Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 383: 10 After asking heaven!

Outside of the mountains, the wind and waves rise and fall with the will of a real person.

Qin Wuyi competed with him for a hundred years. He had no ups and downs. Ruyi monk wanted to take the position of his national teacher. He was indifferent, and he saw that the kingly power and Taoist power were strange, and he was not greatly touched by his resistance.

But listening to the name, he couldn't calm his heart.

This is a flaw in his soul.

For more than 100 years, he has chopped off his memory nine times. However, even if all the memories are chopped off, the name Xie Qi is still deeply imprinted in the depths of his soul.

You ca n’t forget what you see!

I cannot forget it!

Thanks seven!

The real person of Tianyi stayed for a long time, and suddenly a long roar was heard. The world and the sky were dancing together, and the black cloud electric snake raged for it, and the rocks flew between the mountains.

Howling echoed between Shino.

The real person of Tianyi has left his sleeves, the long whistle has not fallen, and the person has disappeared.

"Finally gone ..."

Seeing that the God of Heaven disappeared, many city Gods attached to the mountains and rivers were slightly relieved, and their hearts fell to the ground.

The deterrence of Tianyi real people is too strong, even if they are not targeted at them, they are also terrified.

"He just left?"

Yan Xiake was a little surprised, but it was a little thundery and rainy.

哗啦 ~

Was suspicious, he suddenly heard the sound of waves pounding.

Looking for the sound, this sound actually came from An Qisheng's body, and there was a more scorching airflow spreading around him.


Seeing this scene, the yellow dog blew his hair at once, and he rushed up after growling.

Was quickly hugged by Yan Xiake's eyes.

A dog rolls with a bone.

The sound of dog barking and biting was endless, but fortunately, Yan Xiake had no pain in his white bones, but his heart was very dignified.

Because of the air current, there was a **** blood.

Bone Skeleton's perception of sperm blood is no less than that of the yellow dog, which can be felt naturally.

Huh ~

The waves of air diffused quickly, and the whole mountain was quickly filled. The sound of blood flowing like the tide was still endless.

Changed the face of many city gods who came.

After a long time, as the sound of blood flow slowed down, the white mist slowly disappeared.


An Qisheng slowly exhaled a turbid breath.

The airflow pierced the void like a sword, stirring the remaining white mist and spraying into the distance.

The impact of the spread of the aftermath of a collision is enough to shake the mountains and rivers, and it is naturally impossible for each other to withstand the great impact without damage.

Even though relying on the mountains and veins, An Qisheng suffered from minor injuries.

"Yuan Shen is indeed extraordinary."

An Qisheng's eyes were faint and his breath calmed down:

"But you avatar, you can't stay for a long time."

He relied on the mountains and veins, and the Tai Chi gossip array was still damaged. Although the incarnation of the real person of the day was more powerful in mana, his physique was never comparable to him.

At this time, the damage can only be heavier.

The reason why he no longer shots, of course, there is a reason why he cannot win quickly, and there is also the idea of ​​not wanting this incarnation to be scrapped.


In the former forest clearing in Qingshui County, dozens of Tianyi Taoists are repairing.

Experienced the stormy waves before, and Rao is that they are both cultivators, and they are all afraid of going forward.

Such fluctuations are beyond the scope of real people, where can they intervene.

"Is there such a character in Liangzhou?"

The Daoist people feel uneasy.

Although it is not necessary to be famous in the world, once you become a supernatural being, you ca n’t hide it. Who can have no teachers, no friends, no Taoism?

Once anyone knows, there can be no master who suddenly pops out.

How can a small master like Liangzhou be able to hide?

Know that Tianyi teaches to monitor the world. Liangzhou, as a borderland, also monitors closely. After all, outside of Daqing, it is not without enemies.

Peeping into Daqing, it is far more than the teaching of God and Rulai.

"No wonder the vice-teacher, I have to act with caution, there are actually people in Liangzhou!"

Jia Zheng's chest undulates and feels the breath dissipated in the distance, cold sweat.

If they were one step earlier, wouldn't they be running into that real person?

Involuntarily, he felt a bit of resentment against Xiao Feng in his heart. The intelligence of experts of this level did not tell them.

Huh ~

A Taoist was about to reconcile, and suddenly his heart shook and he fell to his knees.

Ok? !

Jia Zheng was shocked and turned to look.

Saw a figure coming out of the air, the previous moment was still ten miles away, and the next moment had fallen in front of everyone.

"Godmaster ?!"

Suddenly, all the Taoists including Jia Zhengai fell to their knees: "I will see the leader!"

Huh ~

The real person of Tianyi stood upright, and the turbulent wind of the air flow stirred by it came with it.

The real person of Tianyi is indifferent, and said lightly:

"Get up."

Then all the Taoists got up. Jia Zhengxin's hair was rising slowly, and he didn't dare to look at the real person.

Teaching God, defamation and insulting the leader, but it is a big sin.

Deputy Bishop, also the Bishop ...

"Dare to ask the leader to come here in person, but what is wrong with Liangzhou?"

A Taoist asked carefully.

Some other Taoists are also trying to figure out the intention of the real person of Tianyi. You must know that Qin Wuyi has not been suppressed completely.

There are clever ones who have been associated with the previous fight.

But the leader came, and it was clear that Liangzhou had finished everything.

There is no nonsense in the real person of Tianyi, just speak directly:

"Notify all I teach people to quit Liangzhou."


Many Taoists were surprised.

Those Taoists who guessed the true meaning of God's will were even more shocked.

Did n’t even the leader take it ...

Their hearts shook, but they dared not speak.

A young Taoist who looked rather young could not help but say: "Master, could you not even win ..."

Half-talked, he couldn't help stopping.

Because everyone is looking at him with pity, but not all, the eyes of the God of Reality are so cold that it makes him shudder.

"Are you questioning me?"

Tianyi's real person's eyes flicked, and the young Taoist had fallen to his knees: "The leader, there is no intention of doubt ..."

"Okay, listen to this order and inform everyone to evacuate Liangzhou. Without my order, no one can step into Liangzhou!"

Tianyi real person flicked his sleeves and walked away.

Didn't mean to stay halfway, and flew directly towards Kyoto.

An Qisheng is not bad, a collision does not have much impact on him, but this embossed body shell cannot be compared with An Qisheng, it is already broken.

Need to change another one, otherwise it will hurt the vitality of the avatar.

"Teach him ..."

In the same place, many gods and gods looked at each other, and they could all see the fright in each other's eyes.

What kind of person is Tianyi real person?

Even if it is an avatar, it can run the world, even if it is a real person who has survived the forty-nine days, it may not be able to withstand the enemy.

Liangzhou has such a powerful person?

"Go, go, go."

Glanced at the quiet sky in the distance, and the hearts of the Taoists were chilling, and there was still a half-hearted thought.

Flies in succession, and leaves away.


The Taiji Mountain Hall, An Qisheng, who had retreated from the city gods, sat alone and looked down at the sea of ​​clouds:


A collision, Tianyi real person thinks he touched his reality, but he didn't know what he got more.

The cohesion of the spirit of Tianyi real person means that there is no secret for Yuanshen Realm to him, and there is no secret of Tianyi real person in front of him.

Only this time, he also discovered the limit of his dreaming ability, or rather, his own limitation.

The collection of the spirit of Tianyi's live-action spirit is not as easy as it used to be, it is necessary to deal with it and provoke its spiritual concussion in order to fully condense.

Because Yuanshen has completely controlled the existence of his own spirit, there is no messy thought like mortals.

To a certain extent, it is already a spiritual ‘impervious body’.

This is already the case with Yuanshen, what about higher?

The thought in his heart flashed, and he was already in a dream.

Any primitive **** is a magnificent storybook.

Tianyi real person is even more so.

Walked step by step from a deceased child, evil way, and monastery. He came to Yuanshen in three hundred years, came to the world for a hundred years, and even overwhelmed the yincheng city God. How many life experiences are there and how magnificent?

With the power of An Qisheng's present day, it is not possible to digest all this completely in a short time.

However, he also had no intention to perceive the course of mind of the real man of heaven and heaven, and his life transformed.

The goal is fixed on the many Taoist cheats that he has learned, and his understanding of the many levels of spiritual practice ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Tianyi Zhenren is very confusing, based on the nine questions of the Tianyi, and has also repaired the Buddhist mantra. The magical power of the magic gate, and even the incense of the Yinsi City God became the gods.

Some people are good at it, but some people are good at it.

The real person of Tianyi is undoubtedly the latter.

He took the heaven and earth nine question scriptures as the foundation, and cultivated the skills of various schools. In this century, he abruptly sacrificed nine magical incarnations!

Nine venerables survived the four-nine thunder tribulation, only one step away to transform the powerful supernatural incarnation of Yuanshen!

What he saw was just one of them.

The existence of Yiyi is Tianlong Yin!

In addition, there are eight supernatural incarnations of Heavenly Demon Yin, Heavenly Evil Yin, Heavenly Buddha Yin, Heavenly Demon Yin, Heavenly God Yin, Heavenly Ghost Yin, Heavenly Man Yin, and Tianfengyin!

Counting himself, he is all in one person!

Everyone in the world thought he was practicing the Taoist Nine Questions, but he didn't want to. What he really practiced was Ten Questions!

In the envision of Tianyi Real Man, all of his incarnations broke through the Yuanshen. When the ten incarnations were united, it was when he was qualified to really challenge Bai Wuchang and Xie Qi.

Unfortunately, in the original trajectory, he still died in the hand of Xie Qi.

The information searched by one picture is limited, but I wonder if he had already completed this ten times and asked Heaven.

If it is not cultivated, it will be fine. If it is cultivated, it will still die in the hands of impermanence.

This seven master Xie, but some terrible is no longer marginal.

An Qisheng's thoughts rose up in his mind, and finally came to silence, one by one, fixed on the elaborate words that jumped out of his heart:

"Ten classics ask heaven!"

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