Zhutian Avenue

Chapter 41: God of fists

"... Come in."

Luan Qisheng reacted and gave a bitter smile to entertain Wang Zhixuan.

He then poured two cups of tea and handed it to Wang Zhixuan:

"I haven't been here for a long time, and I'm not entertained. Dr. Wang shouldn't be surprised."

"I don't drink tea, give me a glass of water."

Xi Wang Zhixuan took off his sunglasses and leaned on the sofa to say something.

Luan Qisheng went to change her a glass of water, and she took it over:

"I haven't drink anything except clear water since childhood."


Wu Anqisheng is not strange at all. People who learn martial arts have more quirks.

I have Liu Xian who is not so cold, and Feng Mingtao who is so clean and self-contained that it is not surprising not to drink tea.

博士 "Dr. Wang, what do you mean by God?"

Wu Anqisheng put down the tea cup and asked.

"Your boxing skills are very beautiful, compared to the standards of many old boxers, but you don't look like a warrior."

Wang Zhixuan took a sip of water, and the narrow Danfeng eyes stabbed An Qisheng like a knife:

"It is not only hard to practice boxing, but also immersed in it."

所谓 "The so-called **** of fists is your personal mark. There are many people who practice Gumen's mind boxing, but Mr. Gu has no second, and no one can play Gumen's mind boxing."

King Wang Xuan said lightly:

"Only you have your own distinctively branded fist, is your own fist, otherwise, learning like it is not your own thing."

"My own brand ..."

Wu Anqisheng moved.

I remembered Wang Honglin. Wang Honglin's octopus fist reached the peak, and one punch and one foot seemed to have mountains and rivers falling, and the land was sinking.

Suddenly, on Wudang Mountain, people from the Taoism stepped out of their fists like thunder and punished fiercely.

These are the gods in the fist?

What about the **** of Mulongcheng's fist?

"What was your original intention to practice boxing?"

Wang Zhixuan continued to ask questions.

"Original intention ....."

Luan Qisheng was lost in thought.

In the previous life, he learned boxing, initially to protect himself, not to be bullied by outsiders, and then slowly made money from it.

In this life, he was unwilling to abandon the boxing techniques of the previous life. His mind was more on how to make money.

I really let him get back to boxing because it might cure his illness.

Lu Anqisheng was lost in thought, and Wang Zhixuan was not in a hurry, took out the nail clipper, and slowly repaired his nails.

After thinking for a long time, An Qisheng looked up:

"It should be to live."

"Kung Fu cannot keep you alive, can you still learn?"

Wang Zhixuan asked again.

"May or may not."

Wu Anqisheng nodded and shook his head.

"Big Xuanwu style is extremely prosperous, but most people still don't want to learn kung fu, either because of hardships, or because they are tired, or because they are poor, or because they feel useless."

"No one is born to love kung fu, kung fu, but only because of its usefulness. It is no different from other tools."

King Wang Xuan flicked his nails:

"You didn't lie to me, that's fine."

"I can't fool you, but I can't fool myself."

Luan Qisheng held a tea cup and drank a bite. The bitter taste flowed into the throat.

"It doesn't matter what your original intention of learning boxing is, it doesn't matter if you change it. What's important is to engraving your brand in your boxing and to carry out your faith unswervingly."

King Wang Xuan said lightly:

"You want to live, what if others don't let you live?"

Don't let me live?

Wu Anqisheng lowered his eyes, as if many pictures flashed in his mind.

In the past life, Huaxia, Daxuan in this life, the people who live on this land are the most hardworking and hardworking.

They live very simply. They can endure oppression, oppression, and material and spiritual emptiness.

But who wants to keep them alive.

Whether it is a landlord, a gentleman, an emperor, or an earthquake or a natural disaster, you must fight to the end!

It seemed to be just a moment, An Qisheng raised his head again, and there seemed to be more and more light in the calm eyes:

"Whoever doesn't let me live, I will let anyone die!"

"Very good!"

王 之 萱 's "snap" snapped his fingers:

"Remember how you feel at this moment. Every punch you make in the future must have the determination and will to fight to the sky!"


As Wang Zhixuan's finger sounded, An Qisheng shook himself, stood up, and his face was very unsightly:

"You hypnotized me ?!"

"Your mental strength is really extraordinary, I can hardly hypnotize you."

Wang Zhixuan took out the paper towel and wiped the sweat exuding on his forehead:

"Hypnosis you, it is more tiring than killing Shanzhuang!"

Wang Wang Xuan was slightly surprised.

Her hypnosis applauded, walked, and shot from outside the courtyard. Until now, it has been laid for a long time, but she was almost freed by An Qisheng.

"I would like to thank you then."

Luan Qisheng sat down slowly.

Although he was not harmed, the feeling of being hypnotized suddenly is definitely not wonderful.

"Your mental strength is very strong, hypnosis does not achieve the desired effect, it is a pity."

Wang Zhixuan didn't care about An Qisheng's attitude, and said slowly:

"I didn't believe it when I heard it from the old master. It seems that you are indeed a genius. If you can find the **** in the fist, Bao Dan is hopeful."

People who are born with divine power are rare, and those who are different from ordinary people are even more rare. Www.ltnovel.com ~ The former has a great advantage in the early stage of learning martial arts. too much.

"The longest dust road ..."

Luan Qisheng took a deep breath and raised the tea cup:

"If there is nothing else for Dr. Wang, I will practice boxing, and today ’s guidance will be reported later."

"This is going to catch someone?"

Wang Zhixuan snorted softly, stood up and glanced at An Qisheng:

"People who want me to hypnotize can go from Xuanjing to Xuanjing, are you still not willing?"

"Just don't like it."

Luan Qisheng stood up.

He knows about hypnosis. Unless he reaches the level of Mulong City, hypnosis is generally not dangerous.

But people in hypnosis are likely to reveal some of their secrets.

While Wang Zhixuan is kind, it is not very acceptable to a person with a lot of secrets in his heart.

"You like it or not."

Wang Zhixuan shook her windbreaker, put on sunglasses, and opened the door.

When Wang Anqisheng followed, Wang Zhixuan was already in the snow.

She seemed to know that An Qisheng would follow up, and from a distance, her voice came over:

"In a few days, I have a task, you go with me!"

"This woman ..."

Wu Anqisheng rubbed his brows.

Even though I don't like being hypnotized, I can't help but give the guidance.

However, this time hypnosis, he always has to return.

Lu Anqisheng walked to the yard.

At this time, the snow was still heavy, but he didn't realize it, and he kept replaying the picture that appeared before Wang Zhixuan's hypnosis:

"God in the fist ..."

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