Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 206: Palm out the dragon!


In my heart, a hoarse voice sounded:

"This is a master of the veins that is about to be transformed into the Taiyin Promise ...."

声音 The sudden sound of this voice, An Qisheng is no stranger.

Since he practiced the Ferris Wheel, the spirit replenishes the soul, and there are many mysteries. There is no need to speak, and you can even communicate with people's spirit and soul.

I naturally can perceive the sound of a big skyscraper in my soul.

"If he cultivates into Tai Yin Wuji, I don't have to escape at this moment."

Wu Anqisheng's heart was not well, and he faintly replied.

The Qi pulse condenses, martial arts develops spirituality, nourishes the ‘God’ until the day of the great success, but the Yin God is out of the know, and after being baptized by Thunder, he turns into a Yang God.

He used this to create the veins, and his ‘God’ was so magnificent that he could be called the **** of the sun, and the path he followed was the Sun Promise.

However, with the help of magic soldiers, those who are not fully washed and have completed the veins are too Yin and Wuji.

Taiyin Promise, Sun Promise.

Both are the two paths of the vein.

There is no difference between the two roads, and Dacheng can see the realm of heaven and man. There is no such thing as the sun being stronger than the sun, and the sun being stronger than the sun.

The sun is infinite, and the Taiyin is infinite.

Xun Wulin rumored that only those who were at the forefront of the weapon spectrum could be cultivated as Tai Yin Wuji.

As for the Sun Promise, it has long been replaced by Tai Yin Promise. For thousands of years, few people have gone that way.

Achievements are generally equal, but the risk is more than ten times greater.

Naturally, no one walks the sun.

"If you have my Ferris wheel in hand, I can shake it back with a single hit, and even the killing is not impossible ..."

Big Ferris sounded with a pity:

"If you are sure to escape, why not listen to me and leave for a while to find my Ferris wheel? With the help of me, you can promote the ferris wheel to the Tai Yin Realm, the runner Incan, and even play the Tai Yin Promise. Realm.

It's not hard to kill this man! "

"Ferris wheel? Now called the wheel print."

Lu Anqisheng was unmoved, and in one sentence all the words of the skyscraper were blocked:

"Your juniors have not regarded you as the ancestor. In this world, there is only the revolving method. How can there be the word" Ferris "?"

I ridiculed, An Qisheng ignored the Ferris.

In fact, it is indeed the same. Except for the people of Zhuanlun Temple, not many people in the martial arts of Jianghu Lake know that the Zhuanzhuan law originated from the big demon head of the giant ferris more than 700 years ago.

Big Ferris fell into silence.

Wu Wu ran in the smoke and flames, but An Qisheng's heart was hung by a bright mirror.

This is not the real mirror, but An Qisheng's understanding of the mind, the mirror that is transformed, and the heart as the mirror, we can know the gains and losses.

The mind of the mind is the body of the universe. The master of all things says that with the deeper and deeper grasp of An Qisheng, the operation of the ‘heart mirror’ is also getting easier and better.

In secret, it can be seen that there are many pictures flashing on the 'Bright Mirror', but it is many martial arts and boxing skills he has practiced in the past few months.

With his thoughts, many pictures faded and disappeared, and then the 'Bright Mirror' brightened.

A lot of negative emotions disappeared in his light, his body, the surrounding environment, and even the coefficients of influence that his every move would cause in his heart flashed one by one.

He even felt the despair of countless beasts running through the sea of ​​fire, he could feel them one by one.

"Qi pulse, Qi pulse ..."

Luan Qisheng's mind flashed, his body was reflected in the mirror-like mind.

The epithelium, bones, dirt, blood, bone marrow, and even more subtle ones, like the starry ‘God’, all appeared in his mind.

The intricate and complex air vein network is like a steel wire, an iron wire, such as steel bars scattered in concrete, and countless silk threads in lotus roots.

The puppet runs through every part of his body, from the organs, to the most delicate points of the musculoskeletal membrane, together with the ‘God’, which is like a starry sky.

From beginning to end, even if he swallowed a lot of elixir and had eaten all the sizes, but An Qisheng's strongest was his body.

There is no loop in the Qiqi pulse, so it is impossible to interact with the heavens and the earth, and it is impossible to erupt the power of the Great Heaven and Earth.

The condensing of the Qiqi Mai network will give the physical body more toughness and resistance to attack, but it will not improve its physical fitness.

This point is the recognition of many masters in the Jiufu world.

But for An Qisheng, this is not the case. When the Qimai network spread to the limit, together with the star-like ‘God’, his already domineering physique was even more incredible.

"God" in the organs, such as Wang Yuchao court, there is no loose sand, Ju Zegang, the connection of Qimai network, can be described as an immediate improvement of physical fitness.

At this moment, he walked on the sky above the sky, and in one hit was the Red Sun King who was destroyed ten miles away. He was not as strong as him!

With this in mind, he has learned after dreaming many times.

This is also the reason why he can kill Feng Qingxuan with one hand!

Feng Mo said that it was Feng Qingxuan, that is, he was replaced by a strong vein of God, and he dropped the ‘God’ and the true appearance, and he was sure to hammer him to death.

It's a pity that those who are in the vein of the veins, when they think of moving the gods to control the spirits, have a ten-mile air wall, even if he is, it is impossible to penetrate.

I use my heart to count and use, and carry the Qi to condense the Qi pulse. At the same time as learning Wushu, a ray of mind enters the dream itself, and the last step of Qi Qi to condense the mind.

As early as Xuan Xing, he had already realized the technique of deep sleep between movement and stillness. At this time, he can count on one's heart, and even connect his mind and soul directly with one mind.

It seems like counting and doing things, but it's easy.

Lu Anqisheng always acted with bravery and advancing.

Although 50% have grasped the last pulse, they still have to try a lot.

As he always looks bold, he is a solid group.

Buzz buzzing ~

I dream.

I still run through the sea of ​​flames.

But Luan Qisheng let go of all the restrictions at once, and squeezed the qi for several months to spit it out instantly, and directly poured the Liuyang leader.

The brain is the confluence of hundreds of pulses.

Radon is the center of all nervous systems in the human body and is the most complex organ.

In the long world of floating, many martial arts, small and large, rarely include the brain. An Qisheng dreamed of thousands of martial art masters, of which less than one tenth condensed the heads.

甫 The most complete one is Huang Fu.

This timid and cautious future King Qintian Supervisor, has condensed a complete ‘eyes, ears, noses, tongues’ and other meridians, and is the most complete condensate of the brain air vein network among many air pulse masters.

But compared to what An Qisheng wants to do, it is trivial.


As he ran, An Qisheng's footsteps suddenly stagnated, as if being hit by a meteor falling from the sky on his head.

The intense pain instantly drowned him like a tide.

But his heart is still calm, all kinds of thoughts can't be affected, and he doesn't stop at the same time. He pushes the Qi to condense the Qi pulse, collects and analyzes every situation.

If all dreams are fearful, wouldn't it be useless?

I do n’t know when, An Qisheng's footsteps stopped, the thick blood like mercury sprayed out in the seven tips, and his eyes lost color instantly.

Then, with a bang, the brain burst.

"Come again!"

After a failure, An Qisheng didn't care. The real pain did not leave a shadow in his heart, and he tried again.



Three times ...

Uh ...



The beasts rushed, the earth shook the mountains, everything they passed was flattened, and the dust was all around.

In a small mountain village outside the mountains, countless villagers could see the scene trembling, looking at the sight of Wan Qiqi, all looking desperate.

熊 The raging fire in the distance is like a road, the real dragon runs through the sky, and the smoke and smoke are near, and the beasts are like the end of the world.

Many villagers have fallen to their knees on the ground in despair, and their urine is flowing.

The mountain is backed by mountains and the water is backed by water. This mountain village is backed by mountains.

But even the brave Orion, seeing this scene, had to be frightened and desperate.

Tigers, black bears, wild boars, wolves, and even rabbits and pheasants that seem harmless to humans and animals on weekdays.

In the eyes of the villagers at this time, it is also extremely horrible.

Without him, too much.

Too much.

Too much.

The mountains and the mountains are everywhere, and wherever you go, there is a crowd of beasts.

躲 "Hide, all who can hide in the cellar, all hide in the cellar! Children, women, old and weak hide first, men break!"

A gray-haired old man ran through the village and shouted loudly.

Purr ~

He suddenly pricked his hands and caught an old man who wanted to get into the cellar:

"Boss, what are you doing! We old guys can't go in!"

"Uncle, uncle! Please let my dad go in, me, I won't go in, I won't go in, please let my dad go in!"

A tall man grabbed the old man, and his tears flowed:

"Uncle, my father is your brother!"


The gray-haired old man lifted the man into the cellar with a stone mill.

"We haven't lived for a few years. Why isn't death dead? The chance to live is left to young people!"

The old man looked at the third brother who was trembling ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Tears rolled down:

"Brother, if you want to blame, blame your brother!"


When the two elderly men cried, they suddenly heard a thunder from above the sky:

"The evil beast dare to hurt people!"

The two looked up, and saw the wind and thunder rolling above the sky, and the air flow roared dozens of feet.

He was wearing a grey old robe, and a nine-foot-tall man from Aangzang stepped on the thunder and thunder, and his majesty was incredible. One of them was roaring, even louder than the voice of the beast.

Wu Dahan followed the wind for a full month, and howling was a few miles across.

The Tatars were still in the air, and they had raised their arms and palms, and blasted away toward the rolling herd.

Ang ~

Pushing with one palm and pushing horizontally, the air waves were emptied for a few miles, as if it were substantive and vigorous, and screamed like a dragon's voice in the gusting air current.

"Dragon, dragon!"

Many old men who were trembling in Laoshan Village were shocked.

他们 In their opinion, the big man lay down with a single palm, and there were even legendary dragons that came out side by side, meandering twenty feet, which suddenly affected the beast.



A dragon-shaped palm was poured into the beast coming from Pentium, and a loud noise broke out, and a blood ridge of several miles was cut in the beast.

The countless beasts were smashed by the air waves, screaming wildly and desperately.

The big man rushed into the air, sending out dozens of palms instantly, and the rolling beasts that came over the earth suddenly stopped under his own power!

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