Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 162: State 1 is the best!

The three spoke in unison, and the sound waves shaking in the air shook the sky.

The mountain temple, which had been breezy on all sides, was a little shaky, and the dust on the roof wall was ‘falling off’.


Smell it first, then see who it is.

Among the three, one came with a sword, a blue shirt hunting, a face like a crown jade, and a three-foot long jaw with purple light.

A man is nine feet tall and not as burly as a mortal man, with scars on his majestic face, and scars on his semi-red upper body.

The last person, fluttering in white, and carrying a long sword, seemed to be riding in the wind at any time.

The trio's demeanor and style are all excellent, making Li Feibai's heart tremble, can not help but look as soil.

"Feng Zhenzong, Dong Tianyou, Yuntang ..."

Yuan San shook his body, and listening to these names seemed to see a ghost.

He recognized that the blue shirt was Feng Zhenzong, the burly man was Yun Tang, and the white swordsman was Dong Tianyou.

These three are impressively one of the most powerful masters in Fengzhou today. According to legend, they have been congenital masters for many years.

The three professed to be masters, but the disciples who saw them all had to be half short, let alone the three face to face?

Immediately, the three wanted to kneel.

This is a big master they can't see!

"Ground list, second place list ..."

Li Feihong's face was ugly, because she suddenly thought of who Mr. An, who was second on the list, was who.

Although the weapon spectrum was swept the world by the implementation of the six doors, it only has more than a month and it is not known to everyone, especially the three have been planning a major event for several months.

But she also seems to have heard people talk about it ...

"Three Qi pulses ..."

Tieshan's face tightened slightly.

Since this month, he has followed An Qisheng throughout more than half of Fengzhou, and ‘visited’ dozens of martial arts gangs, rivers and lakes gangs. Among them, the good students were entertained, and the six secret doors were secretly reported.

Even contacted the master slayer after poisoning.

But being approached by three Qi pulses at the same time made him slightly nervous.

"Someone asked me, why?"

Beside the campfire, An Qisheng raised his eyelids and asked a little.

Although guessed that fame and fortune are very tempting to everyone in this world.

However, these three masters who have become a vein of Qi and are well-known in the state can't be seen, which makes him slightly surprised.

He glanced at the three.

The three of them are full of vitality and vitality, they are blocked outside the gate, and under the pressure of the momentum, the night wind around them no longer seems to blow.

Really a master.

"Mr. An is doing great things in Fengzhou. The three of us are the landlords. How can we not meet?"

The night breeze was very small, but the wind-shirt Zhuang's blue shirt was hunting and moving, but he was already full of turbulence.

Although he disagreed with the court's ranking of An Qisheng as the second place on the list, he had killed Xue Chaoyang and Tuoba Chongguang in the end, and naturally he did not dare to care.

"I heard that Mr. An has got some magical power. When someone Yun Yun is happy, he is uninvited."

Yuntang stood with his hands in a negative hand, with magnificence like mountains standing.

His eyes were very bright, as if the flames were burning, and he was very interested in An Qisheng.

A few months ago, he also heard the birth of the Demon Witch Gong, but unfortunately after the Qi pulse was formed, it was impossible to change the Gong method anyway, because his interest in this method was not great.

It was only after hearing the death of Xue Chaoyang that they became interested.

"The two of them were scared and had to come down, but they had to come."

Dong Tianyou smiled mildly.

Between the three of them, they looked at An Qisheng through the door.

I just feel that his physique is loose and suffocating, and that both internal and external energy seem to have nothing to do. If he hadn't already confirmed his identity, he would have thought that this was just an ordinary old Taoist.

Tieshan whispered to An Qisheng to introduce the three of them.

He sent Fengzhou's capture as a six-door gate, and he was naturally familiar with many masters in Fengzhou.

These three are the strongest in Fengzhou.

Even when Ming Tang was here, backing the court was quite daunting to the three.

"See you, what about it?"

An Qisheng took a look at his eyelids, and replied saltily.

He is happy for many experts to come to you, no matter what their purpose is, it is always to add to his martial arts library.

Any master of qi and pulse must have a complete set of martial arts, and there may even be surprises.

Compared to his visits to the various martial arts one by one, there is a huge gain.

"Mr. An's method of hiding blood and strength is extraordinary."

Fengzhenzong said slightly:

"It's just this method that ranks second on the list and is on an equal footing with Xia Wang. It is not enough to think about it."

It's not just the Fengzheng Sect, the Yuntang and Tang Dynasty also have some concerns about this matter.

Although they did not care about a list ranked by the court, as the list spread, people who did not appear on the list became a bit uncomfortable.

It is impossible to say that the world is in the Dafeng dynasty, and those who have condensed Qi also surpassed 72 people on the weapon spectrum.

The same vein, why are you better than me?

"is it?"

An Qisheng's eyes moved slightly: "What about you?"

His voice was calm, but with his faint voice, an air that was so arrogant that it could not be seen directly, no one could ignore it, filled the whole world for a moment.

The three Li Feibai felt a shock and fled to the side of the mountain temple.

"Feng has been practicing sword at the age of eight, and it has been sixty years since then. Since asking the sword is not inferior to others! Mr. An, who is second on the list today, naturally comes to ask for advice ..."

Feng Zhenzong's expression was dull, the words spread straight and straight, and the sword in his palm slowly raised:

"This is the seventeen vertical and horizontal swords created by someone, please blame Mr. An!"

The words flowed from underneath, and it suddenly became bright under the night!

Once the snow-white sword light is on, it is already dazzling and dazzling. It is like pouring mercury into the mountain temple which is leaking on all sides!

Uh ~

Before the sword lights up, the sound of Jianming echoes.



The light of the sword flickered, illuminating the dark night, but among the sky's sword light, there was only one vertical and one horizontal two swordsman!

Those two sword-mans crosses are like crosses, with boundless fronts.

Wherever they passed, the swaying dust, the hanging cobwebs, the broken wooden doors, and even the ubiquitous airflow were all cut under the blade, shaking into countless small and invisible things.

Whistle ~~

The extremely sharp Mori Han light lit An Qisheng's eyes.

At this moment, Tieshan sitting on one side seemed to see the infinite starry sky in these eyes.

An Qisheng slowly stretched out his hands, pinching his five fingers gently, and in the sound of the air boom blasting, a long gun came from nowhere and was held in his palm.

Without any subtle style, the arm stabbed out with a slight movement.

There was no subtlety in this shot, neither the shadow of the sky nor the delicate changes, but just a stabbing made the appearance of the three people outside the mountain temple all changed.

In particular, the first wind shock sect is like seeing endless towering mountain peaks panning and coming straight!

Under the incomparable majestic force, although it was only stabbed in one shot, it seemed to push out the air flow of the entire mountain temple together!

Between the sky and the gun, the sword has collapsed.


Then, the sonic airflow roared for it!

The air seemed to be the surface of the water, ripples spreading in layers.

The sudden sound of sonic waves sounded like a bang with a cannonball!

Just for a moment, the dust and gravel accumulated in the mountain temple for many years have whistled out, as if countless hidden devices were hitting the three people.

Kakaka ~

The long-lost mountain temple made a sound of groaning, as if it might collapse at any time.

"This power is even more overbearing than Yuntang!"

After a collision, Feng Zhenzong's heart shook.

Seeing the dust and waves rushing like a dragon, he couldn't think much about it. He was really angry in his body, and instantly reached the sword edge that was trembling under the might.

Hum ~

The sword light was like a waterfall, which drowned the rolling dust dragon in an instant.

Then, the unfinished sword flickered and jumped away again, and the speed was even better. Between the vertical and horizontal sides, the edgeless edge wanted to spray out!

"Mr. An, Yun has a little effort to ask his fists. Please give me some pointers!"

Before Feng Zhenzong's second sword, Yun Tang had already made a roar of thunder.

Sonic rumbled, and the surging spirit was pushed out with its palm, already shattering the rolling dust and gravel.

Then, with the palm of his hand, he shot directly into Rushan Temple.

His physique was arrogant. A squeezing shattered the whistling airflow. When the majestic palm force was shot, it was superimposed on top of his palm!

Suddenly, there are already seven palms!

Going all out, and superimposing seven chapters, what a violent palm force?

The majestic spirit is endless, rolling like the waves of the Yangtze River!

Just for a moment, the dust of the sky had been blasted all over, and the whole mountain temple shook together, as if jumping up with the deep underground foundation!

"Mr. An, offended!"

The two shot one after the other, Dong Tianyou naturally could not stand.

The moment Yu Yuntang came out of the palm of his hand, his anger was bursting out.

I saw his five fingers sticking out like a sword, straight to the mountain temple ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ bursting out of anger.

Hum ~

As he pointed out, the long sword that he carried seemed to jump from behind him like life, and Ruyan Toulin generally followed his sword and pointed like a flying sword across the dark night sky.

Like a flying sword, it had disappeared into the night and went straight to the mountain temple.

It is called a thousand miles, naturally because his sword is fast!

Although he took the last shot, he flew a sword, but had to pierce into the mountain temple before the other two!

It seemed that even the sound was thrown behind, but it just passed by. It had already pierced the heavy air flow and squeezed into An Qisheng's eyebrows!

The three masters shot all together, with great momentum, as if to kill!

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