Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 388: People eat food, and people eat food!

"Well said."

'Changlin Daoren' slowly raised his head, his voice was gentle.

The voice is still the original figure.

The old Taoist is still the old Taoist.

But at this moment, no one would think that he is still a Taoist, even if he is a disciple.

Ming Xin Xiao Dao stood in the distance, shaking his figure, only to feel the burst of cold coming out of his heart, and there was no reason to cause great fear.

Was clearly a plain sentence, but he shivered uncontrollably.

Thanks Qiye!

Under the world, even ordinary people, who has never heard of the name of black and white impermanence?

He never dreamed that at this time and place, the legendary Xie Qiye, through the body of the teacher, came to the world.

"Half a catty ass, one donkey tendon, one donkey ear, two or two shochu, very good, you are very good."

‘Changlin Daoren’ glanced at the wine on the table, a deep memory emerged on the face:

"Fujun and 2nd Brother, I like to eat so much ..."

Softly sighed.

An Qisheng captured extremely deep emotions.

In a trance, he seemed to see something.

It was a small intestine trail under the setting sun, a burly and ugly man was driving, it was a cart with horses and horses, a tall figure in gray robe lying on the hay, looking at an ancient book

Two little guys who are a little bit big lie down and look at the sky ...

"Seven Lord likes it."

An Qisheng drank a glass of wine, lifted the jug and poured a glass of wine for the ‘person’ in front of him.

The charm of Jiaoyuan Yamanaka, the encounter of Yinsi Tavern, and the long-distance Taoist are all the preparations made by Xie Qiye to see him.

This was known by An Qisheng long ago.

It was only until this time that he came.

Xie Qi took the wine glass and took a deep sip before slowly drinking it.

The wine turned around in his mouth before slowly swallowing it.


Xie Qi put down his wine glass and sighed for a long time. He was somewhat satisfied: "It's been a long time since I saw the breath of this world, and I haven't lost so many hands and feet."

An Qisheng looked at Xie Qi quietly.

He wore the body shell of the imminent Taoist, but he came not his incarnation, but a ray of divine will, but, above the incarnation of the real man of God, he could still absorb some spiritual dissipation.

At this time, Xie Qi's slightest message was not captured at all.

Empty, like the sky.

This was also his first time, and he could not capture the spiritual imprint on his body.

This is true, even if there is only a trace of expression, there is no flaw in it.

An Qisheng is looking at Xie Qi, Xie Qi is also looking at An Qisheng.

His eyes were gloomy, and An Qisheng's figure was reflected in it. I wonder if he was determining something or deducing something.

Looked at each other for a moment.

Was just coincidentally toasting and moving chopsticks.

Ming Xin Xiao Dao Tong looked far away, only to see the two did not speak much, after a few words of conversation, he looked at each other for a long time, and then began to drink and eat food.

The plan is staggered, and there is nothing strange about it.

On the contrary, there was a strange feeling that made him unclear.

The two ate quickly.

It didn't take long for the table to be swept away.

At this time, An Qisheng put down the glass and glanced quietly:

"Is the Seventh Lord going to see me, or the King of the Underworld?"

Since arriving in this world, he has heard how many times the legend of this ghost palace king.

According to legend, he turned out to suppress the almost undead imperial emperor's tenth survivor. According to legend, he swept away the spirit of the demon, and returned to heaven and earth. It is said that he opened the nether world, and the dead survived. .

There are too many legends.

"You are very smart."

Xie Qi also put down his glass and patted his stomach, but did not answer An Qisheng's question, and asked instead:

"You said that people take food as the sky, what should be the next sentence?"

"Food is food to safety first."

An Qisheng's eyes flickered and said slowly.

"No no no."

Xie Qi looked at the sky and muttered:

"People feed on the sky, the back should be, the sky feeds on the people ..."

The people take food as the sky, and the sky takes the people as the food ...

An Qisheng's heart moved, and he heard the meaning of Xie Qi's words.

"Can't think or say ..."

Xie Qi took a deep look at An Qisheng, his eyes were deep, and there seemed to be endless stars rising and falling:

"He is watching."

He is naturally self-evident.

An Qisheng nodded slightly, but chopped off his distracted thoughts before he said right:

"Seven Lords can remember the real man of God's will?"

"Heaven is a real person? Who is that?"

Xie Qixian frowned, and then shook his head: "You are talking about the evil son that day? At that time, he was born in the first place. He wanted to spy on the netherworld, and somehow looked at me. I remember that he seemed crazy ... ... "


An Qisheng thought about it and had to admit that the real person was really crazy that day.

Where can normal people suddenly realize such strange magical powers as "primitive division".

However, it is almost indelible impression compared with the real man of God.

This Xie Qiye seems to have no impression on him at all.

This is really a sad fact.

"Fu Jun is messing up the sky. If the machine is confused today, I can't get out of the nether world. I don't know what happened in these years ..."

Thanks to the seven eyes, ripples appeared in the light. After one sentence, he seemed to have learned something.

"It's a big hall."

He smiled, his smile a little cold:

"Fujun once said that the city gods should be robbed. I thought it should be on this person's head."

"After this time, Yin Si Cheng Huang has already survived."

An Qisheng had nothing to hide, and directly expressed his intention:

"I want to conquer the world city God and return to the mountains, rivers and rivers, what does Qiye think?"

Xie Qi is not sure:

"You want to take the world's city god, and you, but, without the Yinshi city god, how should those mortals deal with the daily ghosts and monsters born in the world?

Even though someone was going to conquer the world city God in front of him, Xie Qi didn't seem to be angry, and his tone seemed to discuss with people what to eat at night.

If this scene is seen by people, monsters, demons, and ghosts who have died in their hands for countless years, I am afraid they cannot believe it at all.

"Fujun opened the nether world, set up the yin, set the world, split the human ghosts, and bound the city gods with incense, one piece after another.

An Qisheng can't deny that this ghost mansion is only sketchy.

If there is no Yinshi City God, and if there is no Ghost Underworld, the chaos in this world will be even worse than a hundred times.

It is just the incense that binds ghosts and gods to mortals, not necessarily the best way.

"It's just that the gentleman of Tianxingjian is constantly striving for self-improvement. People must be self-improving and self-helping.

An Qisheng didn't care. In front of him, he was the biggest ghost in this world. He was outspoken:

"How does Qiye think?"

"The gentleman of Tianxingjian keeps on improving ..."

Xie Qi chewed this sentence again, and was a little bit dazed for a while. After a long time, he nodded slowly:

"If it succeeds, it is naturally excellent."

But if it fails ...

In the second half of the sentence, Xie Qi did not say it, but both of them knew the meaning.

If it doesn't work, it should be a different situation now.

"Then, I would like to thank Qiye for completing it."

An Qisheng poured another glass of wine, and also served Xie Qiman.

"You have to take the world goddess into account, and you need to solve the other things one by one .... It's a pity that such a small character can be shot at will, but it can threaten the palace of the king's yin."

Xie Qi picked up the glass and, after a self-deprecating smile, drank out the glass.

"Even if the Seven Lords said that they were small characters who were shot to death, why would they shoot to death?"

An Qisheng pinched the glass and asked with a smile.

"Because He is staring at me ..."

Xie Qi put down his wine glass and took a deep look at the blue sky like a clean sky, saying to himself:

"He is coming, I should go ..."

'S voice did not fall, and the body of the long-standing Daoist shivered again, and then, the pervasive monstrous air, which was still colder than the heavy winter snow, also slowly receded.

An Qisheng's eyes flashed in the depths of the light, and looked at that yin.

Faintly, his eyes seemed to flow down in the Netherworld with the shadow of the evil air.

Amidst the infinite shady air, I saw a desolate and mottled city.

Above the city, two black and white figures sat back to back, all closed their eyes like dead people.


Almost at the same time, there was a sudden thunder and thunder on the sky above the blue sky, and an electric snake danced through the sky.

An Qisheng's electric shock also seemed to withdraw his gaze.

With a glance, he saw that the black and white figures sitting close to each other above the city were deeply connected, and seemed to be one party, bearing the other.

Or, both parties must rely on each other to exist.


Changlin Dao's body shuddered and made a yell, and the whole person almost jumped up.


Mingxin Xiaodao Tong ran over in exclamation.

He knew that Xie Qiye had left.

Chang Lin Taoist body shook a few times, then looked around like a dream, waking up in the chest for a long time before spitting out.

嗤 ~

An inky black air like an arrow struck a hundred feet ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ sprayed on the frozen lake.

Visible to the naked eye, a layer of black infection on the ice surface quickly spread.

"This, this is ..."

Changling Daoist eyes widened, and felt the incompatibility of free and easy.

Trainers, with the arrival of Tianshou, the physical body, mental consciousness will have a decayed taste, even if it does not damage its strength, it is inevitable.

But at this moment, the turbid breath spit out, and the rotten breath on his body disappeared.

Turned up after the thunderstorm, and the vigorous vitality between the mountains and rivers.

In the eyes of An Qisheng, the longevity of Taoist people has also changed.

There is no slight breakthrough in the realm, there was only eight years of Shouyuan originally, and this time skyrocketed!

"Master, you are ..."

Ming Xin Xiao Dao Tong's eyes widened and he felt the change.

"Seven Lords, Seven Lords ..."

Feeling the change of Shou Yuan, the ray of dissatisfaction in the hearts of Changling Taoists suddenly disappeared, and immediately fell to his knees and knocked his head toward the nether world.

Borrow the time of your incense stick and give back the life of your child!


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