Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 239: Lord of the Lord

There was silence on top of the mountain.

Thousands were messy in the wind and had no idea what was going on.

In their opinion, the sheep-snake was aggressive when it straddled the mountain.

But I didn't expect to suddenly kneel.

Kneeling so abruptly, so scary.

For a while, I don't know how many people have scalp tingling.

Of course, they would not think that the sheep snake was frightened. A master of the veins, the master of a case that occupies the far north, how could it be scared and paralyzed by a glance.

The only possibility was that in that glance something had happened to him that they could not understand.

This unknown made them all scared.

Even Zhao Changlin, Mu Hanfeng, Lan Da and others were terrified.

They had a pulse, and they knew what was going on, but it was so that they were shocked.

The world ’s spiritual martial arts is based on the runner method first, and the spiritual practice is led by the runner king and the true moon worshiper. But even these two people can so easily scare a master of the veins like this?

Many people looked at the front of the mountain gate. The black and white intertwined. It seemed that before the two-tailed fish flowed into the figure named "Taichi", An Qisheng sat still, as if nothing had happened.

Yun Haitian, Wang Jianglong was secretly surprised, the two of them knew what happened.

It just didn't occur to them that An Qisheng's 'God' had been strong enough to affect the sheep snakes that had been cast into the veins for many years.

Tick ​​~

The big bead of sweat fell on the smooth white jade slab.

The sheep snake was stunned, not knowing where it was, let alone knowing whether everything in front of it was true or not.

The mental pain, reflected on it, is so real and true, so that he doesn't have an inch of detail in his body at this time, all twitching and shaking.

The incomparable drowsiness and sorrow spread in his heart, so that even if he fell to the ground under such eyes, there was not even a trace of shame in his heart.

Until a piece of white jade letter raft like snow and ice condensed slipped from his cuff.

Ding ~

A crisp touch sounded.

this is......

Letter from the Sovereign!

A fascination appeared in the sheep's dismal eyes, even ignoring why he had forgotten the letter.

The sheep snake grabbed the letter, her lips wriggled, and she was frightened, and she was afraid of it.

With the veins, it can distract the mind and leave a trace of its own on some special materials full of aura.

Just as An Qisheng was able to leave his ‘Send Xiantai’ on the Jiejian Stone.

In this letter, there is also a martial art of Pang Wanyang!

He dared to provoke the Taoist monarch because of this letter from Pang Wanyang.

A few months ago, he sent a letter to Huangjue Temple and did everything he could to provoke him. He still came out of Huangjue Temple unscathed because of Pang Wanyang's letter.

But he never thought of it.

The “God” of this monarch and a mighty man has been forced to such an extent that he has forgotten the existence of this letter, and has suffered the most severe torture in the world.


The faint taps disappeared instantly.

An Qisheng looked down at the sheep snake kneeling on the ground. To be precise, it was the fallen letter, saying lightly:

"One letter gave you the confidence to challenge me. Pang Wanyang is really amazing ..."

From beginning to end, his attention was not in the **** monster suzerain who was replaced by Kong San in the original estimate, but this letter.

Letter from Pang Wanyang.

Some people, even if they are not present, will not be forgotten by the world.

Pang Wanyang is such a person.

The Lord of the Six Prison Demon Sects, the hegemon who ruled the world for the first few decades, Taiyin Wuji to the highest realm, is known as the extreme master who is closest to the heavenly people.

Who dares to ignore it?

A faint utterance floated on the top of the mountain. There was no temperature in it, but the heart of the sheep snake rose sharply into crisis.

This old priest is going to kill me!

"Royal monarch ...."

The sheep snake's heart leaped wildly, and her shaking hands held up the letter:

"I came for the suzerain, you can't kill me!"

"Do you think......."

An Qisheng leaned slightly, like a mountain leaning forward, and the overwhelming momentum plummeted:

"Am I fighting with you?"


Sheep's pupils shrank, as if thinking of something terrible, and her face changed greatly.

But the next moment, there seemed to be a thunder.


Above the mountains and rivers, the current is turbulent.

The sudden strong wind was like a thousand wind dragons raging together, and the turbulence of the rising air instantly caused many martial arts people to be blown without trace.

But at this moment, no one cares about it.

They all looked at the sheep sheep that slowly got up in the storm.

As the sheep snake slowly got up, the raging wind on the raging mountain peak resembled the Taoist spirit snake and surrounded it.

In the eyes of everyone.

‘Sheep Snake’ had a tall, burly body that was getting taller and taller, and he became well-proportioned and slender. His rough face had even changed.

The rough face becomes elegant, the sunken eyes become narrow and long, and the thick long eyebrows become light, rising like a cloud of smoke.

It is still the general appearance of the accountant, but the temperament of the whole person has changed dramatically!

He fell down with his hands, and filled the void with a majestic momentum.

It seems to be thicker and majestic than the mountains, which makes people look awed with awe.

"Pang Wanyang!"

Before the gate of the mountain, Wang Jianglong and Yun Haitian suddenly stood up and looked at the man in the robe with his hand standing in the wind.

"Pang, Pang Wanyang?"

"How could he be Pang Wanyang?"

"How did he become Pang Wanyang, what martial arts is this?"

The top of the mountain was chaotic for a while, and thousands of people were terrified. They left the place unconsciously, and just wanted to leave the figure far away.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Just one name, thousands of people in the martial arts will change color, even if it is not blocked before the mountain road, they almost have to watch the wind and run away.

The power of his people is evident.

Zhao Changlin, Lan Da, and others also all changed color.


The monks such as Sanyin and Miki also got up and chanted the Buddha's name with their hands folded:

"I don't want to come from the devil ...."

The veins, in any force and in any dynasty, are absolute big figures, and the oldest ancestor-level figures.

Although the sheep snake is not as good as the Red Sun King, it is a **** vein.

So abandoned, the three old monks were inexplicable.

The audience was shaken.

Only An Qishengan could sit still like the earth, and his faint eyes stared directly at Pang Wanyang who came from the body.

The first level of Qi pulse entering the veins is ‘Yin Shen Chu Qiao’, but this does not mean that the veins can take over others ’bodies at will.

Between heaven and earth, only Tianyi can capture the spiritual classics.

There are a lot of martial arts that pretend to be God's will for others.

It ’s just not easy to want to do it. ‘God’ is ten times stronger than the person who borrows it.

Pang Wanyang's arrival was not something that shocked Wang Jianglong and others.

They were shocked that Pang Wanyang was able to come from the body of God!

The significance of this had to shock them.

Pang Wanyang's expression was peaceful and quiet, not like a world-famous demon, but rather a gentleman's accountant.

He stood with his hands on his shoulders, looking at An Qisheng and the black and white Tai Chi picture behind him, his eyes lightened slightly:

"This picture, black and white, alludes to yin and yang, there is yin in yang, and yang in yin, but Taoists are very bold ...

What is the name of this picture? "

He spoke lightly, but his voice was not the voice of a sheep snake.

It was a jingle sounding like a golden jade collision, and the words contained a strong divine meaning, so that everyone who was unconscious would be affected.

But this is not intentional, but natural.

What is Promise?

Promise means no borders and boundaries, no borders, and endlessness.

God's will is almost harmonious with heaven and earth. Words and deeds seem to resonate with heaven and earth.

"Pang Wanyang ..."

Ripples of An Qisheng's eyes:

"Tai Chi diagram!"

While Pang Wanyang looked at him, he naturally looked at the first master in the world.

An Qisheng was deeply touched.

With the sound of that Pang Wanyang, he could feel the emptiness of the whole mountain, the earth, the rocks, all shaking slightly, and the dead things became lively.

He even gave him the illusion that this mountain would disintegrate as long as Pang Wanyang was willing.

"Tai Chi Picture, what a Tai Chi Picture ..."

Pang Wanyang overlooked the mountain with a slight sigh:

"This seat thought that Taoists had the gods and soldiers to have such a good fortune, but they didn't want to. There are people like Taoists who are brilliant in heaven and earth ..."

He came here, probably because of it.

In just two years, the dying body has become what it is today. It is also a miracle for anyone to see. Since tens of thousands of years, there has been no such miracle.

He thought that this man had such good fortunes only if he had the heaven and earth soldiers.

But he didn't want to, it was more powerful than he thought.

To him, this pair of tai chi maps was even more shocking and shocking than heaven and earth.

An Qisheng's expression did not change, and he responded slightly:

"Mozun came from a letter of faith, wouldn't it just be a compliment?"

"The deity never expected that the Taoist master would practice the revolving law to such a state that he could trap this **** of the deity on the sheep snake ..."

Pang Wanyang's eyes were so deep that he seemed hopeless:

"Kill one of my six prisons at my fingertips, the master's means are also great."

He sent a sheep snake to send a letter ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but he wanted to see the martial arts of this king and Taoist from the air, but he had no intention to borrow money.

Those who are in the veins are in perfect harmony.

The old priest locked this strand of divine will in the body of the sheep snake by the method of rotation. If he stayed long, the sheep snake would have to live and die.

And if he leaves.

The sheep snake will only be like a pouch of water that has been pierced, and God will not be perfect, and it will eventually die.

It can be said that the sheep snake is convinced to take it orally.

"Mozun doesn't seem angry?"

An Qisheng's eyes lightened slightly.

When you see people by your eyes, you see their skins, and when you look at them by your hearts, you see their gods.

The two met for a short while, but they had a deep understanding of each other. Just as Pang Wanyang saw the mystery of the Taiji diagram, he also saw Pang Wanyang's ruthless and selfless way.

"Who doesn't die in the world? If you don't die, you will die in 300 years. How and when will you die, what's the big deal?"

Pang Wanyang smiled:

"You can die in the hands of Taoists.

Unfortunately, Pang has no wife and children, or else he will come to the door to let the Taoist kill them again, but they will be hard to find for the third time. "

Echoing the mountain with a faint smile.

But all the people who heard the words felt a chill in their hearts and felt the coldness of the bones.

People with indifferent affections abound in rivers and lakes, but they can see such thrilling words in such bland words, and they have seen them for the first time.

After hearing this, An Qisheng raised his eyelids and said quietly:

"It seems that Mozun wants this fortune."

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