Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 189: The wind is blown away by the rain

The sky is blue and the sky is sparkling in Wanlong Lake.

A flat boat came from the waves like an arrow off the string, and its speed was extremely fast.

On the boat, one person and one horse stood quietly, but it was An Qisheng who came across many mountains and forests in Liangzhou.

An Qisheng stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking at the waves of water, admiring his heart:

"Thousands of miles, such a large lake can almost be called the inland sea, and Xuanxing's largest inland lake is less than one tenth of it."

For many days, he walked across the mountains of Liangzhou, completely throwing his chase in the mountains.

He stood quietly on the deck, the colors between heaven and earth magnified infinitely in his eyes, and the unique rhythm of all things in heaven and earth brewed in his heart.

See mountains, see water, see heaven and earth.

Heaven and earth are extremely clear in his eyes. It is the most common air passing through his mouth and nose, and the various flavors make him feel refreshed.

"It's miserable! That's how the 700-year-old soldier's lineage was exterminated by those demon heads ..."

"Yeah, it's miserable! I think that Cao Zhanmen is very generous and has never squeezed me and other fishermen, but this time he ended like this!"

"Well! The long gang helped Wanlong Peak for many years, and the dragon bird gate was gone. I'm afraid that in the future Wanlong Lake, those evil people will let it go!"

"This world ..."

Many fluttering sounds came into my ears.

An Qisheng's eyes moved slightly, looking at the majestic mountain peaks that still have a slight burning smell in the center of the lake:

"Heirloom inheritance ......... this is, Lone Sparrow Gate?"

Seven hundred years ago, the eight soldiers ruled the world, and their reputation is still enduring. The legacy they left behind is naturally known to everyone.

It's just that the years are ruthless. For more than 700 years, what remains is only the Dragon Gate Gate, but it has been reduced to second and third ranks.

Not to mention at Huangjue Temple, compared to the Moonrise Villa, it is not as good as the gangs that have risen for decades like Twelve Serial Docks.

However, this time, it actually went out of business.

He turned his thoughts to his feet, and the boat went straight to the Wanlong Peak.

He was extremely fast, and after a while he had already reached Wanlong Peak.

He didn't know how the beautiful scenery of Wanlong Peak used to be, but at this time the entire Wanlong Mountain had been burned by the fire, and there were only one third of the peaks with vegetation.

Even now, there are sporadic small fires that have not completely extinguished.

It can be seen how fierce the fire that day was.

"This fire has been burning for five days and five nights ..."

An Qisheng closed his eyes for a moment, and left the red horse down the mountain.

Wanlong Peak is steep and steep, and it can only go up and down in two.

Of course, this is a road for the average person and a master for everyone. After all, this mountain is only a thousand feet.

Soon, An Qisheng had reached the top of the mountain.

The stricken mountain top is filled with soot after intense burning, and the poisonous gas permeates the entire top.

Several people were searching for something among the smoke in the rubble.

"The top of the mountain is not alive ..."

An Qisheng shook his head in his heart. The fire burned for five days and five nights and was searched by these people for a long time. I was afraid that nothing useful was gone.

But just as he was about to go down the mountain, his eyebrows suddenly shook slightly:


As soon as the spirit moved, Wanyun Wangqi had already begun.

The vitality of all things in the heavens and the earth, all kinds of qi appeared in his eyes.

But for a moment, his gaze fell to the mountainside halfway behind the Wanlong Peak.

There, he felt a faint aura.


The smoke from Wanlong Peak rushed towards Xiaohan, and the seven hundred-year-old Longque Gate was destroyed once!

This news, like a hurricane, caused an instant sensation in Wulin, Zhongzhou.

In the 700 years of ruthlessness, most of the martial arts inherited by the Eight Major Soldiers were scattered, but it was shocking and unbelievable to hear the news.


There was a sudden momentum in a hall in the Chivalry Gate.

A burly old man crushed the tea cup and spit it out: "The devil is crazy!"

The old man was burly, sitting with a golden sword, like a tiger and a dragon, showing a mighty spirit.

But it is the cold peak that ranks in the weapon spectrum, ranking 26th.

Han Feng's hair was spread out, his expression was furious, but there was also some fear in his heart.

Cao Zhan, the gatekeeper of that dragon bird gate, ranked in the top ten, martial arts is still above him, but he also ended up in a personal death, how can he not anger him.

The other powerful figures in the hall looked different, but they were also furious and murderous.

"Although the dragon bird gate gradually weakened after the dragon bird sword master became seated, and even lost the true meaning of the dragon bird sword, but Cao Zhan's martial arts are not inferior to me, and the devil is afraid that the general situation has become."

A middle-aged man of average build and ordinary face sighed.

His name, Li Xinglong, was also listed in the top ten of the weapon spectrum. He had also played against Cao Zhan. Naturally, it was clear that Feng Qingxuan could force Cao Zhan to fail even if he lost both.

"Even so, it is absolutely impossible to repeat me as a stepping stone when I waited for it!"

The cold-faced old man suddenly stood up and killed:

"Since the demon appeared in Zhongzhou, I will wait to take the initiative to kill this gangster! I can't just sit back and watch this magic poisonous Wulin fellow!"

"Yan Cang!"

Another old man stood up at the table and frowned, "Brother Yun asked me to stay here before leaving, so as not to be broken by the devil, did you forget?"

"Nangong Qing!"

Yan Cang was angry: "Did I wait so far at the Chivalry Gate and wait for the devil to come?"

"Do you have the confidence to kill that Feng Qingxuan?"

Nangong sneered, but with deep humiliation and anger in her heart.

They can stand out from the hundreds of millions of people, both in terms of root perception and luck encounters, and in the past they were also the figures of their respective states.

When have you been so aggrieved?

When they got up and came to the Chivalry Gate, they already admitted that they were not as good as the Feng Qingxuan.

They were later overtaken by a junior, and even though their teacher was the first person in the world, their hearts were hard to calm down and difficult to accept.

Huh ~

When the hall was noisy, a turbulent air poured in, blowing everyone's clothes.

Yun Haitian stepped into it, sounding like Hong Zhong, with anger:

"It's only three days, can't you wait?"

"Brother Yun!"

Everyone in the lobby stood up to welcome each other.

"All right!"

Yun Haitian swept across the crowd, and there was nothing wrong with it.

The crowd was convinced by him, and although they were reprimanded a little bit, they did not have an attack.

"Longquemen has been burned into white ground, Cao Zhan has been killed, and only a skeleton remains in the fire ..."

Yun Haitian sighed.

At the same place in Zhongzhou, he and Cao Zhan naturally also knew each other. The two often sat and talked about each other more than ten years ago, and they called each other forgetful of each other.

Unfortunately, Cao Zhan's lover was drunk and made a big mistake, raped the other's woman, and woke up and destroyed the body. After he found it, he went to the door and slaughtered in front of Cao Zhan.

The two talents are no longer in contact.

However, once the friendship was never eroded. Hearing about this, he ran away for the first time, and saw the misery of his old friend, and he felt very sad and regretful.

"Poor brother Cao's martial arts ..."

Whether or not other people had a relationship with Cao Zhan, at this time they couldn't help sighing. Some rabbits were sorrowful.

As the same martial arts colleagues and the same list, they are also facing the threat and challenge of Feng Qingxuan. They naturally feel the same as Cao Zhan ’s experience.

"Brother Yun, as long as you order, I'll follow you to kill the demon!"

Han Feng stepped forward, loudly.

"Nice! Brother Yun, you make a decision! We can't just sit back and watch this so aggressive!"

The others also agreed.

At this time, except for those who were killed and masters who were too far away, they were almost at the Chivalry Gate.

That Feng Qingxuan has not become a vein in the end, how can it not be the opponents of the joint forces of everyone.

"Brother Yun ..."

Nangong celebrated his eyes flashing.

By this time, they naturally knew that Feng Qingxuanzhi's purpose was to accumulate their own trends step by step.

In the end, it will inevitably come to seek the sea of ​​clouds.

At this time, go to the siege, whether it is successful or not, the trend of Feng Qingxuan's accumulation over the past few months will be completely buried.

It is naturally a great thing for Yunhaitian.

"No need."

No matter what, Yun Haitian just waved his hand and refused.

In his life, the number of offends was endless. There are very few people who can talk about friends. Cao Zhan is one of them.

Feng Qingxuan killed Cao Zhan, one was to gain momentum, and the other was to force his strongest intention to kill.

I have to say that Feng Qingxuan did it. At this moment, Yun Haitian's heart was calm, but it seemed like an infinite flame was rolling.

Da Da Da ~~~

He walked a few steps in the hall, his negative hand facing the door, his eyes coldly:

"If I'm not bad, next, he will come to me!"

The rest of the hall changed in color.

"So, listen to Brother Yun ..."

It was Hanfeng who came back to her earliest, took a deep breath and closed her eyes.

"Brother Yun ..."

Still others wanted to talk, and suddenly Yun Haitian frowned, looking out the door:

"Who is making a noise?"


The others listened slightly, and also heard the noise from outside.


When the disciples at the door heard the instructions, they were in a hurry.

Before reaching the future, he heard the wind and howling, Yun Dongliu has stepped down from the air and turned to the courtyard with an ugly face.

Yun Haitian frowned slightly.

Although Yun Dongliu is not the best martial artist among his disciples, he is a disciple who behaves most like him, and there are very few such panic moments.


Yun Dongliu took a deep breath, his face was ugly, and with irresistible anger in his eyes:

"A group of people came out of the door, please, to be fair to the teacher ..."

"Who's here, dare to make trouble on the Chivalry Gate?"

Yun Haitian has not yet spoken, and Han Feng has already spoken first.

He looked at Yun Haitian:

"Brother Yun, you just have to prepare for war. This group, brother, is going to pass you on!"

"Not busy!"

Yun Haitian waved his hand to stop him, looking at Yun Dongliu, and asked:

"Who's here, how about martial arts?"

"Come here, there are many ordinary people, not many people are martial arts, and the head is Qi Changping ..."

Yundong Liu's chest was undulating and he bit his teeth.

"What? Qi Changping?"

After hearing that, Nangong Qing couldn't help but say: "But Qi Changping, brother Yun traveled thousands of miles seventeen years ago and reported revenge to him?"

A few others were upset.

More than ten years ago, there was a massacre on the rivers and lakes that shocked the entire martial arts. The person killed was a giant Jia Qi family in Zhongzhou, who has a huge wealth and a martial art family.

I want to come and make friends all over the world, but when people in the martial arts have a hard time asking for a door, they will help each other without saying a word. Over time, the name is naturally great.

There is even a faint ‘come to Zhongzhou, first go to everyone, then come to Chivalry Gate’.

It shows how loud its name is.

But when Qi's family was destroyed, it was the sea of ​​clouds that traveled thousands of miles, spent seven months investigating, chasing the perpetrators, and finally avenged it.

He handed over all the fortunes he had received to Qi Changping, the orphan of the Qi family.

The matter spread throughout Wu Lin at the time, and no one at the scene knew it.

Such a great grace ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ will come to trouble?

Immediately, there were a few people who looked wrongly at Yun Haitian.

"How could it be Qi Changping?"

Han Feng frowned.

"Qi Changping ..."

Yun Haitian was also a little surprised, but didn't care too much, and then said:

"The visitor is a guest. Please invite the guests from far away to the lobby."

Anyway, he turned to look at the Qiqi masters:

"Please also come with me."

"That's natural."

Others were curious about the matter, and they didn't excuse it when they heard it.

The group walked towards the front hall.

Yun Dongli gritted his teeth and turned to walk outside the Chivalrous Gate.


Somewhere in the courtyard, Wushuang gently blew the hot tea in the cup, the water was suffocating, took a sip, and said gently:

"Good show, it's about to begin."

Zhutian Avenue

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