Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 191: Smoke disappears! (4000 words)

Woohoo ~~~

On the **** road, the smoke and dust billowed dozens of feet, and a white robe old road came across the horse, which was strange and unspeakable.

Yun Yi, as soon as this man appeared, it attracted everyone's attention.

The brazen breath in front of the chivalrous gate was actually so broken.

"Who is this? Come here, what do you want to do?"

In front of the chivalrous gate, many martial arts people looked at each other.

当然 Of course, they can see that this old Taoist priest is old and physically weak, and his internal strength is not strong. Looking at the rivers and lakes, I am afraid that it is not even third-class.

He was the red horse, with great momentum and great strength, running steadily, running alone, but running out of thousands of battle horses.

This is the best horse, and that's it.

I really can be considered a BMW.


Feng Qingxuan wiped out a half inch of Feng Fengxuan and heard the sound of horseshoes coming hurriedly. I didn't know what I thought of, and my palm was released, and the long knife fell into the sheath.

"I'm late?"

Luan Qisheng swept across everyone present.

停留 Without staying on anyone, he looked straight into the dust in the corner of the edge, surrounded by several people's horizontal knives, and said nothing, like a foolish Yundongliu.

He knew Yun Dongliu's original life trajectory, but it was only a year after he became enchanted.

开 Now, it seems that it is a change brought by myself?

So much so that unpredictable changes have taken place?

唏 Rule ~

The red horse stopped hissing for a long time, and the turbulent air flow whistled, and the dust filled the surrounding people.

After the sublime disciples of those chivalrous men retreated subconsciously, they wanted to step forward, but somehow, seeing the plain old Taoist priest, a burst of vacillation in his heart.

He held up his knife and dared not wave it out.

Luan Qisheng didn't care about everyone's gaze either, rolled over and dismounted, with big sleeves floating in front of Yun Dongliu.

At this time, all the people saw that the old Taoist priest was actually holding a child with a weak breath.

Red horse, old road, child.

This scene made a lot of ridiculous in the minds of many martial arts people before the Chivalry Gate.

Only Yun Haitian, Wushuang, and Feng Qingxuan's eyes are inseparable from An Qisheng. Secretly, the three of them can feel the arrogant power that hides them all under the aging skin.

He is like a worldly fiend covered in human skin.

"Tao ... Taoist?"

Jin Yundong Liu slowly looked up, there was no cleverness in the dull eyes, only the reddish tears flowed down.

The whole person's spirit has undergone earth-shaking changes.

I was once out of breath, but there was only a little bit of heart and pain and despair.

"Soul of Dafa?"

Luan Qisheng's eyes swept away, her spirit moved slightly.

I asked from many bitter masters to the Chivalry Gate, to Yundong outstretched and attacked Yunhaitian, and then Yunhaitian shot back and shocked the woman in red, Feng Qingxuan's all the factors of passing the gate had passed smoothly in his mind.

Naturally, when Yun Dongliu was conspired, he could not hide his perception.

He is just the Dafa Soul Secret, which is actually the secret martial art of Bailian Mozong ...

"It's not a big deal."

She Anqisheng dropped Sun En, who was holding in her arms, and handed it to Yun Dongliu:

"Take care of this child for me."

His voice is gentle, but with an extremely soft mental aura, he easily heals Yun Dongliu's traumatized soul.

Jin Yundongliu only felt a warm current in his heart, as if the sun shone through the darkness, and his body shook, and she had some strength.

He raised his head with a complex complexion, looking at the old face in front of him, his heart suddenly urged:

"Life is here, people are here."

"it is good!"

Lu Anqisheng patted his shoulder, straightened up, and whispered:

"Leave the rest to me!"

His voice is neither high nor low, neither concealing nor boasting, but all the people who heard the words subconsciously believed it.

Then came back and startled.

This person's infectious power is extremely powerful, and even they are accidentally recruited.

什么 Who is this old Taoist?

This is an opening, no one will think that this is an ordinary old man.

But in the world, there is no master who has never been born. How can such a powerful contagion be anonymous?

Humming ~

随着 As An Qisheng straightened up again, the countless gazes all changed.

I just bent down and let the child down, and then straightened up, such a trivial action.

But in their eyes, there was an indescribably exuberant spirit rising from the decaying body, rising vigorously, rising like the real smoke.

In the heavens and the earth, it seemed that all became extremely hot at once, and many people could not help sweating out, as if they were grilled by a large stove.

Suddenly, his temperament changed.

I still look like that, but his temperament has changed dramatically.

Straight as the dragon of Tengyuan, the golden-winged Dapeng spreading its wings.

变化 The moment's momentum changed, everyone was stunned.

Any master who is successful in martial arts is brewing his own will in his heart. That is where my heart is, the sun and the moon, the heavens and the earth, the powerful mind!

It just behaves differently.

In the life of Lu Anqi, Wen Wen raised his body and clarified his mind, but it did not mean that he was a kind person.

The previous life is not, this life is not, Xuan Xing is not, in this long floating world, it is not!

I am like the story of the giant demon covered with human skin in this novel. Once the human skin is faded, it is time to expose its infinite violence!

"This man ..."

Not far away, the twin pupils shrank.

‘The‘ God ’in the White Lotus Heart Sutra that she has refined is the heaviest, so she ’s also the most sensitive to everything outside.

Suddenly at this moment, she suddenly felt that the heavens and the earth became brighter, and the hot air became hotter.

The coming of the ‘God’ is so incredible that she feels incredible.

Jin Yunhaitian ’s “God” has made her feel incredible, and the coming “God” is so powerful.

These old guys are so strong?

You have to know that the power of ‘God’ is closely related to the martial arts physique. It ’s by no means the longer ‘God’ gets stronger, on the contrary, ‘God’ will wear away as the body decays.

Why do these old guys have such strong ‘God’ one by one?

He has influenced so many people with ‘God’, and even caused them to have celestial changes in their minds. This is almost beyond the scope of Qimai.

In her induction, the old Taoist radiated unimaginable light and heat like a burning sun.

The Qi field around him is even more exciting, with five colors flowing, ten colors intertwined, and dazzling incredible.

感应 This feeling, she has never felt in anyone.

"Soul of Dafa ..."

Luan Qisheng's eyes glanced across the crowd, fixed outside the crowd, and the red skirt was like a fairy-like unparalleled body.

I walked closer in a hurry, feeling calm.

Da ~ Da ~

Deep and crisp, footsteps sounded like many drums in the hearts of many people.

I only felt that an invisible aura of air had shrouded the world. Every time the sound of the footsteps sounded, their heartbeat would vibrate accordingly, as if every step was stepping on their hearts.

This sense of dislocation makes them uncomfortable to vomit blood.

多 Hurrying up this month for more than a month, he has not been slack, even more diligent than before.

Stuck in a passenger ship on the Dalong River, he condensed the two classics of heart and lungs, exhaled like a sword, qi and blood climbed again, and his physique took another step above the limit.

After many days of chasing among the mountains of Qiliangzhou, he swallowed all the elixir. After polishing for many days, he not only penetrated the five internal organs, but also the limbs, eyes, ears, nose, and nose.

Now that he has reached the end of the meridian, his Qi pulse will be completed.

He has reached an unprecedented peak in physical control, true energy, and even the subtle spiritual control.

With the movement of his feet, the ripples of the invisible strength spreading have already made everyone's position, strength, whether hostile, or even every move, flowing through his heart.

True all-round without dead ends.

"An Qisheng! Blood Demon An Qisheng!"

Suddenly, an exclamation came from the crowd, and some people guessed An Qisheng's identity.

The second place on the list.

An Qisheng, the **** demon, is the owner of the spirit demon!

Everyone was trembling in the presence of the audience. Before Feng Qingxuan set off this turmoil, this one caused a huge storm in the rivers and lakes.

The death of five or six masters, such as Xue Chaoyang, Tuoba Chongguang, Fengzhenzong, Yuntang, etc., who have condensed into the veins of the air, and have been famous for many years, has supported their second place on the list.

Everyone in the audience has seen him almost, but none of them have heard of the name, but none!

"Second place in the list? Blood Demon An Qisheng ..."

In the change of the expressions of all the people, only Feng Qingxuan's eyes lightened slightly, and under the raised big cock, the slender five fingers had caught the long knife.

As An Qisheng stepped forward, the momentum was rolling and he finally felt the opportunity.

"I can't think of a dying old man who has such momentum ..."

Between Xu Xuanyi's hunting, Feng Qingxuan's eyes seemed to have a flame burning.

As he moved with a long knife across his waist, an extreme force of sharpness struck him up and down, as if to rise above the sky.

"It's a pity ...."

Wu Fengqing's long hair flew up, like a flame beating, the endless turbulent knife light rolled out with its sound waves in an instant:

"You are too old ..."


The sound of guillotines roared like a thunderstorm!

The dazzling blades of light shattered through the sky in an instant, and the air that was torn by the endless front sharply uttered a mournful sound like dragons and tigers, and surrounded the blades of light like the airflow.

At one stroke of the sword, there are bright lights within a hundred feet. Even many martial arts people who are watching this scene closely only feel a flower in front of them, and they can no longer see anything.

As soon as the dazzling knife light rose, there was a billowing wind and the endless dust.

Countless martial arts people just feel brow cold, as if an extreme edge should run through their brows, can't help but be shocked.

It ’s so close to God!

Feng Yixuan cut it out, Feng Qingxuan felt the long-lost heartily.

In this sword, all his thoughts, divine will, and spirit, were all released to the greatest extent.

This is almost the strongest cut in life!

He looked up.

I saw dozens of feet away, the old Taoist priest in white robe bathed in the knife light, suddenly stopped between the knife and the light.

Then, step on your feet and come out!


He moved in shock, as if Wanlong turned over.

The turbulent and turbulent air roared along with the earth and stone dragons!


Pu Fengqing's pupils shrank, only to feel that at the moment when the old Taoist lame, his heart seemed to burst at the same time!

For a moment, he felt that the heavens and the earth had disappeared before his eyes.

Afterwards, a gigantic sky, infinitely tall, containing vicissitudes, ancient, long-distance, majestic .... like the door on which all the superb words in the world are used without any disagreement, suddenly appeared before him.

几乎 Almost at the same time, an unprecedented crisis suddenly exploded in his mind.

I will die!

I will die!

In the sense of crisis rolling like a tide, Feng Qingxuan's spirit burst out for a moment, and the unfinished long sword took off again like a dragon.

At this moment, he only felt that his soul was infinitely elevated, physical strength, inner strength, true energy, heaven and earth aura, and his own; God reached a high degree of agreement at this moment!



Suddenly, Feng Qingxuan's heart gave birth to such a word.

I only feel that the realm that I have been pursuing for many years has been getting closer and closer to myself, and the near is almost within reach!


下一 But the next instant, a giant sound that sounded like a thunder in his heart completely awakened him.

Wu Fengqingxuan finally discolored, but the handprint that was not so arrogant, but seemed to contain the palm of the world's most incredible power, had broken out.

Wherever I go, the air flees for the wind!


Wu Fengqing's black hair was abrupt, but in the turbulent turbulent air, he revealed half a word.

I can only watch as I sway the infinite edge, enough to kill any sword master.

I shattered and flew under that palm.

He then pushed down with an irresistible attitude of domineering.

Xu Yi seemed to be slow, but in fact, it was so fast that he couldn't imagine it, and he smashed into his chest.


After a while, Feng Qingxuan felt the power!

The unimaginable power spurted out from the palm of his hand, but only for a moment, shattered his vitality ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ his pulse and all his defenses.

I haven't cast the magic sword.

I haven't cast the War Demon Heart Sutra.

I haven't broken my veins yet.

I haven't been in charge of Six Prison Demon Sect.

I haven't asked the world first yet.


Too much unwillingness, too much distraction, too much ambition, ambition, and courage. At this moment, all of them disappeared.

I turned into a scream that rang through the clouds.


Xu Fengqing Xuanzang's large body rose away from her body, like straw in a wild wind, and suddenly she flew out of a dozen feet.

At the moment of flying horizontally, the sound of bangs and cannons sounded at the same time.

I haven't landed yet, and have sprayed out the thick red blood that is sticky like mercury.

无 Under countless shocking eyes, Feng Qingxuan flew to the ground after more than 30 feet.


As the earth sags as it lands, the splattered smoke spreads like an inch.

An Qisheng's arms stood upright in the violently squishing gust of wind: his voice was dull:

"Who do you say is old?"

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