Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 245: Tai Chi casts gods, and the veins come true!

Bang! !!

For example, Long Dianguang exploded on the top of the King Power Mountain, and the flash of light shone through the darkness, and then the thunder and flames scattered, as if the sky was falling apart!

Yan Kuangzi stood up with his hands in his hands.

The Yin God comes out of the way, but the Yin God does not go straight to the Thunder to wash it, but leads the Thunder to prevent the Thunder from splitting in various ways, and then the Yin God uses the magical forces to motivate the Thunder Yang He Qi to wash the soul.

Instead of going straight into the sky as in the story, like a human crossing.

Thunder Sun and Extreme, all souls are destroyed in one fell swoop. No one's soul can face the power of Thunder, even if Tai Yin Wou-ki's achievement is not good!

"This is the robbery"

The younger Yan Kaiyu hid behind his uncle, without blinking, watching the cold railway platform filled with thunder and fire outside ten feet.

How powerful is the thunder of thunder!

Even though he was under the protection of his uncle's qi, he only felt that his whole body seemed a bit numb, and the yang and qi coming from his face made him a little soft.

This is the power of heaven and earth!

The young man was dazzled and stared straight at the roads where the electricity and light were intertwined.

I saw the thunder and fire intertwined, the Taoist hunting in white robes, the whole body trembling and buzzing and shaking, like a bronze bell ringing.

In a thunderbolt, the Taoist is full of heart and calmness.

A bit of golden light oozed from his brows, getting deeper and brighter!

And as the golden light emerged, the thunder fire around it was rolling and shaking!

"It's so overwhelming."

Yan Kuangzi raised his eyebrows:

"But I don't know which way this fellow is going to go. It seems that it is the way of the sun"

To take this step with an ordinary vein, it must be that the magic soldiers come first, and the thunder fire is induced to wash the soul. The princes of the royal Taoism must go straight to the end of the sun.

But the next moment, his eyes shook.


The humming sound of bells is a masterpiece of the thunder roll.

A fierce light burst out suddenly from the thunderfire, breaking through the haze at once, and utterly empty.

"The Minister is shining!"

Yan Kaiyu's eyes widened.

I saw that the source of the light was the body of the king and Taoist head. Under this pure light, his glazed body was visible, just like the most perfect artwork between heaven and earth.

Suddenly, a pure light illuminated half the sky like a sky sword!

In a short time, the entire mountain of power was black and white, and light and darkness coexisted on the sky.

It was a shock to the mountain and the mountain.

The black and white intertwined sky can be seen from hundreds of miles away, just like the fairy gods in the novel!


An Qisheng, who flashed electric light, suddenly opened his eyes.

At this moment, his eyes glowed endlessly, like a burning sun, captivating.

Sitting and dreaming for half a year, while polishing his body, he also kept thinking about the theory of yin and yang, the meaning of Tai Chi, and gained something.

In previous life and this life, he read through many Taoism, almost half a Taoist priest, his boxing skills, his free-hands, and his martial arts, all fit the essence of Taoism in two generations.

Tai Chi, naturally he would not understand.

Tai Chi was originally in Zhuangzi, and later appeared in Yi Chuan. Its meaning has been perfected by the elaboration of Jie Tianjiao from generation to generation. This is a complete theory.

There is even a reason for the predecessor of the Grand Master to create a thousand-year undefeated heritage, Wudang Mountain!

In his dreams, he had the Taiji of two generations.

Standing on the shoulders of the sages of the two generations, he can naturally see farther and get more.

Without the sage's elaboration from generation to generation, he would never have realized what Tai Chi was.

Too, that is, big, pole, means the end, pole. The physical pole changes, and change changes, so the source of change is Tai Chi!

Taiji has two instruments, and two instruments become Taiji!

With a moment of thought, the golden light dot on his brows suddenly opened like a lotus flower!

Then, under the gaze of the grandfather and granddaughter Yan Yan.

Among the golden lotuses, it seemed that a golden villain who could not see his face stood with a gun.

Yin God, get out of the way!

Thorn Lala ~

Electro-optical momentary masterpiece.

Another thunder fell from the sky in the midst of the roar, like a black and white dragon and snake that divided into black and white.

"The static and dynamic machine, the mother of yin and yang, born of the infinite, is for Tai Chi"

The sound of a long howling sound resounded in the night sky with Razer dancing across the sky.

"this is"

Yan Kuangzi's body shook, as if he saw something incredible.

He lifted the boy up and down, and had shot a few hundred feet above the sky, far away from the top of the royal mountain.

He looked down.

I saw the night sky above the top of the mountain and below the sky. After this scream, the changes suddenly occurred.

The light moved slowly, pushing the dark flow.

The dark thundercloud and the princely prince who radiated light were like black and white for a while.

And that thunderous snake-like thunder wandered between darkness and light.

Darkness and light, thunder and lightning, surround each other to outline an ancient vicissitudes, but they also contain immensely immense scrolls and graphics.

"This is Tai Chi?"

Yan Kuangtu shrinks his pupils.

The conversation between Pang Wanyang and An Qisheng was naturally heard, but he was doubtful.

How should the yin and yang go together?

But at this moment, he suddenly realized something.

The achievements of the past dynasties have all been either the overcast sun or the other, even the celestial beings who cast the celestial beings in the legend.

It's not that no one ever thought that the sun would go together, but none of them failed.

The fusion of yin and yang seems to lack an important opportunity.

So much so that even those who are astonished can't succeed.

But at this time, he saw this Taiji picture, and his heart suddenly beat.

"If the monarchy succeeds"

The mad fanatic looked at the sky, his expression changed: "That's really a great master of the past generation!"

He mumbled to himself, and with his caring nature, he saw those who had never seen it before and dared to open up new ways for sentient beings, and he could not help but be awed.

The Taoist is always the most awesome.



Daodao Thunder exploded in my heart.

An Qi, who glowed brightly around her body, grew up and danced, with a little light shining in the body like Xingyue.

After seeing God, the apocalyptic spirit is no longer a secret to him, and has become a node that supports his body.

His method of cross-training is the interweaving of acupuncture and Qimai.

In the small courtyard, An Qisheng had five hearts to the sky.

The ordinary Qi pulse promotes the **** vein, and all are fully prepared to seduce the thunder, and each thunder will completely dissipate before the next one.

Because even if it is the suffocation of Qiqi, it is impossible to face the thunder again and again.

But An Qisheng is naturally different. Although his true energy is not deep enough, his purity is more than ordinary Qi pulse. The method of physical training and physical strength is more than all the pulses in the world!

Even if he is born as a foreigner, he cannot be compared with him!

But even so, under the thunder of the thunder, his physique was trembling, his whole body was trembling, every minute place was trembling and trembling.

The entire courtyard is even more messy, full of the breath of thunder.

"True Yin"

An Qisheng sat in the thunder fire, his expression was peaceful, his spirit was infinitely sublimated, and he sensed the nodes in the soul.

The soul of a human is invisible and can be said to be extremely small or infinite.

Finding true yin and yang in the soul is like finding two specific stars in the cosmic starry sky. This difficult nature can be imagined.

The reason why the gods in this world have to follow the path of ‘yin gods know how to wash the soul with thunder’ is because the process is too long.

Not so, it is a hundred years, and millennia may not be found in the soul, lighting up the true yin and yang.

If acupuncture is the **** of body, then the true yin and yang are the gods of the soul!

It is not easy to find nature, but he who has all the body spirits has an advantage that ordinary people can't match for finding true yin and yang.

"The truth is not annoying, and there are gods in every hundred pills"

An Qisheng muttered.

The soul and the light shine together. In the interweaving of thunder and lightning, the ‘gods’ emit light and become extremely active.

In the thunder, all ‘Gods’ are extremely active. This naturally includes the ‘God’ in the soul!

The mind was extremely tight, endured by the thunder and lightning around his body, and the soul was shocked by the electric shock. An Qisheng kept searching for the true yin and yang among the yin gods.


I do not know how long it has been.

Either a moment or a very long time.

An Qisheng's eyes suddenly flashed, and the Yin God shined!

Before seeing his brows, the villain sitting on Jin Lian trembled and burst into countless streamers.

Under the severe pain, the streamer returned, and under the invisible air machine between heaven and earth, a black-and-white Taiji picture gradually came out!

In the Taiji picture, two points of light slowly light up.

Real yin and yang, lit at the same time!

Even though I have tried many times in the dream, at this moment of real achievement, An Qisheng's heart still has a ripple.

Behind the seemingly natural scene, it accumulates bit by bit in the experience of being struck by lightning thousands of times in his dream.

Hum ~

The imaginary pocket Taiji is bathed in a crisscrossing current.

It seems that one side of the grinding disc slowly turning ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ to wipe out a trace of current, at the same time, the Taiji diagram also wears out a trace, and draws the yang and vitality in the thunder and grows stronger.

Moving and yang, static and yin, static pole complex action, one movement and one silence, each other as its roots, one yin and one yang each other for its reason.

In An Qisheng's induction, the yin and yang flowed in Taiji, and each other consumed each other and was derived from each other. It was natural and balanced.

For a long time, maybe just a moment.

The pocket black-and-white Taiji picture was not in the eyebrows and settled in the mud pill.


An Qisheng's body shook like a dragon with a head, like a big state king, like a world with a master!

Jingqi Shen, at this moment, all reached an indescribable level!

The body was just a shock, and the turbulent currents around, the howling wind, the boiling suffocation calmed down.

God's vein, accomplished!

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