Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 274: Spirited Mountain (Thanks Cz, gangster 0 million)

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As soon as the voice fell, the other people's eyes were all condensed.

The Dragon King armor fell into the hands of the Taoist monarchs, which is already a well-known thing, and compared to others, several people present were more aware of the arrogance of the heavens and the gods.

Can forcibly suppress the nearly resurrected Dragon King armor, the imperiousness of the monarch and Taoist naturally need not say much.

"If so, did he refine the Dragon King armor?"

The boy in the yellow suit, who also bears a longbow lion, asked a little diligently.

Before it was changed, no one would think that non-soldiers could refine heaven and earth, but after the First World War in Fengdu, some people had already guessed what the Dafeng Dynasty did.

Since Dafeng dares to act and may even succeed, the monarchs may not be able to thoroughly refine the Dragon King armor on the basis of Dafeng.

"His veins have been established, and the foundation cannot be changed. Even if he refines the dragon king armor, he cannot become the master of the soldiers."

Wuling City's eyes were faint, saying:

"I waited here just to wish my life, not to seek provocation. Besides, we are not without power to fight back."

His voice was not high or low, but several people changed their faces when they heard it.

Sun En's pupils shrank, looking at Wuling City, saying one word at a time: "Yanyang's seven killers have recovered?"

Wuling City did not answer, but smiled and said:

"He is old, I am young, and the future is doomed to wait for the world. Why rush?"

Then, he looked at Sun En and said:

"In short, I have no malicious intentions this time, whether brother Xiong believes or not, it is true."


Yuanhang shook his spear one by one and looked at the mountains in the distance:

"Pang Wanyang predominated the world for forty years, and then there was a monarch and a mighty monarch who presided over the world. After I missed Pang Wanyang, I naturally wanted to see a monarch and a monarch!"

"This is the transfer of the old and the new. The world will come first, only among you and me!"

Shao Huacen's green skirt fluttered, her long hair was gently turned, and she smiled gently:

"As a junior, witnessing the glory of the predecessors is also what it should be."


Under the golden sun, Wangquan Mountain is divided into liveliness. There are disciples busy on the mountain and welcome them to the destination.

Although An Qisheng had no intention of longevity, Jiang Tingting, Zhang Haohao, Yan Kaiyu, Liu Ming and others insisted so, and he followed them.

That day, it was just noon.

An Qisheng was sitting on the back of the mountain and overlooking the sea of ​​clouds.

The cloud is still that cloud, Tianwu is the day, but everything that is commonplace in his eyes, but every day is different, every time you watch, it can bring him different feelings.

When you look at everything, you are bored when you are upset, and when you are happy, you are happy.

The Tao is in the landscape, the Tao is in the heart, and the heart reflects the landscape, then the landscape enters the heart.

That is martial arts practice, also spiritual practice, and even mental state practice.

"Master, why are you still here?"

Before anyone arrived, the voice came first. Jiang Tingting ran over in a rage, holding An Qisheng's arm.

It has been eight years since the long-floating world, and the little girl who once had a snotty cry is now very slender. Although it is not a solitary appearance, she practiced martial arts all year round, and the cardamom is full of girlish firepower.

In the past few years, he has not recruited new disciples except that he has been unable to hold back Liu Ming's several beggings and put him in the door.

Among the few disciples, Jiang Tingting was the one who relied most on him.

"Tingting, you are too frizzy. You didn't have a good time in your last reincarnation."

An Qisheng let the apprentice shake his arm and smiled at her forehead:

"It seems that next time, you need to sharpen your temper."

As his martial arts progresses more and more, all the factors that determine a person's achievement have become clear to him.

The reason why the heavenly people and soldiers often choose the Lord, they are not looking for the most amazing and brilliant people in the world, but the people who are most in line with their own way.

Because the root bones are easy, the air can be gathered, the heart can be ground, and the martial arts can be practiced.

The only thing that cannot be changed is that it is not selfish.

The Tao is the same, the Tao is different, the practice is no different from the south.

In the practice of Jiufu Realm, at the beginning, the muscles, bones, flesh, and bones of the muscles were exchanged. At this time, the roads are the same. The practice of 10,000 people is also the general appearance. When condensing the spirit, you must choose.

For a true qigong method that does not match with oneself, the true qigong that is practiced must also not match with oneself. It often takes a lot of effort to achieve the effect of others.

The choice of the weather network of different weeks and weeks, the difference in spirituality of martial arts, the casting of divine soldiers, etc., will all be affected.

Therefore, the appearance of the masters of the veins in the history of Jiufu Realm has had luck in addition to its own natural savvy.

In Xuan Xing's words, the choice of road is more important than hard work.

Therefore, when there was a large martial art on the rivers and lakes, when the genius was suddenly brought to the heyday, a legend emerged.

That 'Wizard' is not necessarily a Wizards, it may just fit the martial arts of the predecessors.

But not every martial art has this luck, and more of it has disappeared into the long river of history.

An Qisheng is trying another way.

Give the disciples more possibilities to teach according to their aptitude, instead of passing on their martial art photos to them.

"Let the brothers and sisters go."

After hearing the reincarnation, Jiang Tingting shuddered and quickly quit:

"The disciples' last reincarnation experience has not been digested yet ..."

Reincarnation is rare, but it is too much tortured in it. Although she knows the benefits, she doesn't want to go in immediately.

"Your Master Kaiyu begged a few times, and you're tired."

An Qisheng shook his head and laughed.

In this world, besides him, only the runner king can pull others into reincarnation with his own will.

However, the runner king is limited by the world and lacks vision. It just forges a Buddha country and can obliterate the memory of others with many fantasies, but it cannot reach his own level.

Apart from Jiang Tingting, no one dared to say this.

However, it is too late, and the experience must be adequate. It is too much, but it will hurt the disciple's identity, but it is not good.

"Master, other martial arts have already come, you can't go out."

Jiang Tingting shifts the topic:

"Uncle Yan of Dalongmen is afraid that he will be here soon ..."


An Qisheng didn't break his disciples' careful thinking, and walked towards Qianshan.

Naturally, he does not have to go to replace someone, but as the host, he always shows up.

After all, some people seem to want to see him.


There are many people on the mountain of Wang Quan.

Although Wang Dao Dao has not been sent for a few years, An Qi's first name in the world is too big. Not to mention the top gates such as Dalongmen, Huangjue Temple, Baiyue Mountain Villa, and Shinji Road, are Fengzhou and even Many small and medium schools in nearby big states also came one after another.

In Fengzhou and even the nearby states, Wang Dao Dao is a true uncrowned king. Naturally, there is no shortage of forces that want to be good.

It is just that the kingship does not advance in oil and salt on weekdays, and there is no chance to make friends. It is hard to come across the centenary birthday of the Taoist people.

If you don't say that you have a good relationship with the kingship, it's just showing your face, and that's also a very worthwhile thing.

Therefore, when they got to Wuling City, Sun En and others came a little surprised when they came to the official road under the royal mountain.

On the long official road, many cars were almost discharged more than ten miles, and the number of pedestrians was unknown.

At first glance, the black and white one seemed to be surrounded by a mountain of people.

However, most of them have self-knowledge. They are left in front of Wenxintang. There are very few people who can go up the mountain. There are only a lot of experts in the martial arts, or they are alone.

"It's so lucky!"

Cangliu lifted his head slightly, and the yellow curly hair could not cover the light in his eyes: "The world is the first, and the people are all in compliance. Only in this way can you live up to this situation on earth!"

"The dynasty's domination, wealth and prosperity, the world is the first, and in the end it is nothing more than a fame. When the soldiers of all ages were in the world, they were also overwhelming, and their reputation will only be greater. However, what is left today?

Yuanhangyi looked indifferent and calm comment:

"Everybody is dead, nothing is human, no matter what the world is first, the soldiers are all empty."

"Since ancient times, people were scarce. Who can tell if they succeed or fail? Many soldiers have opened the door to heaven, but they have not succeeded ...."

Shao Huacen smiled gently:

"Brother Yuan has great ambitions, but the younger sister doesn't want that much. People live forever ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ It's true that life is wonderful."

"This mountain of kingship is no more than a hundred feet high, there are no lakes interdependent, no aura of energy gathers, and there are not many vegetation. However, because of the existence of one person, it has covered the world's famous mountains. . "

Wuling City gently shakes the folding fan, and a fascination suddenly appears in the warm eyes:

"Are you guys aware of anything?"

Shao Huacen, Yuan Xingyi, Cang Liu heard the words were all in a stun, and then seemed to feel something.

Before speaking, Sun En sounded with a little suspicion:

"Wangquan Mountain, moving ..."

Wang Quanshan, moving!

Shao Huacen's hearts were all shocked, and then they all gave birth to induction.

A mountain that was supposed to be a dead thing, in the sense of a few people, seemed to have life, trembling slightly.

The tremor was unheard of, but it was extremely real among the responses of several people.

Moreover, this mountain seems to be growing.

Although slow, it is true.

"Gathering of Earth Vessel Qi Yun ..."

Yuan Xing's eyes were slightly closed, and she was fully aware of:

"The ground transportation of the Huayan Mountains seems to be converging here, no, not only the ground transportation of the Huayan Mountains, Fengzhou, Fengzhou, also seems to be converging toward Wangquan Mountain ...

As the earth moves, the mountains and rivers come. Because of this, Wang Quanshan will give me a sense of life because it is really growing! "

Several were a little surprised.

They have all heard of Feng Shui, but it's the first time they have seen a mountain that can grow. It's not surprising.

Uh ~

Wuling City also felt it slightly. Suddenly, he opened the folding fan and covered his face. He seemed to see something incomprehensible:

"how is this possible?!"

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