Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 377: Peerless fiend!

Yan Xia Ke stood under the old tree, and a little ragged gray robe moved with the wind.

He watched quietly, outside the City God Temple, always wearing a soap horn shirt, holding the court decree, the emperor's imperial mission was looking away.

There are thousands of world gods, but there is only one city god.

Although the real person of Yuanshen is arrogant, it is not easy to kill him, because the city **** is so powerful, and the people are in awe.

However, time can change everything.

The centuries-old Daqing has been for five generations. Once he was blessed by the benevolence of the city god, and he thought of the benevolence of the city god. The people who were in awe of them, their grandchildren, were almost dead.

A hundred years of blockade, the City God Temple, has really fallen.

Not so. How can a real person of heaven provide repression against the capital city **** in Kyoto?

"Unfortunately, the emperor and the elder didn't know that that day, the **** of the Yuanshen, the real god, was for a hundred years of refining medicine, in order to suppress the city **** ..."

Yan Xiake sighed deeply in his heart, sighing the stupidity of people.

This way, he made an unannounced visit, and the shock of what he saw made him have a very strong killing intention for the old emperor who once kissed himself as the champion.

Knew in his heart that it was impossible for him to resist the teachings of God.

For several months, he has come up with two methods. One is that when he comes to the court to compete with Tianyijiao, he will come to the world to witness the viciousness of open-minded Yijiao.

But he is not a person who teaches in heaven, and the evidence in his hand is not enough to completely kill the church in heaven.

And the second is to kill the old emperor!

The old emperor died, there will be at least a short period of chaos, the capital city no longer limit, even if it is weakened for a hundred years, but with its thousand-year prestige, it may not be possible to drive out the real people of the will of heaven and heaven.

At least, it will not be worse than this time.

It is difficult for him to imagine how terrifying a real person with no magical powers, like a city god, generally needs the incense wish, but without the shackles of the city god.

But this is his guess, and all the difficulty lies in how he can assassinate the king!


Spit out a long turbid breath, Yan Xiake took out the three incense sticks from his arms, and with a slight shaking, the incense head was already lit.

"Yan Xiake in Qingyan Prefecture, who has lived for decades, is a son of man, a deserved parent, a term of official, no deserved people, walks the world, deserves the people ... today, Yanmou wants to do great things!"

Yanxiake faced the City God Temple and bowed slightly:

"Old Town God, if you are spirited, please help me!"

Is calm all around, nothing happens.

Yan Xiake took a step forward, kneeled down on his knees, and prayed again: "Please help me with the help of the Old City God!"

"Please help me help the old city god!"

After three bows.

Yan Xiake only felt the Sanyouxiang tremble slightly in his hand, the green smoke curled up slightly, and it didn't enter his mouth and nose.

He felt a little, and he noticed that Sanxiangxiang flashed in front of him.

"Thank you Old Town God!"

Yanxiake took a deep breath and stood up.

In the distance, the few messengers had already ran and drew a knife and scolded: "Your Majesty is strictly forbidden to defeat the Yin Temple, and those who violate the order will not be forgiven!"

These few bad guys are just a few feet, and their steps are steady. At first glance, they are all good hands.

But where did he catch Yan Xiake?

He turned into a crowd, and he was already in the crowd.

Qingdu City is still bustling and lively, and the thunder and lightning that has been flashing in the air for several months has long been used to it.

Yan Xiake walked in the crowd, and when he closed his eyes, he could see the incense burner of Sanyou, which was the incense burnt by Qinghuang Chenghuang Qin Wuyi.

‘With these three incense sticks, you can enter the palace and face the old emperor ...’

Looking at these three incense sticks, Yan Xiake's heart rises to enlightenment.

But he did not directly light the incense, but walked slowly along the broad and abnormal avenue of Qingdu.

On the long street, hawkers hawked, shouting in restaurants, and noisy among the crowds. On the avenue, people with swords and swords, ragged men, yellow-faced men, dressed in brocade The generations vary.


A child ran with a smile, accidentally hit Yan Xiake's body.

"Uncle, I didn't mean it."

The child saw Yan Chixia's burly figure, and the black man was ugly.

"Stolen from me?"

Yan Xiake glared, backhanded up the child's arm, grabbed his purse from his hand.

"Oh, beaten up, bully the kids!"

The child yelled in pain.

Pedestrians around are not stupid. When they see the Yanxia guests are tall, they are holding purses. Where do they not know what happened?

Even if it weren't, it was obviously not irritating to see him as burly and carrying a long sword.

Although there were many onlookers, no one spoke.

When the child saw that the trick was not working, he immediately asked softly: "Uncle, you will spare me this time, I will dare next time."

"Forgive you, dare you next time ?!"

Yan Xiake laughed, and the people watching around all laughed.

The child was blushing and red ears: "Dare not dare to dare next time."

Yan Xiake was too lazy to embarrass him. This time I saw so many miserable things. This little thief touched his heart.

Let go of your child when you let go, and as soon as your hand is turned up, a few colorful purses are pinched in his hand.

"More than one or two!"

Yan Xiake wrestled and smiled: "Just enough for a family to have a meal!"

Take out the money and lose the purse. Yanxia walked straight into the nearest restaurant and opened her mouth:

"The restaurant, hit one or two silver wine, and then two pounds to eat wine!"

There are many people in the restaurant, but the efficiency is quite high.

Soon, Yan Xiake had placed a large table in front of him.

"The dishes are still reluctant, and the wine is OK! It's not a shame for you!"

Yan Xiake patted his stomach, and the burning incense in front of him had turned into smoke and disappeared.

He was a bit curious about how the city **** would help himself, but he still calmed down, chopsticks kept falling, wine glasses kept busy.

Until Yanxiake has enough wine, there will be no rice left on the table.

And at this time, a middle-aged man with a low profile and expressionless face came over and sat across from Yan Xiake.

The man looked at Yan Xiake up and down for a few moments, and said blankly:

"Come with me, my master will see you!"

Yan Xia Ke was a little bit drunk and slapped the table:

"Lead the way!"

The man's face turned black, but there was no attack. He stood up silently and walked out the door.

Yan Xiake followed behind danglingly, as the man walked through several streets and came to a common small courtyard.

In the small courtyard, several elaborate masked men raised their swords and their swords, and a mysterious man with only a pair of eyes wrapped in his hands stood up, and under the old tree in the courtyard, on the stone chair, a graceful and luxurious Old man.

The old man was about the age of Mojia, although he was wearing ordinary clothes, he could not conceal his extravagance.

The old man looked at Yan Xiake and nodded slightly:

"It is worthy of being a double champion of culture and martial arts, and it has a heroic wind!"

Seems to know what.

Yan Xiake's eyes shrank slightly in the depths, but he recognized who the old man was.

Is a prince.

The great-grandfather, grandfather, and father, who had been tortured to death, are now over sixty years old and are said to have died shortly afterwards.

The prince is said to have opened his eyes and was already a prince. Now, he has been a prince for more than sixty years.

"Let's wait down!"

The old man waved his hand.

Others were a little hesitant, but did not dare to rebellious, they all bowed back.

Leaves only the mysterious man who is shrouded in motion.

Yan Xiake didn't care, sitting directly opposite the prince, Malaysia's golden sword said: "I want to enter the palace!"

He was too lazy to care about whether the person in front of him was a prince, had no other purpose, and whether he was being used by others.

What he wants to do is very simple.

For those who died in their stomachs to seek justice for thousands of injustices!

"Quick people and quick words."

The old man was slightly startled, his face solemnly said:

"Although the palace is heavily guarded, it is also easy to get in, but there are still experts who are taught by God, but be careful."

The two did not communicate too much.

The old man took out a map and pointed out where he went in at night.

After, Yan Xiake waved his hand and walked dashingly.

The old man responded slightly, and as he left, he could not help but sigh:

"True hero!"

For more than 100 years, there are many people who find alchemy inside, but few people really dare to take action, but now, there are no more.

Saw Yan Xiake, and his heart could not help but ripples.

"Unfortunately, most of them are going to die, it is difficult to succeed."

The mysterious man sighed, and the black clothes he wore slowly disappeared, but he was a big monk with a big body and a wide eyebrow.

"It may not succeed if you try it. If you don't try it, you can never! The old thing has lived too long. He has to eat a hundred people's flesh every day, and every year he will exchange blood with the royal family, 120 years, 120 years! "

Prince was cold-faced, with strong hatred:

"Such a fierce demon is actually called the eternal Saint Emperor, ridiculous, ridiculous!"

The monk no longer speaks ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ But there is also a trace of pity in my heart.

This prince is basically the breeding pig left by the old emperor, for the purpose of extending life, one heir to one descendant a year, one hundred and twenty years, even if it is six generations, each generation, there must be twenty people to become that The old emperor's "blood pack"!

How can I not hate?

At this time, the sunset was west, and the night was gradually flowing.

Yan Xiake not only touched a pot of wine, leaned on the eaves of a tall building ten miles away from the palace, drinking and waiting.

The wine was strong, and the flames were high in his heart.

Thousands of people.

Which parents are they, who are their heirs, whose cusp is their heart, who is their top beam?

Maybe they will die sooner or later, but they can't be used as a panacea, even with bones and blood and soul!

啷 ~

At a certain moment, the hip flask fell to the ground.

Yan Xia Ke flew away, mixed with the breeze in the night, and suddenly it was Li Xu.

He has already stepped into Wen Yang. Although his life is not achieved, it is not a wall to block it.

In particular, this is the patrolling dead end.

Under the night, Yan Chixia moved above the palace, and the blue smoke of the second incense incense drifted over him.

Seems to have never been discovered by several powerful insights he has scanned.

Soon, he gradually approached the brightly lit harem after the palace's central hall.

Faintly, he saw the old emperor somewhere in the palace through the dim light.


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