Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 266: Eliminate the invisible havoc of the rivers and lakes!

Outside Fengdu City, the spring breeze is growing, all things are growing, the mountains and rivers are green, and the grass is evergreen. It is not happy for the new king, nor sad for the old king.

As soon as dozens of dynasties changed, Jiangshan remained the same.

Pedestrians and merchants travelling from south to north, hurriedly, did not seem to feel anything unusual.

Luan Qisheng rode on a red horse and left without illness or debility.

For a moment, he seemed to look back, and seemed to see a pilgrimage in the capital city of Fengdu.

I also saw the Han taste palace sitting on the throne like a needle felt.

Mr. Feng Shui, being the master of a country, I don't know what it is like.

"Lao Han, you worked hard."

Qi Anqisheng smiled and urged the horse to move forward.

It is easy to have an enemy country, and it is easy to kill the assassin king. What is really difficult is to govern the country. A country with thousands of miles and hundreds of thousands of people, how difficult is it to govern?

Two hundred years after the founding of Dafeng, the rule of the Feng family has long been rooted in the hearts of the people. How easy is it to replace it?

Even though he is invincible at this time, he cannot rule the country by himself, let alone change the world.

The rice should be stuttered, and the road must be taken step by step.

I eat fast, it's easy to choke, my steps are big, and I can easily get eggs.

The world is in chaos, and the four words are simple, but inside are thousands of homes destroyed and their wives scattered.

He doesn't think Feng Feng is qualified to make such a decision. Naturally, he doesn't feel qualified either.

Under the circumstances that he doesn't want to be trapped on that bench, Han Taigong is already one of the best choices.

He didn't know if Han Ta Gong would be able to work hard, and his heart was not changed, or one day, he changed.

But that doesn't matter.

The change of heart is the lack of awe.

接下来 The next thing he has to do is to make the hearts of the people in the world awe.

He is on the heads of the kings of this world,

Hang a sword!

Take a hand

Sword of Kingship!


Since the founding of Taifeng Taizu, it has been nearly two hundred years.

In the past two hundred years, Dafeng's national strength has been flourishing. In addition to Dafeng occupying the most advantageous territory in the whole world, it is also because Dafeng's previous kings are considered wise, and the contemporary Feng Wang has been a hero for more than a century, and it is only a hero.

Twenty years ago, Lien Chan was defeated against the enemy nations. If it wasn't for the Nantian Mountain Hunting of the Three Kingdoms, he would be beheaded by martial arts.

Xun Yi, the news of King Feng's death was a big news that truly shocked the world.

Countless people mourn for it, others are happy, and even more people laugh .......

Although Wang Feng died of the disease according to the grief sent by the court, the news that he was assassinated has spread.

I came, because once the blood was exchanged, it would be almost a disease. What about the battle of the North and the South? It is suspected that the veins have already been completed, and maybe even the King of Feng, who has built his veins?

There are thousands of possible causes of death, and death alone is impossible.

Twenty-two years later, that night, thousands of people saw the changes in the celestial phenomena, and the white-clad Taoists who fought with the Red Golden Dragon in the sky.

Many ministers of the Chao court knew that they could not hide it, so they let these rumors spread.

The news that the red gold **** dragon is the celestial body, the **** soldier, or the dragon king armor spread, and it has stirred the world ’s martial arts people.

The martial arts people's pursuit of the celestial beings has better than ordinary people's pursuit of the throne.

Because the soldiers of heaven and man not only represent the most powerful force in the world, but also the secret of heaven and man.

The heavenly man represents eternal life and is the sum of all desires in the world.

With the news of Fengdu City spreading, the whereabouts of Dragon King Kai became the most lively topic in the world for a while, and people seemed to be discussing it on the streets.

Many people speculate that the one who fought the Chijin Long Dragon, also known as Dragon King Kay, that night was An Qisheng, a monarch of Taoism!

He is not only because of his grievances with the Dafeng court.

What's more, because the world can compete with the dragon king armor, and even in this case, the people who killed the king of the king can only replace Pang Wanyang and become the first An Qisheng in the world.

But knowing that the dragon king armor might fall into the hands of the Taoist monarchs, countless eager martial arts people could not help silent.

It was like a pot of ice water poured on his head, extinguishing all the flames.

Who dares to grab his stuff?

唯一 The only difference between this legendary figure and the other generations is that he is still alive.

Such a master, who can be sure to grab the Dragon King armor from him?

I mean, a crisis that should have shaken the whole rivers and lakes, and tens of thousands of people fighting for it, has already ended before it even started.

Lu Anqi gave birth to Fengdu City, and never concealed his movements or accelerated walking.

But even if he crossed Zhongzhou, he came to the Chivalry Gate.

Of course, there are many martial arts followers, but there is not even one who has the courage to shoot at him.

"My brother!"

In front of the chivalrous gate, Yun Haitian led a group of students to welcome him.

"Brother Yun, it's been a long time."

Luan Qisheng rolled over and dismissed the gift with a smile.

"My brother is in a big battle ..."

Qi Yunhaitian sighed slightly.

For a couple of years, he hasn't changed much, but An Qisheng has defeated Pang Wanyang and become the world's first.

He even attacked the king city, killed Feng Wang, and seized the Dragon King armor.

This pile of pieces is an unimaginable event for him.

"Miscellaneous, don't need Brother Yun to be at ease."

An Qisheng shook his head slightly.

"Where is free?"

Yun Yunhai smiled bitterly, but her eyes fell on the red horse's neck, which was dangling with greyness, and the humble armour.

无 No one in the world is interested in heavenly people, and he is no exception.

"This is the Dragon King armor?"

Yun Yunhai's eyes were very bright, and she did not hide her curiosity.

He is always like this, he will not hide his mood, curiosity is curiosity.

He was not only him, but also all the disciples of Chivalry, all looked at that Jiaye.

A pair of gray armors turned out to be the Dragon King armor of heaven and humans?

Luan Qisheng quite admired Yun Haitian's speech and behavior. Seeing his curiosity, he took off the Dragon King armor and handed it to Yun Haitian:

"Yes, this is Dragon King armor."

His expression was bland and his movements were random. It seemed that the dragon king armor in the hands of the world was not the famous armor, but just an ordinary armor.

"My brother?"

Yun Yunhai was a little surprised for a while, and all the chivalrous disciples were even more surprised.

Many martial arts people watching this scene from afar, they were short of breath, and could not help but develop greed.

"This is the Dragon King armor ..."

Ji Yunhaitian reached out to take over the Dragon King armor.

The imaginary heavyness does not exist. Starting with a light, it seems to hold a cloud, without the slightest texture.

If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I would have thought that nothing was left in my hand.

"The gods and soldiers of the heavens and the heavens are not gold, nor iron, nor qi and god, and can be as heavy as mountains or lighter than Hong Mao."

An Qisheng explained.

In fact, if it was not for the two hundred years of national transportation and refining in the Dafeng dynasty, it would be impossible for the dragon king armor to even be seen.

But even so, because it has not fully recovered, the difference is not obvious.

Yun Yunhai looked closely at the sky, and even figured it out with divine will, but for a while, she still didn't find a trace of mystery.

"The magic soldier chooses the master, it seems that Yun is not a person with the Dragon King armor."

Qi Yunhaitian sighed slightly and returned the Dragon King armor to An Qisheng:

"This thing should still be left in the hands of my brethren, and what the others get is the calamity ..."

The gods of the heavens and the heavens choose the master, but they are not fate. Even if the gods are in their hands, they can't play the slightest difference, and it is impossible to obtain the inheritance of heaven and humans.

Even, it will attract endless greedy people, and set off a martial arts catastrophe.

"No curse or blessing, no one but himself."

Luan Qisheng threw it away and hung the dragon king armor over the neck of the red horse.

This action caused many people in the martial arts to feel ups and downs, eager to rush forward to **** the Dragon King armor.

Ninaihe, the only thing that responded to them was the red horse's nose.

Until one person and one horse walked into the Chivalry Gate, no one dared to shoot.

I was only a few hundred feet long, but it seemed like Tianyuan stopped them.

Qingyou backyard, under the old tree.

Luan Qisheng sat opposite Yun Haitian, and his own doorman came to pour tea.

Tea fragrance is faint.

"My brother is hanging like this, sooner or later, someone can't help it."

Jin Yun Haitian said helplessly.

Even if An Qisheng's fame is so great, it will sooner or later be shot.

"The generations who want to smoke their hearts have the past and the present. They are dead, and there is nothing wrong with it."

Luan Qisheng didn't care, took a cup of tea and took a sip:

"A lot of people have been attracted along the way, and there are more beasts. If you dare to shoot, you will be buried together."

"My brother is too murderous."

Yun Yun Haitian can only shake his head.

Historically, the great masters of the sectarian schools have rarely shot at ordinary martial arts people. They usually disdain themselves. Half of them are unwilling to provoke too much resentment. After all, disciples in the future also have to walk.

There are not many lonely widows in the world.

"Brother Yun doesn't have to persuade me."

An Qisheng put down the tea cup ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ without talking about it, instead he said: "One year and two years, I have learned a lot, but I can try to heal Yun Brother."


Yun Yunhai's hands were steady, she took a sip of tea slowly, and after shaking the tea cup, she still couldn't help shaking.

He is hurt.

Jain was injured when he went to the holy mountain of Liu Prison a few decades ago when he was injured by King Chilian.

He is a ‘God’ wound.

He was hurt because of this, breaking his veins.

虽然 Although he has a calm mind, as a warrior, without further possibilities, it is impossible to have no regret in his heart.

If other people say this, he may not care, but the one who speaks, but An Qisheng, is the first person today, a living martial arts legend!

"Yes, heal."

Qi Anqisheng nodded slightly.

Yun Yunhai ’s wounds were not in ‘God’, not medicine or cure, even for him, it ’s only now that he has a little certainty.

Of course, for him.

As long as you have a certain degree of confidence, you can also achieve ten, but it is just trying a few more times in your dream.

Jin Yunhaitian exhaled slowly:

"Dare to ask my brother, how can I cure my injury?"

Luan Qisheng tapped on the stone table, and his voice covered the whole courtyard with a clear percussion:


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