendao Wanxiang Mountain...


   In the incredible eyes of countless people, the legendary mountains and sacred places have undergone extremely incredible changes.


   In an instant, it seems that after tens of thousands of years of evolution, it has transformed into spirits, and stepped forward together!




  Finally, in all the creations, and even the near sacred capitals were moved.


   The immortal way that nourishes all souls and all kinds of souls, the long-lived, the vast ocean, also stands together, the boundless wave connects with the sky!


   The world is perfect!




   Countless people are dumbfounded, and under the South China Sea, in the Ten Thousand Dragons Crystal Palace, the dragons are all dumbfounded.


  The whole world, not just the sea.


   Just like Sume, not just a mountain.


   The four seas are the world of aquatic people and the home of ten thousand dragons. According to legend, they were transformed by a drop of tears left by the demon sage before he became a god.


   It is so vast that it can drown hundreds of millions of stars, and it is so heavy that it can crush the golden fairy of good fortune.


How can it be?


How can it be? !


   The ruins are also like endless seabeds, unfettered and dazed, looking at the dry sea, I can hardly believe my eyes for a while.


   "This, how is this possible?"


   Qing was unfettered between his hair and hair, and he heard Wan Long roar, shaking the world.

   He turned his head back suddenly,


   Seeing that I had sneaked into the Ten Thousand Dragons Forbidden Land many days ago, it seemed that thousands of dragon gods had recovered and roared with anger.


   But only for a moment, the dragon shadow disappeared, and the dragon chant fell silent.


   A head as big as a star, as if losing its restraint, suddenly opened its mouth, swallowing all the dragon gods in the horrified eyes of the countless water races in the Wanlong Nest.


   "Wh, what..."


   Qing was shocked without any horror, and was about to escape, with a palm lightly patted on his shoulder.




   Qing looked back without restraint, and saw a four-foot-high, lonely face, scarlet eyes, a "monkey" that resembles a person less than a beast, making a "hush".


   "Don't be noisy, don't bark. Little loach, behave, I won't kill you..."


   The monkey grinned and looked into the deep void, the old Buddha, whose fangs turned faintly red:






   Between the nothingness, the dimension is infinite, and its vastness is vast and countless times greater than the sum of all the Taoisms.


   Just as the long river of time and space vibrated, the spirits of the mountains and rivers vacated at the same time.


   Somewhere in the void, it slowly lights up.


   An old Dao slowly raised his eyebrows, his ancient eyes looked through the void, and with it as the center, the Jiufang Daotai also gradually rose.


   The various Taoist patterns are intertwined, and the Taoists are bound tightly like a net.


   These nine Taoist platforms are ancient and noble, one of them is empty, and on the other eight, there are figures with their backs to the heaven and the earth.


   Facing the Taoist, jealous, but dignified, stalemate with each other, I don't know how many years.






   Between heaven and earth, there is a dead silence.


   Only the ‘hissing’ sound left by those figures stepping through the void lasts for a long time.


   "Good fortune..."


   A ripple flashed under Gautama's eyes.


   Inexplicably, there is information surging. The one who understands all this is the old Buddha's method and supernatural power.


   He has no time to think about the magical power of this so-called ‘good fortune’.


   At the moment when the spirits of the mountains, rivers and mountains meet the long river of time and space, stepping forward one step forward, already surrounded by heavy wisdom light, stepped into the utter emptiness.


   looked at the old Buddha who gave him unparalleled pressure, and put his hands together: "Great monk, Bodhidharma is polite..."


   looked at the monk in front of him, his eyes moved, and said lightly:


   "It's hypocrisy after all..."




   Gautama seemed to be aware of it. Behind him, the shadow of the long-lost Bodhi tree appeared again.


   is even more faintly, turning into a human face.


   "If you take this person's body, you may be able to stop me, but in this state, how can you stop me?"


   Looking at the looming Taoist, Miesheng shook his head slightly:


   "Killing lives is for protecting lives, cutting karma is not cutting people. After all, you don't understand this truth..."


   "Killing lives is for protecting lives, cutting industry is not cutting people..."


   The Bodhi Taoist shook his head slightly: "Killing one person and saving the world, I will not do it...you are wrong."


   "Back then, I killed you to save the world, but now I kill the world to save the eternal world."


  Miesheng didn't care about it. He knew this human mind a long time ago, and said lightly: "You may choose to stop me at this time, but you should know the consequences..."


   "If you weren't wrong, why did the world end there?"


  Between the two of them talked to each other, there seemed to be a myriad of scenes changing around, as if they spoke with each other, and it seemed like time and space changed.


   Gautama stands here, seems to have a sense of witnessing history, and faintly, seems to see the hidden facts of the battle 70,000 years ago.


   Seventy thousand years ago, the sky was in flames and all souls fell.


   The tribes are stronger than the big monsters and gods. Under the leadership of the Fenghuang Emperor, he has conquered the sky for many years, and the sky and the earth have fallen apart, and the gods and Buddhas have fallen.


   finally led to the incarnation of a saint...


   Then, this Buddha suddenly made a move, and with ruthless means, he killed all the strong men in the Battle of Heaven.


   Pulled up the linden tree and cut off the path of cutting the sky.


   In the legend, the two mortal enemies of each other, it seems, it seems...


   "The number of living beings in a lifetime~www.readwn.com~How can I bear my heart..."


   The Bodhi Taoist looked sad: "I can't help it."


   There is a sigh in its sound.


   Gautama felt vaguely, as if seeing the Taoist traveling through the world a long time ago, it was sad to see how miserable it was.


   finally started early...


"Under the emperor, all beings are like ants! One day, one year, and one time. Shepherded by immortals, but they are just'flesh men' who nurture the spirit of gods, buddhas and all sages. They talk about'life' , Talk about'spirit'?"


   Two steps before the death of life, looking back at the four poles, indifferent and calm: "If you live forever like this, it would be better to die for one lifetime!"


   "You can't convince me, just as I can't convince you..."


   The Bodhi Taoist is more and more indefinite, and it seems that he can no longer stay in the world, but his voice becomes more and more determined:


   "At the expense of heaven and earth in order to defeat the saints, I won't allow it!"


   "You don't allow..."


   Annihilation looked around, all roads and poles were in the light of his eyes, he swept across the bottom of the sea, looked at the south, glanced at the north, and looked into the depths of nothingness:


   "What can you do?"


   Bodhi is silent, after a moment, if a lamp is burning, it will gradually shine, shining through the darkness, and also shining toward the endless river:


   "What if he doesn't allow it?"


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