Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 158: It's over.


When Tuoba Zhongguang opened his mouth, blood poured out.

He tried to reach for the spear, struggled, and eventually fell down.

After the Qi pulse is completed, the human body and the heavens communicate, and the human body can exchange true qi with heaven and earth at all times, so as to reach the endless endless qi.

Then, you can do a short flight!

At the last moment, he wanted to retreat, and the moment his mask of energy was broken, he almost fled, but unfortunately, he was shot through his chest in the end.

Huh ~

An Qisheng's wrist shook, and the corpse hung above the spear flew several feet like straw, and fell into the ruins.

All ambitions, all plans, all struggles, all unwillingness, everything.

Many of them were buried by the falling earth and stones.

Dead silence.

At the peak of Tianyu, everyone was in a dead silence.

Even Lan Da and Zhao Changlin did not expect that in a short time, Xue Chaoyang and Tuoba Chongguang were dead and injured.

The last shot, even if they watched it, couldn't help shaking in their hearts.

"Ann! Strange! Born!"

The sound of endless Xiaother's cold silence sounded:

"You're fine, fine ..."

At a height of ten feet, Xue Chaoyang stood in the air, and under his long hair, the cold face was full of indescribable forest coldness.

All plans, all plans, and by this time, they were all ruined.

An Qisheng stood with his gun and looked at him lightly, his voice calm:

"I'm fine."

Xue Chaoyang's martial arts is undoubtedly based on Tuoba Guangguang. Although there are reasons for his distraction, Xue Chaoyang took over his ‘South Tianmen’.

Most of his injuries at this time were due to his backwash of mystery.

He didn't care that Xue Chaoyang could guard the sky, which he had known for a long time.

However, the imperial air of the Qimai is not as fast as they do light work, and it is not very useful in rushing or fighting.

At best, Xue Chaoyang is free from being hit by a cliff.

But this is also very good, chopping the grass to remove the roots, killing the ashes, really want him to fall off the cliff, you have to find it.

"Master Tuoba!"

"Catch it!"

"Master Tuoba!"

At this time, the sounds of the remaining six doors catching screaming sounded loudly.

Many of the fast-tracking eyes watching An Qisheng were full of fear. Even if the killing intention was boiling, even Tuoba Zhongguang was killed on the spot. How could they dare to shoot?

"Xue Chaoyang!"

The blue color on his face did not fade away, Zhao Changlin struggled to get up, biting his teeth:

"I am God and your court well water do not violate the river, why are you deliberately killing us today?"

As he got up, a lot of martial arts people also spread out for them, raising their swords, staring at each other and confronting many six doors, all of them were murderous.

"Well water does not violate river water? Do you guys deserve it ?!"

In the air, Xue Chaoyang raised his head, and his messy hair fluttered in the wind.

There was a cold smile on the corner of his mouth:

"The world is the world of the imperial court! Those of you who have no monarchs and no fathers, claim to be martial arts and strong, do not perform miscellaneous service, do not pay taxes, occupy the mountains and forests, and collect refugees ... named Zongmen, it is actually China is the leader of Dafeng!

"What an absurdity!"

Zhao Changlin has not spoken yet, and a disciple behind him has stood up:

"It ’s only been two hundred years since your Dafeng was founded. I have more than tripled you since I was founded! The ancestor of your Taifeng Taizu has not yet been born, and we are standing on this land. You have What qualifications govern us? "

Uh ~

Between the words floating, Zhao Changlin's face changed, and his body flickered. The disciple who had just spoken had spurted blood and was pierced by a silver needle.

"Dog-like stupid is also worth talking to this seat ?!"

Xue Chaoyang sighed lightly, and put a loose hair on his back, it seemed that he did not care about the turbulence of many martial arts people.

Definitely looked at An Qisheng.

At this time, he only needs to let go of his energy, and then he can fall on the cliff. With his martial arts practice, there may not be a lifeline, but he chooses to stay.

He wants to make a final attempt.

In addition to this hidden danger for Dafeng.


Surging like a volcanic eruption, the air burst out.

Xue Chaoyang yelled at the sky, and his body moved, and the dark sword suddenly cut through the sky:

"Determine life and death!"

"it is good!"

An Qisheng nodded slightly, stepped between his feet, and the spear went empty.


The energy was violent, and the sword light and the gun shadow annihilated.

Xue Chaoyang didn't care about his blood flowing in his body, and his long sword waved like a crazy monster!

The Seven Stars Breaking Sun Method is all open!

Do not avoid the key, do not hide the spear, do not fear life or death!

In a desperate situation, Xue Chaoyang is crazy like a demon, and the spirits and spirits of Sirius are in full swing. The gorgeous bloom of one time almost has to overtake An Qisheng's spear!

铮铮 铮铮 ~~~

Thousands of collisions echoed through the sky, and Xue Chaoyang was extremely fierce.

An Qisheng's long hair rises when the air flows violently:


Ang ~

The spear empties, like a dragon crosswise.

Xue Chaoyang, who is fully open with the seven-star breaking sun, contains every bit of terror.

Even though An Qisheng's body is now faint, he can perceive his body's groans, membranes, bones, and internal organs all bear tremendous shock.

But he still is.

Do n’t avoid, do n’t flash, do n’t give up, hit fast, hit hard!



The two moved side by side on top of the mountain, the place where they passed cracked, the rocks were broken, the sand was splashing, and the huge Tianyu Peak almost became a ruin.


At one moment, a long howling shook the sky.

The sound of the sky's golden iron collision dissipated.

An Qisheng stood with a gun under his broken robe, revealing his steel-like physical body.

Three feet in front of him, Xue Chaoyang shook his body, and a lot of blood was pouring from his mouth. In his chest, a large bowl opened through the front and back, of which the heart was missing.

What did not show up, that invisible strength had shattered his muscles and internal organs ...

"Not as good as people ..."

With the blood dripping to the ground, Xue Chaoyang shivered and looked at the distance behind An Qisheng, muttering to himself:

"Chenben commoner, won the king's appreciation and ranked high ... Unfortunately, he failed to do harm to the country ..."

he died.

Lost in stare.

To die without fail, to die without staring.

"Your sword, faith, will, I feel ..."

An Qisheng nodded slightly.

Although he is an enemy, he also has to admit that Xue Chaoyang's belief is extremely powerful. Otherwise, he cannot break away from his ‘Nantianmen’.

In martial arts fighting, the advancement of skills is only secondary, and the most important thing is to realize the 'Tao' of different people.

After killing Xue Chaoyang and Tuoba Chongguang, he discovered that this kind of struggle between life and death can also gain power, but the threshold is high.

Huh ~

He flicked his sleeves slightly, and the invisible air flow passed by like wind, closing his eyes.

"Master! Lord!"

At this time, many of the remaining six doors were swarmed before they came to catch Xue Chaoyang and Tuoba Chongguang's corpses.

Many people have tears in their eyes and their bodies are shaking.

Although Xue Chaoyang is cruel, he treats his subordinates really well. Although he is harsh, he never has a silk milligram buckle.

Uh ~

Daoguang rises, Jianyin sounds.

Many people from the martial arts circled around and blocked the end of the mountain road. They looked at the six doors and watched fast.

Among the crowd, if Dongmen and Mo Fengtao were sweating coldly, their eyes were despairing.

When they were in chaos before, they wanted to run away. However, these martial arts people hated the two of them so much that everyone was watching them all the time.

Even if they want to escape early, it is absolutely impossible.

Huh ~

An Qisheng put away his spear and looked at the eyes of many awe, fear, fear, hatred, and truly felt the truth of this world.

Orderly, confusion.

Fighting and killing is a normal thing for the people in this world.

"Thank you, Mr. Ann for helping."

Zhao Changlin and Lan Da, who were held by him, arched slightly.

"Thank you for your help!"

Many other people from the rivers and lakes also thanked them.

"Oh ~"

An Qisheng smiled unclearly.

He did not forget that the purpose of these rivers and lakes people is to gain the magical power of his body.

He did not come up this time for these people.

I just do n’t want to carry it.

If not, there are too many people who die every day in the world. Where does he care about the lives of some people who want to come to ‘remove magic’?

He didn't care about everyone's gratitude, resentment, and left with a spear.

Wherever he went, no matter whether it was a man in the martial arts or six doors catching fast, he unconsciously gave way.


After the crowd, looking at An Qisheng stepping forward, if Dongmen was pale and shivering, a great fear appeared in his heart.


Seeing that An Qisheng was getting closer and closer, if Dongmen yelled and fell to his knees: "No, I didn't reveal your whereabouts ..."

"Oh it's you."

An Qisheng was slightly aware.

In this world, not many people know the name 'An Qisheng'. In addition to Huiguo, there are only Dongmenruo and Zhao Yanyan.

He wondered how those six doors would know, and it was clear now.

However, looking at Dongmen, who lacks two fingers, An Qisheng didn't care how much. Peng Shui met. People can do this for you. How can they want more?

"What about my stuff?"

An Qisheng's eyes were dangling lightly.

"Why, what ..."

If Dongmen was a stunner first, then what came to mind, he took out a lot of silver tickets from his arms:

"So, there are many things in that cottage, little, little people have replaced you with silver tickets ..."

The amount is extremely large. Naturally, a cottage does not have so much money, and most of them have Dongmenruo's money.


An Qisheng took the silver ticket at hand, and shoved it into his arms without looking at the number.

Afterwards, there was no intention to stay, Shi Shiran went down the mountain.

His movements seemed slow but extremely fast, and no one dared to stop or dare stop him.

Zhao Changlin stopped talking until An Qisheng's figure completely disappeared, then he sighed:

"It's free and easy ..."

"This person, this person is too arrogant!"

Among the crowd, some could not help but speak.

"shut up!"

Lan Da glanced coldly at the speaker, and was disgusted:

"Did you forget the purpose of this trip ?!"

I ’ve waited for someone to ‘remove magic and gain power’. The Lord ’s chance saved him by coincidence. Do n’t you think people will give you a good look?

Did n’t kill everyone, it ’s already everyone ’s righteousness!

The man was flushed, his face flushed, and everyone else realized it.


An upright arrester quickly held Xue Chaoyang's body and looked at Zhao Changlin, coldly:

"Either fight for your life, or give way!"

"You eagles, all **** it!"

Other martial arts people were so mad when they saw him die.

Seeing that it actually started at the touch, Zhao Changlin gave a cough and raised his voice to scream:

"Stop all and let them go!"

"What ?! Zhao Zhaoxia, you want to let them go?"

"No! They killed so many fellows, how could they let them go so easily?"

"Kill! You must kill them!"

A crowd of martial arts people raged.


Zhao Changlin gave a cough, and when he saw the crowd was in a turbulent mood, he sighed in his heart, and told his disciples not to do anything.


How to kill?

The Six Doors is an imperial organization ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The government is unified, and the discipline is strict. It is to kill all martial arts people.

And this group of black people can do it?

Does this pot still have to be backed by Ji Shenzong and Baiyue Mountain Villa?

He is naturally not so stupid.

Lan Tianran also understands this truth, naturally he also discourages his disciples from shooting.

Ji Shenzong and Baiyue Shanzhuang didn't do anything. Other martial arts people shouted and killed the people, but they still watched the six doors down the mountain.

No one is stupid, no one dares to carry this pot.

If Dongmen and Mo Fengtao stared at each other, and wanted to retreat with the six doors, they were embraced by hundreds of thousands of martial arts people and chopped into meat sauce ........

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