Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 109: What is martial arts?

"Unfortunately the power is insufficient"

After being startled, An Qisheng sighed.

There are two search modes for the one-picture search, one is rough, and the other is detailed. The latter consumes hundreds of times as much as the former.

For example, the information about Zhengyang is roughly the above. If it is detailed information, not only himself, but even the people he has seen throughout his life, the coefficients are included.

What a pity, now he only has ten points of power. To know all of them, he needs a thousand points of power. Naturally he doesn't.

After sighing, I can only keep this in mind.

After traversing Zhengyang's life trajectory, lines of text listed his exercises and martial arts:

功 [Gongfa: Wang Jianzhen Yue Jian, Taibaiji Jingjing, Dragon and Tiger Pure Yang Qi, Tianlong Yuxianbu, Covering the Heavenly Fingerprints, Silent Palm, Sky Wave Crossing Method, Celestial Finger, Phantom Fist, Broken Knife]

Compared with Wang Quan's old pathetic pitiful, don't do too much in Zhengyang.

From internal skills to external skills, from swordsmanship to swordsmanship, from fist fingers to light exercises crossing, there are dozens of them!

"There are no white flowers at these ten points"

Wu Anqisheng nodded in his heart.

虽然 Although he can enter Zhengyang dream at any time, but it is not a matter of overnight that he wants to summarize all the exercises.

It is just a little Tao force, all the exercises have been extracted from Tong Zhengyang's memory by Tao Yitu.

虽 Although he can get all the exercises listed in Tao Yitu.

I just, it's just the exercises.

In order to gain Tong Zhengyang's experience of these exercises, in addition to falling asleep, he also needs to spend more effort.

From this point of view, Daoli is better and better.


Luan Qisheng was about to look at those exercises in detail, and her heart suddenly moved and opened her eyes.

I saw that not far away, a fat girl dressed as a maid came over holding a porcelain bowl.

"My lady ordered me to bring some dry food to the Taoist Chief, and the Taoist Chief should not dislike it."

Minya pursed her lips.

Luan Qisheng gently pulled out the arms held by the two children, arching their hands:

"Thank you Miss, then."

"What is the name of the Chief?"

Little fat maid passed the porcelain bowl, two pastries, three full heads.

"Old Road, Wang Quan."

Luan Qisheng thought for a while, or said the old way.

"Prosperity and prosperity, royal life and death? Master Tao's road sign is really domineering."

Xiao Xiaoya stunned, but also did not expect that this shabby old Taoist Taoist was so domineering.

"Not the right to power, but"

Luan Qisheng wanted to refute, and her heart suddenly jumped:

"Wang Quan, King Power, King Power Taoist, King Power Sword? Then King Power Sword recognizes me as the master, shall it not be?"

At the first thought, An Qisheng's heart suddenly became a little confused.

"Royal authority?"

胖 The fat girl shook her hand in front of him.

"It's okay, old age, easy to lose heart."

Wu Anqisheng came back to her, barely smiled, and took the porcelain bowl.

"I'll say goodbye then."

The fat girl looked at him with a pitying look, trotting to keep up with the carriage in front.

"I am a monarch? Is a monarch?"

I lay on the groceries again, and An Qisheng's thoughts flashed in his mind.

In fact, as soon as he got part of Wang Quan's memory, he didn't find the words of Tong Zhengyang and Wang Quanjian in it, he was already skeptical.

He just didn't expect that he might be a monarch.

But isn't it another paradox?

With a move in his heart, he once again communicated a picture:

"Tao Yitu, how much force does the King Sword come from?"

光芒 The light flashed in the perspective, and the text fell down like a waterfall:

[Search for the origin of the King Sword, it takes 10,000 points of power]

"10,000 points"

Luan Qisheng pillowed his arms, his eyes flashed a few times.

Eunuch Road is uneven, and many places are no longer open to traffic, and temporary paving or detours are required.

When I knew that the three rounds of the sun were shining side by side, I came to Nanliang County.

The stone-walled ramparts are more than a foot high. Several official roads before the city walls arrived here, and they finally became flat. At the intersection of several roads, the flow of people gradually increased.

The noise is loud and popular.

Qi Anqisheng turned up and sat up, looking around.

The memory of others is the memory of others, which is different from what they perceive.

Barge, horse, pedestrian, hawker, woman, merchant, soldier, warrior, city gate, vocal, yelling, talking

Everything is reflected in the slightly blurred vision, and then comes into my mind.

Stuck in An Qisheng's heart, the world became vivid in his eyes.

"Jiu Fujie"

Luan Qisheng was a little uneasy in her heart.


"The county seat is here!"

At this time, the two children also woke up.

"Mr. Tao, just send you here. The caravan entering the city is not the same as the pedestrian entering the city and needs to be inspected."

The guard came over before, arching his hand.

"Thanks a lot."

Wu Anqi got out of the car.

"Bread, hoe."

Jiang Tingting's eyes were sharp and she saw the dry food in a porcelain bowl.

"This is from the lady. Eat when you are hungry."

Luan Qisheng smiled slightly.

The two little guys were already hoeing their heads.

"Stop it."

Luan Qisheng arched his hand and took the two little guys towards the gate.

I ate dry food and took a short break. As long as it wasn't running, I didn't need to support my daily walking.

I walked into the crowd, listening to a language that was completely different from Xuan Xing, An Qisheng's heart was wonderful.

The two little guys didn't care at all. They had a gimmick in one hand and they were so sweet.

Xi followed the flow of people into the city, and the streets in Nanliang County were straight and flat, quite different from the uneven official road.

"Bingo Gourd ~~~"

"First-class flower cloth, first-class satin, custom clothes!"

"A hundred steel-making knives, cutting iron like mud, necessary things for walking rivers and lakes."

The straight street goes straight to the depths, and the buildings on both sides are lined up in turn. Various small vendors and hawkers on both sides of the street are hawking.

The people are so crowded. Although it is a county seat, it is very lively.

Luan Qisheng is not surprised. The world is turbulent all year round. There are wild beasts from time to time in the wild, and the walls with thick walls naturally give people a sense of security.

Naturally, people flow to the county seat.

I walked through a street, An Qisheng's novelty was not diminished, but thinking that the two little guys didn't take a good rest, they randomly found a home inn.

The owner of the inn saw that the three were dirty and unwilling to entertain. After An Qisheng took out the silver, his attitude suddenly became enthusiastic.

The charm of Yin Yin is enough to make people ignore everything.

In the room on the third floor of the inn, the mist was lingering, the steam was steaming, and the two little guys who had washed clean and changed into new clothes struggled to scrub Master.

老 This old man had been lying for twenty days after being deprived of the inner strength of the boy, and his body was almost stinky. After two full washings, the rotten stench dissipated.

Fortunately, there are not many teeth in the old way, but I don't need to brush my teeth.

It's a sad thing.

After a long time tossing down, it was already dark, An Qisheng asked for a table of meals, and after two little guys had enough food and drink, they really settled down.

A faint red light came in from the window, matching the faint light of the candlelight.

She Anqisheng sat on the bed, looking carefully at the bronze mirror.

In the bronze mirror, the old Taoist priests had no decay, and had gray hair, but they were a bit more immortal.

I have to say that if it is not too old, selling is pretty good.

"One old boy and two boys, showing their silver today, might not be able to attract peeping. The gangsters of the Snake King Mountain might also come over and there is the sacred God of the Three Kings. Is it a coincidence that he captured the strength of the old road?"

Luan Qisheng exhaled slightly, and his complex thoughts were exhaled from his body:

"It's time to start practicing"

武 Wu Gong in this realm is very different from Xuan Xing from the beginning. Although it was the grinding of bones and flesh before Zhenqi, this body uses internal force to grind the flesh.

The reason to grind the flesh is to carry the violent heaven and earth aura.

So, the first step in martial arts in this world is to develop a sense of energy and generate internal force.

In spite of this, although the martial arts are extremely strong and there are many people in Wulin, it does not mean that the internal strength cheats are easily obtained.

According to normal people, it is possible to learn the secrets of internal strength by visiting a teacher at the age of seven, working as a miscellaneous student for three years, apprentice for three years, and three years of inspection.

However, Master often keeps one hand.

Internal strength cheats are not easy to handle.

"I need to practice my inner strength first"

Wu Anqisheng said a few words in his heart, and several secrets of his inner strength practice had emerged in his heart.

Martial arts, martial arts, internal force practice is martial arts, fist, foot, knife and gun are martial arts.

Only by success can Wu Cheng.

This is the common knowledge and cognition of martial arts people in this world.

The unnamed virgin gong of the King Wang Quandao, the light-filling and enlightening method of Zhengyang, the pure yang of tigers and tigers, and the Taibaiji Jingjing are all gong.

However, Taibai Jishu can only be practiced after condensing qi veins, and Longhu pure yang can only be practiced after changing blood.

其实 In fact, what he can choose are actually the unknown boy gong and Hanguang tuna.

However, in his estimation, the two values ​​should be equal, but, instead of containing light tones, Tong Zi Gong is more suitable for pure tiger yang.

After all, Tong Zhengyang has no inheritance. Long Tiger's pure yang is only snatched from the Dragon Tiger Sect, and it does not completely fit the practice of the light-based tuna he practices.

"Then boys will do it"

As soon as Lu Anqisheng's heart moved, Tong Zigong's training formulas and precautions, the knock on the door had come to mind.

Pu Tong Gong is not a static work, but a moving work.

Regardless of the name, when practicing, you need to accompany a series of complex movements in order to fully mobilize the body and generate internal force in the body.

"If these actions are really an ordinary ninety-year-old man to practice, I'm afraid that one set will be sent away without finishing"

Luan Qisheng turned his thoughts and started to do various actions.

His movements are gentle and careful. Although he has control over the body, he has almost hollowed out the old body and cannot withstand too much vigorous exercise ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Maybe it is because of the body itself There are already memories of these actions, or An Qisheng's control over the body is amazing.

一套 This set of movements, which in the eyes of ordinary people are comparable to difficult yoga, really made him do it once.

Purr ~

During the exercise, An Qisheng kept adjusting his breath.

Three breaths, one volt together.

Cycles and cycles, again and again.

Gradually, An Qisheng keenly noticed that a trace of air flow rose in the abdomen, and gradually spread throughout the body.

"This is it?"

Luan Qisheng's thoughts flashed, but the action did not stop.

Rhythmic breathing is accompanied by complex movements, pushing that heat flow around the body.

He only felt that the place where the inner air was swimming was warm and drowsy and tired. After waiting for a complete cycle in the upper and lower reaches of the body, there was a kind of heart and soul that had been baptized!

This feeling is like the depleted land is nourished, and the thirsty person will drink the spring water!

I was just a reincarnation, An Qisheng felt that this body was a few years younger.

It was immediate!

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