Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 379: Chaos in the world

Lost a lot, there is a negative old town God ...

It is not a pity to die, but unfortunately failed to remove this troll ...

Is dead, it was not as horrible as I thought ...


Is dark.

What about the legendary Hooker Messenger?

After death, don't you want to see the city god, enter the nether world, divide good and evil, and enter reincarnation?

Yes, the old city **** is trapped by people, I am going to become a ghost and a ghost ...

In the darkness, Yan Xiake felt sad, unwilling, angry, painful, and so on.

But he knew that this was not his own state of mind, but the omnipresent resentment between heaven and earth was shaking his soul.

‘No wonder the more kind people are, the easier they are to turn into ghosts. Under such an impact, the distortion of the mind is inevitable ...’

Yan Xiake suddenly turned this thought in her heart.

Perhaps, I will become a ghost?

"Yan Xia Ke, wake up quickly!"

At a certain moment, he heard a shout suddenly.

It is like thunderous ears, it seems to be initiating!

Suddenly, he opened his eyes.

The bright reproduction came to his world. The eyes were shimmering, the sky was slightly dim, surrounded by endless mountains, and the grass and trees in the forest moved slowly.

A white man in Taoism, sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain.

On his side is a powerful yellow dog like a lion.

"It's you!"

Yan Xia Ke blurted out, it was a burst of howl, and suddenly found something wrong.

What about my tongue?

He was ignorant first, raised his hand, and saw two white jade bones.

"You are dying too fast, and you can only live in the bone-boned demon temporarily."

An Qisheng glanced at the bone-bearing demon Yan Xiake, his eyes faint.

A few months ago, Yizhuang parted, he once left a ray of vitality on Yanxia Ke, able to penetrate his trail.

Was supposed to do anything, but he didn't want to save his life.

This is his luck.

Even if you change your destiny, you have a chance to live in despair.

Yan Xiake stayed for a moment, and had accepted this result.

He didn't think he could live before he started, but it was a pity that he didn't kill the old emperor.

"Thank you Master Dao for his life-saving grace."

He fell to his knees and thanked him.

Has mastered the way to communicate with An Qisheng, but just speaks in his heart.

Huh ~

An Qisheng flicked his sleeves, and Yan Xiake got up:

"It's considered to be all your cause and effect, but it's not a life-saving grace."

Yan Xiake's original fate trajectory was of course demonic and demon, but until he met Bai Wuchang Xie Qi, he was killed and became stronger.

But after he intervened, he almost died in the palace.

It is also necessary to use this bone-devil to repay.

"In any case, the Taoist has saved me. Yanmou wants to return to the enemy, and this grace must be remembered in the heart."

Yanxiake once again thanked you.

"This bone-bone demon I once again sacrificed, lost the ability to devour human flesh and spirit essence advanced, but has the ability to absorb the spirit of the world, the essence of the moon and the moon, even with time, it may not be able to regenerate the flesh and reproduce the world."

An Qisheng comforted.

Yan Xiake smiled bitterly: "Dao Chang laughed, if you want to reach that level, I am afraid that you will have to survive the heavy robbery and achieve the Yuanshen."

How easy is it to derive flesh and blood?

Since ancient times and modern times, there are some people who still remember Yang after death, but there are really few that can even be said, almost not.

He doesn't think he will be an exception.

"Those who have aspirations do it, nothing is impossible."

An Qi's business gave Yan Xia Ke a profound look.

There is vigorous luck between heaven and earth. In every era, there are people who have colluded with the great luck.

Otherwise, the world is so big, with hundreds of millions of creatures, why is it that he can touch himself?

"Those who have aspirations have actually become ......"

Yan Xiake murmured a few words in his heart, and confidence rose again.

He was originally a person who was not easy to give up. At this time when confidence was raised, the whole person's momentum changed again.

After the life and death, the tenacious temperament immediately swept away the shadows left by the bone-boned demons.

Shocked the yellow dog who was licking his feet.

An Qisheng got up and ignored Yan Xiake, no matter how he moved, he had come to the mountainside.

There are three bamboo huts on the mountainside, which is where he rests temporarily.

Is very simple, but very clean.

An Qisheng spread a piece of paper on the table, touched the ink with his pen, and wrote four large characters:

Heaven is suffering!

Yuanshen is the eighth state of spiritual practice in this world, and in a sense is also the last state.

Because no one has seen the ninth mirror, several people who have feathered throughout the ages have reached the immortal world.

Is just the gap between Yuanshen and Yuanshen, but it is also huge.

This gap lies in the strength of Yuanshen and the strength of supernatural powers. It also lies in ‘Yuanshen Pingyi’, or it can be said to be the fate of people.

The way to practice the Emperor's Heaven Realm, the one that is truly carried out all the time, is 'Cang Tian Su Di'.

Nourishing qi is for accepting the grief and warming up. It is to make ‘Cang Tian Su 箓’ become the fate of the world, and to cultivate the divine grief. It is to make the fate grow.

The crossover is to let the life break through the barrier ...

Even the achievement of Yuanshen must be based on it. This dependence is to rely on, to rely on, to be the foundation of standing, the foundation of protection, and the beginning of detachment!

"So strict, so cold ..."

Put down the pen, he slightly sighed:

"Not only the aura of heaven and earth? Everything in this world is poisonous ..."

He was thinking a lot, and he was a little more worried about this emperor.

After a long time, he picked up the pen and wrote the next two words:


The spirit and spirit united, he regained all the savings and Tao Yun of Jiufu Realm, and opened up the way of three flowers gathering in a more complete and thorough manner.

Is much more complete than his great junior king power Taoist.

Before him, only Yuanshen was left.

The crossover is just the process, the Yuanshen, is the sublimation again.

Sculpture the life with magical powers, the sublimation is based on sublimation, and the primordial spirit is the basis, only then is the success.

And his destiny is the reincarnation of the earth, infinite sky.

The day when Dong Tianfu was born, it was the day of his Yuanshen achievement.


The world is changing!

The last battle in Qingdu City completely opened the fierce battle between Tianyijiao and Yinsi City God.

Qin Wuyi's status in the minds of many city gods is not known, that is the millennium capital city god, the ghost **** who once sat down by the netherworld king, and his commands naturally have countless city gods to follow.

And more importantly, these city gods have been respected for thousands of years. Once God taught them, they will be relegated to ghosts.

For hundreds of years, they were squeezed and the incense was taken away. They had squeezed countless angers in their hearts.

So, almost ten days.

The battle between the two giant behemoths burned completely.

Made by Qin Wuyi, kill three thousand Taoists and destroy one hundred Taoist temples, and it was completed within a day!

The completely rioted yincheng city gods showed the power to make all the practitioners in the world dumbfounded.

It took only one month before and after, the Tianyi Religion of the thirty-six houses of the seven prefectures was completely uprooted, the Taoism was destroyed, the mountains where they were burnt into white ground, and the Taoism of the Taoist people in the state suffered from the destruction disaster.

Many Taoists have ushered in the wrathful city God before they even received the Feijian Biography taught by Tianyi, and the result can be imagined.

Liangzhou even completely cleaned up all the Taoists of Heaven and God overnight.

But at the beginning of the second month, the change happened again.

A will was sent from the court and passed to the state capital and county of the world through the Flying Sword Biography:

Fengtian transported, the emperor's edict said that the city **** had no way to play with people's hearts, control the incense, and the harm was endless .... From now on, all states will ban the city **** temple, prohibit anyone from worshipping the city god, smashing the statue, using dung Soup watering!

The court has fought!

The Daqing court promulgated seven wills on the day, urging all officials to ban the city **** temples, and thoroughly disparaging all city **** temples as lewd shrines!

The official missions of all the state capitals and the nearby garrisons were almost mobilized, spreading from the Qingdu city at an unimaginable rate, and spreading to the state capitals.

City God Temples were seized by policemen, and City God Statues were smashed and septic tanks were soaked.

Heaven and God taught together horizontally, allowing for all kinds of benefits, attracting countless evil repairs, demonic repairs to participate in the war, and the attack of the Yinsi City Gods suddenly stopped.

The battle situation was reversed in an instant!

The world is changing!

Admiralty Tower, Changling Taoist people sitting on the strange stone, sighed for a long time, sad.

Ming Xin Dao Tong looked at Taoist hands and shook his head helplessly from time to time.

Listening to Master's sigh several times, he finally couldn't help it:

"Teacher, can you stop sighing?"


Chang Lin Taoist let go of his hand, revealing a gilt post:

"You little thing ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Why do you think you are worried about being a teacher? Not for you? Otherwise, what if you received the invitation from Tianyi to teach you?"

That day and night after the Taiji Mountain War, the world suddenly changed.

First of all, the Yinshi City God ’s heart-feeling rhinoceros shot wiped out many views of Tianyijiao. I do n’t know how many Tianyijiao Taoists were killed by the embarrassment of fleeing. In turn, the situation changed, and the court shot and destroyed the forbidden city God Temple.

I don't know how many city gods were killed.

After all, he can get rid of the shackles of the City God Temple, and there are not many city Gods who have made mortal shots.

Fell for a while.

After, it was the invitation of Tianyi to teach widely, and it was served by almost any sect in the world, and even some hands alone.

Invited them to punish Yin Sicheng God and share the incense.

As Liangzhou ’s only few enlightened little reals, naturally he also received invitations.

But he didn't have much time. At this time, he just wanted to point his disciples to practice. Where did he have the intention to participate in the battle between these two behemoths?

Yinji City God, Yinji City God, after the city God, there can be Yinji.

That Seventh Master ...

"Stop, don't say it's for me."

Mingxin Daotong rolled his eyes:

"The world is chaotic again. I will find a mountain nest to hide in your disciple. What else can it affect me?"


The long-lived Taoist blew his beard for a while, and suddenly his expression changed.

Looked up and saw dozens of waves coming from a sword light.

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