Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 371: It is difficult for the emperor to have spirits, and I will substitute the heave

The people in white clothes come from the moon, and they look like a step by step, but they come very quickly.

At the time of the first sentence, it seemed to be far away from the sky, and the last word landed, and it had already come to the mountain.

What followed was a powerful sense of oppression like the mountains were under pressure and the big waves slid down.

"Ben, Fate Monk ..."

Dan Chengzi's body was stiff, his limbs seemed to be tied with heavy lead blocks, and the expression on his face had solidified.

Walking in the air, this can only be done by monks in the realm of life.

And generally it is the flying of the sword, or the flying of the magic weapon, such as this one directly flying in the sky, he still saw it for the first time.

But in any case, this must be a monk above the realm of natal life.

Such a monk will come to the door because of this spiritual material?

This material is extremely precious to him, but the monks of the realm of life are all high-weight existence, where would they care about such a spiritual material?

For example, Jia An, who is destined to cultivate his own life, is in charge of the conception of teaching a state, and many city gods have to look at him.

Another example is that of virtue, Yuanshen inherited the doormen, built the Jingtiantongtian Avenue, and mastered the magic method that can break the mountain like three hundred miles away.

Dan Chengzi was a little embarrassed.

Watching the white-robed Taoist pacing and walking, he didn't dare to move at all.

He hasn't even achieved warm cultivation. Where do he have the rebellion to face the monks who are higher than two realms?

Roar ~

It was those living corpses that were thoughtless and unconscious, and they were pressed against the ground, still struggling and roaring.

"Feed the corpse, grab the spirit, and come to this world, you are still the first one to grab my stuff."

An Qisheng glanced at the fallen material, and his eyes fell on this Dan Chengzi.

In the depths of the soul, a ray of light overflows:

【Consumption of 199 points】

【Danchengzi (55/150)】

[Original trajectory 1: Born in the world of Emperor Heaven Realm, the Qing Dynasty of Dingzhou, the Qing Dynasty, the village was invaded by Li Gui at the age of eight, and 800 people died overnight. A Taoist book, only thirty years of trial and error ....

After Jiazi's luck, he realized the mystery of the Taoist book, and he has broken through the four realms in ten years.

[On the eve of the Emperor's Nether Palace's King's Festival at the Emperor's Palace of 9767 years, he was killed by Bai Wuchang's seven]

This is another real person who died in Bai Wuchang's hands.

Judging from the power consumed by prying into his fate, his luck and his achievements before death seemed to be different from those of the white bones.

After all, not everyone is eligible to die in Bai Wuchang's hands.

"True, real person."

In the indifferent eyes, Dancheng Ziya was a little sour, and he stuttered a little: "You, your spirits are all here, all here, I, the trail lard is overwhelmed, if you have a lot of adults, just spare me. .....

This, the living corpse was not made by the trail, it was robbed by a evil Daoist who killed him on the trail ... "

He was very determined, and found that his body was a little mobile, and he fell to his knees with a puff, and his forehead was cold and sweaty.

He secretly regretted it in his heart, knowing it so long, how dare he dare to fight these spirits?

However, he watched for many days.

Those little ghosts are sending them every day, for twenty or thirty days in a row, no matter how they know they were robbed, they sent out such a monk.

An Qisheng flicked his sleeves, the spirits scattered on the ground floated one by one, wrapped in the air by an invisible gas field:

"If you made this living corpse, you are already dead."

Feeling the meaning in the words, Dan Chengzi's face was white: "Real people spare lives, Xiaodao has never done such a thing ..."

An Qisheng looked at him faintly, only to see him covered in hair before slowly speaking:

"It's not impossible not to spare you."

Deng Chengzi's heart fell to the ground. Although he knew that it would not end so simple, he still couldn't help but overjoyed: "The real person has a broad mind and admires the trail."

"I have some things to do recently. You can help me, and I can only leave when I am satisfied."

An Qisheng said.

Whether it is a carrier for refining the king's sword, or moving to the mountains and gathering together, there are many miscellaneous things that need to be cooked. Although this person does not behave properly, he has no great evil, but he can barely use it.

"The real person just asks, the trail will go all out to work for the real person."

Dan Chengzi was completely relieved, sweating on his body, wet his clothes.

An Qisheng nodded slightly and turned to walk away:

"Tomorrow come to the south of Annuo County to find me."

Between the voices, the figure has disappeared.

After a long while, Dan Chengzi propped up his sore body, gasping for a few times, and felt terrified.

"Luck, luck ..."

He sighed a long time without looking at the crushed corpses on the ground, and turned down the mountain and ran straight to Annuo County.

Although An Qisheng seemed to be gone, he did not dare to run away at all.

This man is obviously much stronger than the natal monk he has ever met, even if it is not a real person who is true, it is also a small real person who is enlightened.

A monk who enters the Dao, can kill people within a hundred miles.

Even if he had the power to feed on milk, he could not escape at all.


To the surprise of Sa Wuling, when he found An Qisheng the next day, before he could speak, An Qisheng seemed to see through his mind.

"With your current background, it's really not easy to cultivate as a cultivator."

An Qisheng held a Taoist book and didn't look at Sa Wuling, so he waved his hand:

"You go to the Qingdu City for a while, you are not allowed to use the art of armor and horse riding, and you ride the carriage, do you remember?"


Sa Wuling opened his mouth.

This is not too close to Qingdu, but the monk Yu Jian's flight may take a month. If he walks alone, he may not be able to stop it in seven or eight years.

This is the case when he learned boxing with ‘Hand Master’ for two months, and his body is very long.

For ordinary people, one back and forth, I am afraid that a small half of his life will pass.


An Qisheng snorted softly, and the latter nodded immediately.


An Qisheng didn't look at him, he turned to look at the book.

Sa Wuling slowly retreated to the door, and inadvertently skimmed, he saw the five large characters above the writing:

Incense into Shinto!

Tao? !

Sa Wuling's pupil shrank and his heart jumped.

The classics of world practice are divided into five levels: tactics, laws, codes, scriptures, and Tao. Dao-level codes are already the most advanced exercises in the world!

According to legend, this is the ultimate avenue that can truly embark on feathering and soar in daylight.

But in a flash he suddenly realized.

This book is a code that was repaired by the city god. It is said that it originated from the once underworld ruler of the underworld. It is the lineage that has no enemies.

It's just that this code has been circulated for thousands of years and how many city gods are practicing, but it seems that no one has heard of anyone who can cultivate it.

At least, I have never heard of a city **** that can be made into black and white impermanence, or a bull head, let alone a civil and military judge, Kuixing, or Fujun.

Otherwise, it must be a major event that shocks the world. It will not be forgotten by people for hundreds of years and thousands of years.

"If it doesn't work, it's your life."

An Qisheng glanced at the back of Sa Wuling and shook his head slightly.

He did not pull the seedlings to help, but he also taught all the essence of the Tai Chi Sensation. He also wore the grandfather Mulongcheng. Track.

Dao Yitu's search is not only a model.

What he used before was at most a first-level probing. In fact, on it, it also consumes a hundred times more energy to spy on more.

There are also two kinds of operations in this mode. One is to display all the small things in their original fate trajectory, from life to death, to small ones.

The second is to get a fuzzy second fate trajectory.

That is, the trajectory of the changed fate after encountering oneself.

In An Qisheng's heart, the text once displayed on the first picture of the Tao once again appeared:

[Consumption of source power 180,000 (100 times consumption)]

[Sa Wuling (54/95)]

[Original trajectory 1: Born in the human world of the Emperor Heaven Realm, Liangzhou in the Qing Dynasty, the young man asked for Tao, and nothing happened for decades. Later, he entered the Tianyi teaching and was subject to martyrdom.

When he was ninety-five years old, he was angered when he discovered the act of extracting human essence and blood from Tianyijiao, exposing it to the people of the world.

[Sa Wuling (54/1468)]

[Now track two: Born in the human world of the Emperor Heaven Realm, Liangzhou, the Qing Dynasty, the young man begged for Taoism, and nothing happened for decades. Later, he met the nobles and suffered. After 20 years of successive breakthroughs, the Daoist came true ...

Walk the world to kill demons, use medical skills to save lives for the people, use lightning to eliminate evil spirits, eliminate evil spirits, pray for clearing and praying for rain, locusts scrowing, tempering ghosts, Pu Shifushui ... Evil, the master and the disciple have been in the world for 70 years, killing demons and eliminating demons innumerable.

After inheriting his teacher's ethics, he kept the human path for thousands of years, and suppressed his emperor's tenth punishment for his master. He was taboo for the sky all day long. The catastrophe came, and the blood and rain fell every day. Shaking the emperor's thunder, using flesh as firewood, soul as fire, burning for hundreds of years to seal the sky, and laughing before death:

Dao Fa does not wait for his body, and thinks about refraining from deeds. It is difficult for the emperor to have spiritual beings, and I used the heaven to replace the emperor. It is a pity, a pity .......】

[Later generation called the Wuling Mausoleum of the Heavenly Master, this concludes]

Compared with the ordinary trackless ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ its life after being reversed can be called magnificent, the world is demonized, demons for the people, the demons for the people, the way of the master sits on the earth and suppresses the emperor.

Die in the end!

Once again seeing the current fate of Sa Wuling, An Qisheng still couldn't calm down.

In the current destiny of Sa Wuling, his shadow appears, and it is in line with his actions.

He must have cleared up the world's enchanting atmosphere, and defeated all the ghosts, ghosts, and spirits.

Taking ancestors as the foundation, the world is slowly changing.

But if this is the case, everything he did will eventually fall short of the death of Sa Wuling after thousands of years.

Because of the enemy,

It's heaven!

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