Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 261: Shake the real dragon with one hand!

Ang ~

There seemed to be a long Yin breaking through the sky, and Baili Leiyin temporarily suppressed it, and the roaring air swept across the sky. Thundercloud stirred like a vortex.

Countless people looked up.

I saw a red and gold dragon winding up and connecting the ground and the sky. The golden light danced with the electric snake, and the cloudy sky danced with it.

Throughout Fengdu City, time seems to be dead, and it seems that even mosquitoes and ants are afraid to speak, and the more powerful they are, the more they can feel the oppressive oppression of air.



Numerous people stared at this scene blankly, with a blank mind in their minds.

There is a record between heaven and earth. There is only one dragon in tens of thousands of years. That dragon is a strange beast of the heavens and humans series.

No one has ever seen a dragon, but the mighty dragon's majesty, but the majesty of the dragon, was passed on by word of mouth, because it was the true King of the Beast.

Everyone was shocked to see the dragon that seemed to connect the heavens and the earth.

But others also saw that the red-gold dragon was not the real flesh and blood, it seemed illusory and transparent.


In the sound of the dragon, an irrepressible scream resounded throughout the world.

The next moment, in the sky, under the thundercloud, Zhenlong turned into a figure.

True dragon shape?

No, it was a burly old man in a dragon armor.

At this moment, the old man's expression was full of endless pain, as if he was suffering from unbearable severe pain, and he couldn't help making a sound of uncontrollable pain.

People who were close could see that his bare skin was already red, as if it had been burnt red pig iron.

You can even smell the smell of roasted flesh.

"Is this Dragon King armor ?!"

"Under the Dafeng King City, there was a rebellious soldier in heaven and earth! Dragon King Kai was born and the master came out."

"Are the soldiers going to be born? In his lifetime, he can even see the advent of the soldiers!"

In Fengdu City, many masters of rivers, lakes, and martial arts are all shocked and unspeakable. After more than 700 years, will there be a soldier master?

Since tens of thousands of years, the heavenly human magic soldier has long been the pursuit of countless martial arts.

Countless people in the martial arts all take pride in seeing the soldiers.

"No, that's not right, that's not the soldier, otherwise there won't be backwash!"

"The old man, forcibly controlled the Dragon King armor by some means!"

"So, who is that?"

Instantly, someone saw it.

Wearing the armor of the Dragon King, almost no one in the world can be injured except the master.

In addition to backwashing, it is impossible to endure pain while wearing the dragon king armor.

This discovery made countless people uproar.

"Is that the old **** hidden in the royal city?"

Liu Yanchang looked up, his expression moved.

A long time ago, he knew that there was an old **** in the realm of Tai Yin, who was hidden in the king city.

But even him, he has never seen this old **** at all. According to legend, this old **** has been in retreat for many years and has never seen outsiders.

But he didn't want to, he was forcibly refining the Dragon King armor!

Among the ruins under the observation platform, when seeing this scene, Han Ta Gong couldn't help spit out a black blood, and fell on his back, allowing the blood to spill his face.

Seeing this moment of red dragons, he already knew where Feng Feng relied.

However, no matter what the heavenly man and the magical soldiers are, it is impossible for a generation of soldiers to subdue the world, unless the heavenly people and the magical soldiers can be completely turned into their own and passed from generation to generation.

"So it is, so it is"

Han Ta Gong looked at the old man who was standing in the sky, and suddenly felt a shock.

Thinking of the turbulent national movement and the luck of the whole city at this time, a horrifying and thrilling idea suddenly appeared in Han Taigong's heart.

Could he

"No, not good!"

His heart was shaking, and he jumped up at once, and spurting blood at the same time, he heard a mixed voice of male and female, like a sharp and vigorous long howling sound.

"Every sin, go to me!"

The old **** roared.

In between, he seemed to see the young man who had picked himself up from the road full of bones two hundred years ago.

The young man was full of vitality and beauty. His clothes were white and snowy, and his clothes were dusty.

That was the first sight, and the beauty of his life.

At a blink of an eye, two hundred years later, we still can't forget.

There was a gentle flash in the reddish eyes, and the old **** suddenly burst out with the vigor and vitality that he had saved for two hundred years.

"Taizu! Taizong! Minister, even if you die, you must realize the aspirations of the kings !!!"


Earth and rocks splashed, soots rose, and Feng Wang burst into the sky, sending out a big drink

"Well, no, absolutely no !!!"

Feng Wang was furious.

Has there ever been a king who slaughtered his own capital?

He would never allow this to happen, even if it was sneaky.

But the next moment, his voice came to a halt, and he fluttered in the air, almost falling to the ground.


Just hear a loud noise.

The elder **** in armor is bursting!


This old **** blew himself up!

Liu extended his body violently and couldn't imagine why an old **** who was already in the state of Tai Yin and Promise for more than 200 years, suddenly committed suicide.

He looked around without seeing a threatening person at all.

Where is the enemy?

Who is the enemy?


Feng Wang was anxious, angry and sad.

The old **** is the personal **** of Dafeng Taizu. He served the kings of Dafeng for more than two hundred years. The top practice in the world is martial arts, but he is bound to the underground underground for almost two hundred years!

Even his own martial arts is mostly taught by him, but it can be said to be a half division.

Seeing his blood sacrifice, his heart was shaking.

What he wanted to say, but couldn't say, what he wanted to do, and he didn't know what to do.

For a while, I was in the air, and I didn't know where I was.

The scarlet blood was flowing down, and the dragon armor was dyed red!

Then, in the sound of sorrowful and painful dragons, the dragon reappears in the sky!

Between the moves, the dragon tail swept down, like a sky knife, and formed a long mile in the king's city. Without knowing how many gullies, the soldiers who rushed forward to guard were smashed into flesh!

The shards of sand and stones exploded with screams.

Countless horrified soldiers fled.

Immediately afterwards, the Chijin Long Dragon rose into the sky again, and the sound of the dragon groaned like a cloud of sky.

Which kills the sense of cold, as if the cold current generally appeared in the hearts of each.

Killing intention?

What does he want to do?

Liu extended his pupils and shrank.

He didn't see the enemy at all. Who could force a dragon sacrifice of the blood sacrifice of the great master of the Tai Yin Promise?


A thunderous sound rang through the sky.

Han Ta Gong Qiang pulled his body into the air, furious.

He faintly guessed what he was going to do, and couldn't help but be excited. If so, would he not be a sinner in the world?


The dragon yelled violently, the real dragon was flying, and the dragon's tail swept down.

A true sun-shade!

The long tail swept across, as if the god-man swept down the mountain.

In a short time, the air was blown out for a few miles, and the turbulent air was emptied, making a scream of the general sound of a mountain tsunami.

A random move is earth-shattering.

A few miles away, there are many soldiers flying scattered by the strong wind, and scarecrows generally fly into the air!

"Han taste palace!"

Feng Wang's face changed, and he opened his heart, and finally turned into a long sigh.

Although he is king, everything is at this time, but he can't help it.


Han Tsang Palace's clothes are full, and the qi is spurting out, causing the heaven and earth spirit to turn into an air wall.

He was not good at killing. He had never struggled with several lives in this life. Mo said that he was seriously injured at this time, that he was intact, and that he would never be able to block a dragon king armor after the Taiyin Promise blood sacrifice.

Seeing the dragon tail screaming, there was no fear in his heart. The open arms were really gasified, like a white crane spreading its wings, daringly slamming at the dragon tail.

"not good!"

Liu Yanchang's discoloration, strong pressure on his heart, and frightened his sword across the air.

"Brother Han quickly escape!"

He didn't know what happened, that Dragon King armor would shoot at Han Taigong, but he couldn't watch Han Taigong die.

Uh ~

The long sword trembled like a thunder dragon, and the air flow was two points wherever it passed, and the endless turbulent air flow was stagnant.


The next moment, the sky exploded, the knife light broke, and the squall wind broke instantly.

Just then, a soft sigh echoed through the sky.

This sigh seemed extremely slight, not to mention that compared with the Thunder, it was far worse than the roar of airflow.

But the moment it sounded, it seemed to ignore all distances, and sounded directly in the hearts of everyone in the king city.

Make it impossible for anyone to ignore.

Hum ~

When the sigh echoed, the heavens and earth in everyone's eyes seemed to be still for a moment.

Many people looked different, and I saw that in the broken and raging air of anger, there seemed to be a twinkling of Taiji illustration containing endless Taoism in black and white.

Then, a towering, tall, majestic and majestic, as the legendary sky gate is filled with ancient and desolate gates.

Along with this, there was also a voluptuous will that was displayed in front of the King City as it was.

At this moment, heaven and earth seemed to be in complete darkness.

It seems that only the winding golden sky dancing with the Razer and the red and golden sky exist with the majestic spirit!

The next moment, the dragon tail slammed down and fell heavily on the heavenly gate!


The sky exploded!

Ripples and waves rise into the air, intertwined with the raging thunder snake under the dark thundercloud, as if the sky had fallen down at this moment!

The terrible air waves blow like hurricanes all over the Grand Imperial City ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Millions of lights were blown out!

Countless buildings, pavilions, rockeries, and old trees even uttered an unbearable moan, and the dust leaves ‘簌簌’.

It was just one collision, and it was so earth-shaking.


After a collision, Chijin Longlong vacated.

Everyone looked, and saw that a long ditch was pulled out of the air by the waves, like a ruin, and a man in white clothes stood with his hands on his shoulders.

Under the strong wind, the clothes were up.

Hunting like a banner.



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