Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 346: Avoid the Holy Land!

Huh ~

The yelling wind in the tavern shook the already dim light and shadow.

In the mist, the man, the old man, and the puppet milfs all gave out howling:

"Heaven and earth are dim, people and gods avoid it!"

The bursts of ghost sounds seemed to explode from their hearts, only making their hands and feet numb, dazzled, and a great fear came into their hearts.

An Qisheng couldn't sit still, only that the surrounding world was distorted, and he seemed to be able to see the big world of rolling mist.

At the moment when the shadow flickered, the endless Yin Shao surged for it, and the heavens and the earth gave birth to infinite rejection.

Rejecting all clever things that don't belong here, especially for the flesh and blood, there is a tremendous oppression beyond imagination.


The yellow dog stuck his tongue out and spread his limbs as if lying on the floor like a dog skin.

Sawuling is worse than a yellow dog. When facing up to the sky, the limbs and bones groaned. Half of his life was almost gone. The bell in his hand trembled, like a candlelight blown by the wind. Off.

Even if the boneless demon is so impersonal, under the crushing of this aura, the sound of ‘click’ is about to break.

Only An Qisheng, sitting in the center of Yinsha's rolling, and letting his long hair rise, his complexion remained calm.

The tavern was filled with great rejection and repression.

But his physique is strong, and his mastery of power is more than anyone else's, letting that power come in like a tide, and then unloading it in every detail of the body.

Unless the pressure is so great that it can shake him instantly, it won't be a big threat to him.

The true method of horizontal exercises is the instinct of human beings and the method of unloading, which is etched into every inch of skin and even every cell!

Therefore, even though the yin is like a tide, he is like the vermiculite nailed in it, without any slight touch.

"The breath of life is so wonderful."

The shop buddy murmured.

His shape changed drastically. He nodded his head and waist before, and his face was twisted, his eyes twisted, ghosts flickered, and two arms were born around his waist. The wiping cloths became hooked chains, which slammed as his arms fluttered. ll.

The uncle's shopkeeper lay on the ground, his head became horrible, his limbs were wrong, and eight amputations were born, like a big spider crawling.

The only constant is the half-old milf-like boss lady.

She is still plump, and when she walks around, she emits indeterminate ghost laughs:

"Guest, donkey flesh and blood and viscera, don't you really want to come?"

The yawning wind of the bones blew, and the three demons approached:

"Guest, don't you really come?"


On the bench, An Qisheng slowly raised his eyes, and a strange phenomenon appeared in his eyes:

"Not you."


The three demon ghosts were all stunned.

"I said, the owner of this tavern is not you ..."

An Qisheng shook his head slightly.

He has been sensing since the pub.

This tavern is very weird, it seems to be in the sun and it seems to be in the dark, overlapping and alternating. It is not a realm of living people, nor a place of ghosts. It can accommodate both.

Such a supernatural power is far more powerful than the “Evil Spirit House Method”, which is said to be able to walk between the realm of yin and yang.

Obviously, these three ghosts are not the power to create such a strange place.


Then, he got up, his shirt moved with the rolling shades, and he made a whisper:

"A group of little doves occupying the nest, dare to show up in front of me ?!"


Along with his shake-up, the sound of blood flowing from the river also rang from his body until it emerged through the body!

Musculoskeletal bursts, blood veins spread!

Suddenly, the blood in his body was raging like a river, and the blood was violent and fierce.

Hum ~

In a hurry, the pub is highlighted!

It was as if a small sun had fallen into the tavern, bursting with unimaginable light and heat, and colliding with the wicked air that rolled around.

Uh ~

In the air, a real whine exploded.

All three demon ghosts hissed sharply and rolled back with the impact of blood.

The blood masculinity shocks the ghost?

Naturally not!

Ghost and soul change, itself is a breed of flesh and blood, how can you be afraid of masculinity?

Those who can shake back the ghosts come out with this blood impact, the vitality field!

The three demon ghosts retreated.

Sawuling and the yellow dog got up at once. In the masculine flesh, they only felt Shutai all around, fear, and fear disappeared.

My heart is filled with a lot of ease and freedom.

Sa Wuling shook the bell, drew a piece of Fu Fu in his arms, and held them all, wishing they were all thrown out.

"Ah! What is this?"

Under the impact of masculine blood, the three demon ghosts seemed to be burned by the blaze, and the large odorous liquids fell off and fell down, becoming more and more terrifying.

It looks like a burning black candle.

The boss lady finally couldn't withstand the impact of the flesh and could not sustain herself.

In a sharp hissing sound, it turned into a mucus tick, emitting a smelly earth dragon, a long body trembled, wrapped in a gust of wind, and slapped An Qisheng, who was like the sun shining.

The four-armed evil spirit also threw the shackles chain, and roared viciously:

"Dead! Dead! Dead!"

The spider-like evil spirit even spit out countless stinky liquids, turning it into a net to cover An Qisheng under his hood!

"Flick your tail, spit, play with rope ..."

An Qi grew up and stood, looking at the means of the three demon ghosts, shaking his head involuntarily:

"It's such a disappointment for me ..."

As a ghost, the soul is distorted, but the intelligence quotient has decreased. To be honest, if it is not in this strange place, it would not be as good as that of a bone.

What's the difference between An Qisheng's vision and the power to create a singular place that passes through the yin and yang?

Even waste the means of preparation.

With a sigh, a deep disappointment surfaced in the hearts of everyone in the pub, the ghost, and the dog.

Under the powerful spiritual contagion, all the ghosts felt the disappointment in this voice.


The three demon ghosts were suddenly insane, roaring viciously, and their entire bodies were twisted and stretched.

But the next moment, the sky flew back suddenly.

The sound of blood flowing like a tsunami disappeared instantly.


The breath that made them sore and disgusted receded, but in the hearts of the three demon ghosts, they suddenly came out with great fear!

It's like, in the next moment, there will be a calamity, and it will never happen again!

Uh ~

At the same time as the three monsters were greatly frightened, a huge beating sound suddenly sounded.

This beat is so huge.

So that Sa Wuling, who had just climbed up, was stunned and looked at An Qisheng in shock.

It felt like there was a monster in his body that was scaring him, and it was expanding and shrinking.

Hum ~

After a beating, the actual ripples spread in the void.

The flapping long tail, the stinky cobwebs that spit out, and the ecstasy chain that whipped out were all frozen in the air for a moment.


Then, the sound of the thunder rolling down the river, filling the entire pub.

"Ah! Ray, Ray?"

The thunder sounded instantly, and the distorted faces of the three demon ghosts turned into an inexplicable abstract picture.

Condensed seeds!

These days in Yizhuang, while he was boiled, he spent most of his time thinking about how to replace the 'Cangtian Shouxuan' in this world with a seed.

This step is naturally not so easy.

But condensing the seeds is not that difficult for him.

His physical fitness is so fast that he relies on the fine-grained micromanipulation at the cell level and the huge complement to the physical body by the integration of his own magnetic field.

When he left Yizhuang this time, he was ready to find a safe place to 'cross the gang'.

After all, this step is really going to be thundered.

This yin pub is undoubtedly a wonderful place. As a singular place that passes through yin and yang, it does not belong to the yang and the ghost, but just fits the ghost more.

Once the Thunder is triggered, there is no doubt that it can be compared to the super-strong 'lightning rod' of Zombie King Zhu Zhu.

In other words, this is to avoid the Holy Land!

He was still thinking about it. If he had to block the road, he would have to try it.


Razer dances in the sky, and the damp air fills the sky.

Huh ~

Above the official road, the lingering Taoist leaped up and looked at the dark clouds suddenly spreading through the sky ~ www.ltnovel.com ~

"The thunderstorm of Qiqi sympathy is this? Is someone doing something to provoke the Thunder?"

This thundercloud is so abnormal. How can a normal dark cloud suddenly come?

And the dancing Razer was too much, too dense.

"Oh ..."

The little boy in the grass was stunned and rolled, squatting on the ground, and the whole person was still a little stunned.

what happened?

Why is my head so painful?

"Master, you see!"

He shook his head and exclaimed suddenly, pointing forward:

"Yin Si Pub, Yin Pub has appeared again!"


The Changlin Taoist froze for a while and looked away.

I saw more than a hundred feet away, the light and shadow were changing, the Yin Si Tavern, which had disappeared, suddenly and slowly, appeared little by little.

It's like being pulled from an alien space by an invisible big hand, and it's like being distorted and vomited by space!


Then the masterpiece of thunder, a series of electric snakes spreading their teeth and dancing down from the sky, has been bombarded on the tavern.

The thunder clashed with Yin Sha, bursting into the air, the earth and stones rolled around, the trees were folded, and the official road of bluestone was broken apart.

The majesty is by no means an ordinary thunderstorm.

Mingxin Xiaodao was frightened. Where did this Thunder come from?

The moment before was full moon, and the lightning flashed in the next moment. How can there be such a thing?

"So fierce!"

Changlin Taoist opened his mouth.

Watching the electric snakes descend from the sky, bombarding the yin si pub with a frequency and speed beyond imagination, for a moment, some cyanosis.

what's going on?

Is there a fiend present, or is there a spiritual treasure born?

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