Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 359: 1 sword light cold



In the mountains, the huge wood charm fell apart, and large roots of vines fell off, falling down in the undulating dust, smashing into the mountains and rumbling.

A four-environment wooden charm-fighting technique will fall apart in this reprimand.

The fox Taoist who fled far away was immersed in the mud. An indescribable majesty oppressed his heart, making him almost tremble and unable to breathe.

Power of the Primordial Series!

At that time, the top giants, Rulai Monk Ruyi Monk.

He never dreamed that such a top giant would actually appear here, even if it was just a pendant portrayed by himself, it would be enough to collapse the sky.

Even if it is a transformational monster equivalent to the real world, you must run away from the wind?

How can he not be afraid?

"The ancestor Shenwei!"

"The ancestor Shenwei!"

The faces of the monks at the Jiaoyuan Temple were kneeling down on the ground and worshiping, their faces full of enthusiasm.

The virtuous old monk who coughed up blood in the ruins also breathed a sigh of relief, while bleeding in his heart.

This pendant is a kind of protection for many passers-by who come to the hospital. It is enough to shock the real people who practice the Six Realms. Even the real people who cross the thunder and thunder often don't take shots to avoid evil the real people.

How precious is this?

Wasted in a wooden charm body, how can he not feel heartache, how can he not be angry?

It is a pity that this has come to an end and it is helpless.

Hum ~

But at this moment, a sound of Jianming came from his ear.

In the beginning, the sound of the sword screamed like a bird screaming, like a wind blowing a tree trunk, like a spring water jingle, like a pearl falling from a jade plate.

Virtue can not help but look.

I saw a black and white interlaced picture scroll suddenly on the mountain not far away under the reflection of the Buddha light at night.

At first, the scroll was only about the size of a bird, and suddenly it expanded in all directions.

Its spread rises into the air at the same time, and between the rotations slowly, the Tao Yun overflows, seeming to resonate with the surrounding world, and it has spread ten feet, one hundred feet, or even further away.

"This is the road map that day and night?"

Astonished by virtue, he remembered the Daotu seen at night in Anno County that day, which seemed to be the same as this time.

Then he saw a sword.

An ordinary handle, like a green sword worn by ordinary martial arts people.

The green sword was now standing on one's knees.

The place where the man sits, is exactly in the middle of the Daotu. Black and white is divided around him, slowly turning, chasing each other and evolving, it seems that there are endless Taoism.

There is also a desolate and ancient atmosphere flowing out, proclaiming the unspeakable truth

Although he could not see his face, he knew that this man must be an old Taoist who had gone through the vicissitudes of the red dust.

It ’s just that the picture spreads and the Quartet ’s heaven and earth shook for it, but what spread out on it was not the spirit of immortality or the Buddha's power, not even the magic power, the magic power, the evil spirit, or the dead corpse. gas......

What is this person's practice?

Above the sky, the Buddha's face seems to be felt, overlooking:

"Amitabha! Dare to ask who you are?"

His eyes were dangling for a moment, and it was also when the Taoist sitting cross-legged in the road map of the mountain was playing the sword.

The Taoist sighed with a single finger:

"Poor kingship, ask the master to borrow this wooden charm for a use!"

The face of the Buddha responded indifferently:

"It's not worth mentioning the charm of the woods, but how can Daoyou borrow it?"

Hum ~

One finger of the sword, the sound of the sword sounds, accompanied by a clear moonlight like the sword.

The sword light, twisted like a dragon, meanders like a true dragon composed of golden light, separating the dark night, pulling the sea of ​​scorching air, suddenly passing by a hundred feet, the light and the Buddha separated from the night,

For example, the Tai Chi chart has two distinct black and white colors.

Go straight to the huge Buddha face:

"How about this sword?"

First, the sword light emptied, and many talents in the mountains heard the voice of the Taoist who called himself "the king".

King of Taoism?

Where is this sacred?

Virtue, Fox Taoist, and even Pei Yuanhua who watched the scene through the incense mirror were shocked.

This sword and light path is profound, in their opinion, it is pure to the extreme, it seems to be in harmony with the heavens and the earth, but it does not touch the aura of the heavens and the earth that drives the slightest. Such a means is something they have never seen or heard before.

Although it seems that this sword is not as powerful as the sky Buddha face, it makes a few people more shocked.

Buzzing ~

In the night sky, there seemed to be tens of thousands of long swords moving all at once. The divided night Buddha light was replaced by black and white.

In an instant, under the watchful eyes of many people.

Hundreds of empties between the Buddha statue in the sky and the Taoists at the top of the mountain have been penetrated by a clear sword light that cuts through the yin and yang!

"Royal monarch ...."

The sky Buddha's face seemed to be motionless, and let the sword light break into the air, but he said to himself slightly:

"This sword, but also!"

The sound of the voice from the drooping, the Buddha's face intertwined with the golden light in the night has slowly dim.

This sword does not seem to be mixed with the essence of heaven and earth, but it affects the veins of heaven and earth. The veins of heaven and earth are all in one sword. At the moment of its release, it has cut off the boiling heaven and earth essence in the mountains.

In the final analysis, it is just a pendant, like a gate rune, not even a ray of divine will.

It is better to retreat calmly if the battle fails.

Ruyi monks have retreated!

The hearts of everyone shook.

Looking at the pendant that disappeared from the palm in the ruins, his virtue was extremely ugly.

But even the hole cards had been lifted, and he was helpless. He took a deep look at the Taoist man in white who hadn't seen the appearance so far and turned away.

"This man, this man ..."

In the city hall, Pei Yuanhua muttered to himself, subconsciously drawing his attention.

But before he could see the appearance of the Taoist man in white, he only felt a pain in his eyes, his body was shaking, the incense mirror made an unbearable moan, and it cracked into two.

Whispers ~~~

The night slowly calmed down, the long sword returned in the midair, Ruyan Tou Lin generally fell in front of An Qisheng.

But only for a moment, the sword was full of cracks, and then turned into a green smoke and dissipated in the air.

Only a ray of golden light fell into the hands of An Qisheng.

This long sword is considered to be a fine product in the world, and the price is one hundred and twenty grains of silver, but it cannot carry the power of the royal sword.

"This old monk is decisive."

An Qisheng looked into the distance, his eyes faint.

He knows that there is also a monk sitting on the lotus terrace looking at this side of the capital of Qing Wang, thousands of miles away.

Although the face of this Buddha is not even a ray of divine will, but the Yuan Shen is unfathomable and may not be able to shoot through the air, it is only for the insignificant wood charm that he will not shoot.

As the day of the battle for the National Teachers was approaching, he would not let the true will of the gods penetrate the truth.

At this point, An Qisheng, who had already sorted out the situation in Daqing, had naturally figured it out. Facts have proved that his calculations were good.

But the power of Yuan Shen is still beyond his imagination.

The pendant sculpted by hand has the power to move mountains and reclaim the sea. If it is a shot, I am afraid that it will be shocking.


Banging ~

At this time, the wood charm of up to several hundred feet was completely disintegrated, and the numerous large roots of the vine smashed down like a rain, smashing a large swath of smoke.

After complete disintegration, the original appearance of the wooden charm appeared.

An old lady with goose crane hair.

However, there is no difference between male and female, and there is no meaning in how he looks.


The clogs continued to cough up blood, and the entire person could not move anymore.

Mumu relies on the spirit of Muling. At this moment, the spirit of Muling between the mountains is almost disappearing. He is lucky to not die.


The fox Taoist moved here, holding the old tree demon, and sighed in his heart.

This wooden puppet's actions have completely collapsed after many years of practice, that is, nobody kills, for fear it will be difficult to survive.

"Help me, help me meet the real person."

Mu Yiqiang took a breath and said.

Hudao people have complex faces and can only nod their heads, holding the trembling old tree demon towards the mountain not far away.

Mu Mei was seriously injured and was dying, but the fox Taoist was injured but not multiple. After a while, he had reached the top of the mountain.

Seeing a sitting man on the top of a mountain, the Taoist man in white still can't see his face at such a distance.

"Thank you for your help ..."

The wooden clogs had a complex face and a trembling worship.

"Don't thank me, you should have died, I saved you, but also to kill you."

An Qisheng answered saltily.

He shot one to test the strength of Yuanshen, and the other was because the collection of Mumu's spiritual imprint had not yet been completed. Of course, Mumu's life and death were of no interest to him.

"If you don't do anything, I can't live."

The clogs coughed again and again, but not surprisingly.

Hudao people can't help it:

"This real person, Mu Yi has not done anything evil this time, even if he doesn't die, please spare him ..."

"Why do you come to this world from the underworld?"

An Qisheng ignored the words of the fox Taoist and looked at Mu Yan:

"The level of mystery you are casting tonight is not low, is it not something you can comprehend, but also you want to learn it from the ghost?"

Wood charm can swim in the mountains and manipulate the vegetation in the mountains, but it is impossible to squeeze the essence of the entire forest in an instant.

Otherwise, every wooden charm tree demon has such a method in the mountains and forests, even if the virtue is crazy, it is impossible to take risks.

Set fire to the mountains if it is in vain.

"... The real person method has no difference in eyes. This secret method does come from the ghost, but the little demon comes from the ghost, but it is a demon formed in this world."

Mu Yi shook his body and reluctantly said:

"As for the purpose of the adult behind the little demon ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Please forgive the little devil can not say ...."

Not to say, the difference is too great.

The former is loyal, and the latter is deep fear. There is a barrier that dares not to speak out. It can be seen how much this wooden charm fears the people behind it.

"Holy man, the little demon suddenly remembered that there was something else, so he left ..."

The fox Taoist uttered a chuckle in his heart and immediately rose to leave.

What did he live for at such an old age? It wasn't his life. This time it was enough to put himself in for the tree demon. How dare he stay.

Some things are terrible when heard.

Sure enough, An Qisheng's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the clogs were already squinting, and he couldn't help saying:

"My lord, want me to come here and wait for someone ..."

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