Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 278: Sword 23

The breeze blew white clothes, Mu Qingliu's voice did not fall, and a sudden jump in my heart, I felt the strange and peaceful atmosphere in the mountain gate, the dojo, and I saw five spirit cities, Sun En and five others.

Immediately, his eyelids jumped.

当然 Of course, he felt the breath of other soldiers, but he thought it was only Wuling City. Where did he think that the five soldiers gathered on the mountain of king power.

"Since Mu Brother has been sitting for years, he doesn't want to go any further, but unfortunately, regrettable ..."

In Qiong Taoism, An Qisheng seemed to feel something, but his eyes fell, but it was not Mu Qingliu, but the things he held in his arms.

That is a sword box, its color is simple.

He seemed to care more about this sword box than Zhe Tianjian, who had not recovered in the white boy's body.

Hearing An Qisheng's sigh, Mu Qingliu moved his heart. He didn't know what was in the sword box.

It seems that this Taoist man knows?

"Since Mu Mu has this intention, I will accept it."

Wu Anqisheng sighed slightly, seeming to be a little sorry.

Beyond Baizhang, Mu Qingliu felt a mighty air of gas rolling in, slightly rolled, and took away the sword box in his arms.

Humming ~~~

At the moment when the sword box rises, the people in the martial arts on the mountain and the mountain are all cold, no matter what the cultivation is.

He seemed to be pierced by a sword sharpened to the extreme.

Immediately, I don't know how many people could not help yelling back, but after touching, I didn't find myself injured.

"this is......."

I looked at the sword box rising up, and Yan Kuangzi's eyes were bright.

Luan Qisheng tapped on the back of his chair, his eyes faint:

"Sword twenty-three!"

In the world, there is never just one person who is making progress.

Twenty-five years ago, in the Battle of Hanhai, several major veins were felt. Except for himself, the biggest gain was Mu Qingfeng, who was born and died with sword twenty-two and Pang Wanyang.

Purr ~

After the sword box trembled, it suddenly turned into powder.

A stab of the sword popped out.

Uh ~

It seems that lightning flashes through the night, and the sword light that swayed in a moment covered everyone's eyes.

After a short while, someone saw the sword that popped up after the sword box broke.

Divine sword has no handle and no color, or in other words, its color is not the color of the human world, to the naked eye, there is no color, but in the sense of the sense of many divine veins.

I took that sword, blooming blue water and blue sky.

感应 Slightly inductive, it seems to see the mountains and the clear water, and the flawless swordsman who sits on the top of the mountain and breathes in the coldness of the mountain.

Ye Mu Qingfeng.

Luan Qisheng looked down, and the swordsman on the top of the mountain also looked up, far away from each other, but the two seemed to see each other.

Everything is in this sword of divine will.

Qizhou mountains.

In the mountains and clear waters, Mu Qingfeng seemed to feel it. Looking at the sky and clouds, he also seemed to see the man in white clothing.

Twenty-five years ago, he broke Hanhan's sword, and then he abandoned his sword without using it. He sat by the lake for five years and forgot all the swordsmanship.

Until a few days ago, he had looked at the 22 swords.

I finally became a sword of twenty-three.

He felt that this sword was already his limit, the limit on earth, even if there were another ten, one hundred, three hundred years, there would be no progress at all.

Only then did he feel the feeling of Pang Wanyang once.

Everything is empty in the world, but the road is not half a step forward. How helpless is this?

"Brother, why are you ..."

Qi Mu Tsinghua stood not far away, looking at his brother's back, his face was a little dull:

"Even if there is a breakthrough, why do we have to choose the 100th birthday of Wang Daodao?"

Qi Mu Tsinghua was sad.

He is Mu Qingfeng's younger brother. Since he was a child, his brother learned sword and practiced martial arts. For him, Mu Qingfeng was also a brother and a father.

Even though he knew what he was thinking, he couldn't help but feel uncomfortable.

I want him to stay for a few more days, even if only for a few days.

"This congratulation, Andao friends will not mind, Mu Qingfeng learned in his life, persevered in life, pursued all his life, He Xun Pang Wanyang?"

Qiu Muqingfeng didn't look back, facing her brother, her voice was rare with a touch of temperature:

"I've been alone in my life, without children, and even without apprentices, Wanjian Villas are all you take care of, it's hard."


Jian Mu Tsinghua trembled, and the old tears couldn't help, "Brother, my brother can't bear you ..."

"To be together is a fate, a fate is also a fate. Just as I was born between the mountains and clear waters, the mountains and clear waters are still the same, I am just a passenger ........"

Qi Mu Qingfeng's body is straight, and her voice gradually calms down:

"Brother, the way forward, I want you to go alone!"

The mist was thick among the mountains, and the breeze came with the words, and the mist swirled down, covering Mu Qingfeng.


When the time passed, the sky suddenly became a masterpiece of thunder, and the dark clouds did not know where they came from, instantly covering the entire Wanjian Mountain Villa.

For a moment, between the mountains, it seemed to fall into the night.

But it seemed to be just a moment, accompanied by a roar of thunder, the dark clouds dispersed again.


Qing Mu Tsinghua fell to her knees, and her heartache was like angling:


Buzz buzzing ~~~

On the peak of the king's power, a sound of swordsing like dragons and tigers suddenly sounded.

In an instant, Jianguang was like a big sun descending on the top of the mountain. Under the light of the Huanghuang sword, there were dozens of miles full of Jianguang!

Many people retreat subconsciously, stirring their inner strength to protect themselves.

I only felt that the sword qi was like light, like spring breeze, like green mountains and clear water, like mist and sea of ​​clouds.

I looked up.

I saw that in the increasingly bright sword light, there seemed to be a looming figure of a swordsman in white, which seemed to be illusory and real.


Inside the dojo, many gods stood up together, looking at this scene, their faces were all changed, and they saw Mu Qingfeng's state at this time.

Ye Yan madman even drank:

"Mu Qingfeng, are you crazy or don't want to live ?!"


As the mad madman yelled and shouted, far away from the sky, there was a faint thunder rolling, dark clouds came together in all directions, and the celestial phenomena changed for an instant!

The thundering thunder seemed to be irritated, more magnificent and surging.

"Grandpa ?!"

Seeing the glinting figure in Jianguang's eyes, Mu Qingliu's eyes widened, as if thinking of something, his eyes flushed suddenly, and what he wanted to say was suddenly shocked.

I felt an indescribable sword light inside the dojo.

Wu Lingcheng several people look at each other.

This sword light seems not to be at all stern, but the divine meaning in it is pure, but it is strange.

They never thought that the purity of a person's divine will reach this level.

Is this man a sword in his last life?

If it had not been known that Mu Qingliu was the master of the sword of the sky, Wuling City would have thought that this person was the sword of the sky!

"Why is this?"

I saw Mu Qingfeng, an imaginary cloud in the sword light, and An Qisheng was both admired and regretted.

If the gods know what to do, they will cause changes in the celestial phenomena, and under the rolling of the thunder, it is bound to be the end of the spirits.

Unless you can break the sky gate.

Qi Muqingfeng's move is truly dead, but it is difficult to predict whether it will be able to survive.

Even if Mu Qingfeng is at this time, his divine spirit is no less than Pang Wanyang five years ago.

最后 However, the final grasp of the Qi machine depends on the individual.

Even if An Qisheng grasped the air machine by himself, at this time, he could not guarantee that Mu Qingfeng could catch that air machine.

"When I was young, among the many brothers and sisters, only I did n’t know how to practice swords. I played in the mountains every day. They only said that I did n’t like swords, but I did n’t know. Masters who teach swordsmanship within ... "

Qi Mu Qingfeng stood in the sword light, as the mist drifted.

The thunder rolling from the edge of the sky, the myriad lights in the gates of the dojo, the yelling and yelling of the mad fan, Mu Qingliu's exclaimed sadness, he never seemed to hear or care.

In his eyes, only the Taoist who is located in the middle of the black and white dojo, is like the black and white Taiji illustration.

"That year I was seventeen years old, and the entire Wanjian Villa and thousands of swordsmen were no better than my swordsman. They thought that I had encountered a stranger teaching swordsmanship, and chased me in the mountains for several years, but they could n’t see Now, all the plants, bamboos and stones in the mountains can be swords, and the green mountains and clear waters are all my teachers ...

Heaven and earth pass my swordsmanship, I should return a sword to heaven and earth! "

Qing cold like clear spring flowing words, Mantian Jianguang as one.


The thunder like a silver snake cut through the sky, meandering like a dragon, Mu Qingfeng followed the sword and pointed at An Qisheng:

"This sword is called sword twenty-three!"

Humming ~

As soon as Xun Jianguang blew, Wan Ye was silent, time and space seemed to be still at this moment.

The wind did not blow, the clouds did not flow, and the dust drifted between the heavens and the earth were frozen. The Thunder Electric Snake that fell from the sky seemed to be stuck in mid-air.

Laoshanmen, thousands of martial arts people in the dojo, only felt an indescribable wave of spread and spread, as if they were completely sealed off.

They can see the frozen world ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ However, they seem to have lost control of the body.

Even though the great masters such as Yun Haitian and Wang Jianglong, Wuling City, Mu Qingliu, Sun En and other soldiers seemed to stop in place and couldn't move.

He could only watch the endlessly stunning Jian Guang strike at a speed that seemed to be extremely slow, but in fact exceeded the limit of the world.

The wisp of the sword before it disappeared, but it was even more thrilling. As the sword penetrated, they seemed to see the green mountains and green water, the Yunjuan Yunshu, the white sword fairy, and see To heaven and earth.

Like the sword light, it contains the whole world!

得 I got a sword because of heaven and earth, so I give it back to the world!

In the middle of the dojo field, An Qisheng's eyes were as mirrors, reflecting this stunning sword light:

"This is the sword twenty-three ..."

The sword light is like water, like wind, like mountains, rivers, mountains, rivers, rivers, birds, beasts, insects, and fish. There is no killer edge. Once it passes, it brings an extreme horror scene.

之 处 The place where Jian Guang has passed has become a complete blank and nothingness.

Whether it is light or dust, all tangible and intangible things are all beheaded, annihilated, and wiped away, as if they never existed between heaven and earth!

Heaven and earth are ruthless, and all things are ruminant dogs!

The most ruthless person in the world is nothing more than heaven and earth itself!

最后 The merciless final, it is the sword of heaven and earth!


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