Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 229: Enemy to the enemy (4000 words)

The Taoist stood in the snow, and Zhang Erhong was stationed in front of the Longjiang River.

"Ji Zhonghua ..."

An Qisheng looked calm and killed.

Compared with such an **** as Cao Tianzhang, the Dafeng eunuch's threat is much greater.

Ji Zhonghua's siege of the Red Army Army really made him feel the danger of life and death.

Unless he is not the same as the general masters of the veins, the physical strength is where the real combat power lies. For other masters of the veins, the sympathy with the heavens and the earth will be cut off.

If he chooses to kill, he naturally will not choose Cao Tianzhang.

"An Qisheng ..."

Ji Zhonghua's face gloomed down:

"It turned out that your goal was me!"

By this time, how can Ji Zhonghua not know, An Qisheng chasing Cao Tianyu is just a cover, the real goal is himself.

An Qisheng looked up slightly, his eyes narrowed down on Ji Zhonghua:

"Your speed, it's too slow."

His qi and pulse haven't been achieved for a long time, even if his heart is overbearing, he won't be able to set foot in the air for a long time, but flying may not be as fast as land.

Otherwise, why would it take twenty years for the Red Sun King to surrender to the greeting, and why did Ji Chonghua support a dragon and horse?

It should be noted that the daily cost of a dragon horse is no smaller than that of the chill.

What is eaten must be something full of aura, which consumes more than ten masters of great vitality.

It's just that, compared with the mountains and rivers and the canyons between the roads, the flight is unobstructed and unobstructed.

In fact, even if it is a vein, its speed of flying in the air is not as fast as his land travel.

"It's really slow! It's just six hundred miles away from Fengdu. There is a Hanzhang Palace in Fengdu City, and Liu Yanchang and the two sit in town."

In a short moment, Ji Zhonghua's face had returned to calmness. Upon hearing that, he nodded slightly:

"It's just that you're so sure you can kill me?"

He knew very well that this man was not invincible.

When Chi Zhen was locked in the air, while closing the town, he also closed Yang Lin, so Yang Lin lost his chance to escape until the last moment.

But I can move forward and backward freely.

"It doesn't hurt to try one or two."

An Qisheng slowly raised his gun, his eyes lightened:

"Perhaps I killed you?"

"I'm curious."

Ji Zhonghua's eyes glowed with a touch of coldness, and he also raised a long knife:

"I have released goodwill. If you answer or not, the court will not ask you any more trouble. Why are you entangled and have to provoke the court?"

He wondered about this for a long time.

He also knows the grudges between this man and the court, but the court has always suffered, and this man has not been injured.

Why is it still entangled after the court has revoked the hunting order and released his goodwill?

For decades, which martial art master who has been revoked the wanted order is not grateful?

How could such a freak occur?

"It's taken for granted ..."

Looking at Ji Zhonghua's real doubt, An Qisheng sighed softly.

After coming to the Jiufu Realm, many confusions, and now he has become aware of it.

He is incompatible with the Dafeng court, and incompatible with the Jiufu Realm.

This is a complete home.

A world that regards the world as a family business and the world as a private good.

The meaning of the king is the same as the law of the king. Fengguo is the kingdom of Fengjia!

The official is Wang Mu and the people, just like the herd boy dominates the cattle and sheep. Just as the herdsmen think that they have fed the cattle and sheep, Wang Feng only believes that he has fed the people.

I do not think that while the state is protecting the people's livelihood, the people are also supporting the country.

Unfortunately, for the imperial court with absolute violence, ordinary people were too insignificant. Only the talents in the martial arts barely allowed them to give in slightly.

Because there was no resistance, so I didn't care.

Shi Renzheng, that is a gift, not giving it, that is taken for granted, this charity is a charity!

Hunting himself is for king law,

Not killing yourself is for Wang En.

So how can he bother?


But this truth is the truth of the Jiufu World for thousands of years. Under the subtle influence, it has already penetrated into the bone marrow and soul of everyone.

Reasonable, it doesn't make sense.

Just as a ray of light shines into the darkness, the two phases are tired of each other, and each regards each other as alien.

An Qi's growth gun buzzes and shakes, as the bell waves ripple:

"Why do you think that I have to do that?"

"Looks like it doesn't make sense ..."

Ji Chonghua couldn't understand the thoughts and thoughts of this person, and could only sigh deeply.

"That being the case, let me take a look and see if you can kill Master Ben in these six hundred miles of the Longjiang River!"


The voice did not fall,

The two silhouettes vacated at the same time, two white and red silhouettes collided together like a shooting star!


There seems to be a thunder on the Dalong River, and the thick ice layer breaks down!

The broken ice layer continued to spread, and within a few seconds, the river channel was completely broken!

The ice water rose like a water dragon, and fell like a heavy rain.

Then, it was vaporized into smoke by the boiling heat wave!


Zhongzhou, the majestic Fengdu City.

In the past, people come and go, and the crowded Fengdu City has closed its doors.

Countless pedestrians and merchants were so locked out of the city gate that they shivered in the cold wind.

But no one dared to express dissatisfaction, because at this moment, outside the wide moat, is Jin Yiwei, a master of the East Factory.

On the surface of the frozen Dalong River, scarlet blood has not dried up, and several bodies have been hung on the edge of the city wall.

On the wall of thirty-three feet high, countless elite soldiers stood by, a huge crossbow drove by a machine, and the entire wall was filled with machinery, just like the enemy.

Stomp ~~~

Many elite armored men rushed up and down the city walls, distributing a number of broken crossbows.

A wolf howling Cao Tianzhang stood on the city wall overlooking.

Behind him, several eunuchs looked respectfully and stood quietly holding their shirts.

The Dalongjiang Wu, which goes to the east of the city, is frozen by the ice, but Cao Tianyu can feel the trembling of the Dalongjiang, and the half-thick ice layer is shaking slightly.

Obviously, a fierce battle must have taken place on the Dalong River far away.

"The goal of that man is not me ..."

Cao Tianzhang was shocked, and suddenly such a thought came to light.

But not as much as he thought, a high-pitched hawk echoed in the sky.

He looked up, a golden light had disappeared into the clouds, as if entering the city.

"Han taste palace ..."

Cao Tianzhang gritted his teeth.

The King of the Golden Eagles is the mount of the Han Tsang Palace. Before this battle, the Han Tsang Palace lent the eagle, but he reckoned that the injury of the National Games backlash was not healed, and he was in the same position as Liu Yan, who was seriously injured during the pursuit of the Red Sun King. Fengdu City.

But it is clear that the Korean taste palace has been watching.

Otherwise, at the speed of the Golden Eagle King, it is impossible to close your eyes later than you return.

"Old Traitor, Old Traitor!"

Cao Tianzhang hated his teeth, but only heard a whistle.

Then one fell on the wall.

But it was Liu Yanchang.

"Gonggong Cao, the three of you joined forces, and the teacher also led the Chihu Army, but he couldn't suppress it?"

Liu Yanchang was a little surprised.

He was previously wounded by the Great Sun God of the Red Sun King, and he has not shot this time, but naturally he is always watching this battle.

I heard that this trip was a big defeat, and even Yang Lin was killed on the snowy field, naturally it was unbelievable.

But at this time when he saw a wolf, Cao Tianzhang, he had to believe it.

Cao Tianzhang, Ji Chonghua, and Yang Lin never dealt with each other. Is it because of the conflict when they killed the enemy that they were taken in?

"Great change ..."

Cao Tianzhuang's face was gloomy.

If you do n’t lead the Red Army, it ’s just that the three of them will join forces, and it will not be so desolate, but who would have thought that under the battle of the Red Army, that person was not affected, but Yang Lin was killed and affected On the spot?

Even he secretly fortunately, if he did not fall from the sky at that time, but since the underground violence, would it not have been the same as Yang Lin, beheaded and killed on the spot?

"Da Yi ..."

Liu Changyan's eyes flashed, and he opened his channel:

"Gonggong Cao, Liu just came out of Wangcheng ..."

Cao Tianzhang flicked his skin, then whispered:

"How does King say? Teacher whether he ..."


Liu Yanchang's face changed, and then he said:

"What the ancestors are doing, don't you know ..."

He looked around cautiously, alertly, and at the same time spreading the word, God's will covered him:

"Jun's heart is like the sea, it's hard to think about it. The king just laughed a little and couldn't see anything ..."

"King him ..."

Cao Tianzhang looked back at Wang Cheng, thinking in his mind.

"Right, where is the teacher?"

Liu Yanchang thought of Ji Zhonghua:

"Gonggong Cao, where is the teacher?"

"Oops! That man disappeared without a trace after chasing me hundreds of miles, I'm afraid, I'm afraid to kill the teacher!"

Cao Tianzhang suddenly woke up.


Liu Yanchang was also frightened.

But not waiting for the two to talk, just listening to the distant thunder and tumbling rolling away, looking away, I saw the water waves rolling on the infinitely deep Dalong River rolling, and the Baili ice cracked!

It seems that the wind dragon dances with the water dragon!

The mighty air waves spread around, as if a cloud of mushrooms burst apart.

And in the thunderstorm, two figures were faintly seen one after the other, headed straight for Fengdu!


Cao Tianzhang and Liu Yanchang changed color together.

Above the city walls, many soldiers who saw this movement were tightening their bowstrings, breaking the crossbow, and the bed crossbow was ready to go.

Even more, a group of soldiers emerged from the city tower, one by one, holding the bow and the arrow, locked the two who came from Pentium!

That's Dafeng God Machine Camp, Dafeng's strongest archer.

The bows they hold are top bows, and the bowstrings are accumulated by Dafeng for two hundred years. They are made from the muscles of many beasts, and the arrows used have been developed by Tiangong Institute for many years.

Not only gas, but also the poisonous arrow of God.

It is said that the poison is taken from a strange ore, and its poison is so great that it can kill the dragon!

Huh ~

Liu Yanchang and Cao Tianzhang glanced at each other, and they all jumped up to the tower and took out a bow for arching and bowing arrows, which also locked the visitors.



The ice layer on the Dalong River ruptured, and the wind and thunderous waves were rolling like a dragon in the distance.

Many pedestrians, merchants and martial arts who had been suddenly blocked by the gates of the city before, naturally noticed the movement of the people.

One by one was horrified.

They fled to the distance.

For a while, pedestrians and businessmen fled, but some martial arts people were excited, and they performed their meritorious efforts to flee to a distant place while they looked back.

I saw the screaming Qiqi, a blood-stained red armor, holding a broken sword, a broken arm figure from the shawl came out of the air.

And further afield, a white robe Taoist stepped into the air, blossoming air waves like lotus bloom at their feet, with a tyrannical, fierce posture, chasing after a long gun!

At this moment, they finally knew why Fengdu was closed.

It turned out to be these two people!

Or rather, alone!

Dafeng, the first state of the Seven Nations, can be persecuted by one person!

What a shocking thing!

"Red Chi armor, Dragon Sword, the man who was hunted down was Tai Chong Tai Ji Ji Chonghua. He, he walked in the air, is a vein? Has he accomplished a vein?"

"He who hunted him down was An Qisheng the Gorefiend! It was An Qisheng the Gorefiend!"

"The rumor turned out to be true. The blood demon came alone, provoking Dafeng!"

One of the martial arts people exclaimed, and recognized the two, even more upset.

The battle on the snowy field spread very fast, but it was impossible to chase away faster than An Qisheng and others. In fact, none of the martial arts people who had witnessed the snowy field came outside Fengdu City. .

Therefore, past pedestrians, martial arts people, have no idea what happened.

But seeing An Qisheng come to the air with a gun and chase and kill the prince of the Chao Dynasty, it still makes people feel incredible!

"After six hundred miles, An Qisheng, how do you kill me!"

Ji Zhonghua raised a roar in the sky, and the only arm suddenly raised his short knife.

The vigor and vitality broke through with the sword light, and wielded a sword of hundreds of feet, cutting to An Qisheng!

Bumble Bumble Bumble ~~~

Almost at the same time, even earlier, thousands of bowstring vibrations sounded at the same time above the city walls.

After a while, the world is dark.

The overwhelming bowstrings drowned An Qisheng with the knife light in countless rumbling sounds.


In the air, An Qisheng slammed at his feet.

Step in the air!

This step, like a substance-like smoke cloud, was stepped on by him at once, like a wave swinging in all directions!

Kakaka ~

In one step, An Qisheng's whole body was stretched and his muscles groaned with overload.

Next moment!

Under the overwhelming arrow rain and the slashing sword light ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ An extremely pale light shrouded, An Qi stumbled tens of feet in front Air flow.

One whistling has been in countless collisions between Jian Yudaoguang and the whole body.

Across hundreds of feet.

Raising a spear like a dragon trembling, wielding the shadow of a million guns, endlessly killing, and everything is dying of the forest cold.

In the attention of the people, he resisted Ji Zhonghua's broken sword with his horizontal arm!

Then, in Ji Zhonghua's unwilling bitter look.

One shot runs through it, before Fengcheng Gate:

"Kill you so!"


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