Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 414: Invincible from the hole (4000 words)


What do you want me to do!

An Qisheng's arms spread out, his long hair raised, and his shirt swelled like a bellows.

Under the broad robe, a little light seemed to burst out.

Suddenly, the mountains oscillated, and a towering, tall portal with boundless sacred gas slowly rose from behind.

The radiance of Dao Dao flows down with it, and between the spread of the inch, it turns into a light and dark intertwined, two-color flowing Tai Chi scroll.

The essence of the mind is also similar, directly and arbitrarily squeezing the spirit of the world, now in the world!

Invisible to the naked eye, the invisible gas field between heaven and earth gathers, clusters, and guards the portal.

Indistinctly, behind this portal, there seemed to be a towering heavenly palace, and a great shore **** and man appeared.

"Then give it a try!"

Tianyi Taoist snorted.


Above the sky, the giant dragon that seemed to have swallowed thousands of miles of clouds followed by pouring down. Ling Yangfeng like a sword splitting the void, and the grass and wood between the mountains of the West Mountain broke,

For a while, the mountains were as short as possible, and the vegetation was bowing.

The vast air pressure rolled down, as if the dome collapsed.

Many real people's expressions are slightly changed, the power of Yuanshen is too strong, and the aftermath of that scattered road is already more terrifying than the sharpest sword in the world.


Above the sky, the waves of the air rolled over, spreading layer by layer.

Qilang Jianlong came across the sky, just like the legendary carp turned into a dragon, hit the sacred portal that hung into the sky.

So far, the spirit has been materialized.

It is a tyrannical force that really appears in the world.


The next moment, a shocking collision erupted.

It seems that thousands of thunders exploded at the same time, as if the stars had come to an end and broke up.

All of a sudden, the transparent ripples swayed across all directions. Everything that passed between them seemed to be wiped off. No matter it was dust or anything, it was covered and wiped off.

And the two substantial ripples still collide in the void, and the invisible and invisible spirits in the void are boiling and bursting.

Just a collision, its burst of light is already more brilliant than the big sun in the sky.

"not good!"

Among the shaking mountains, lights and shadows shone on the ten thousand altars.

Faced with such a collision, everyone subconsciously instigated the mana, urging the life.

Even if they knew that when the power of the Yuanshen series collided, all the forces would only act on each other, but it was only the waves that escaped, and it was not something ordinary people could withstand.


The Ruyi monk folded his hands together and chanted a Buddha number.

The Buddha's light was swaying in the altar of Wanfa, and it immediately stabilized the mountains of the Xishan Mountains where the waves were also shaking, and stabilized the great array of Wanfa.

He looked slightly dignified.

It is not that he has n’t seen Yuan Yuan collide. The aftermath of Qin Wuyi ’s battle with Tianyi Taoist has remained on the Qingdu City for several years.

This collision will not be more fierce than that battle.

However, let's not say that God's will is just an incarnation, and that body is powerless. The white-clothed Taoist who should have been a flesh is so powerful.

He knows what happened in Liangzhou.

In just a few years, what happened to him?

Not only the wishful monk, but also other real people present, the great real people crossing the robbery, the expression is dignified.

The God of Heaven and Taoism overwhelmed Daqing for a hundred years, and even had the record of killing Yuanshen's real person, although it did not reach the limit of Yuanshen, but there are few people who can beat him on the territory of Daqing. .

How can the Taoist in white be able to contend?

No history, no teachers, no mana, magical powers never seen before ...

Who is he?

Everyone in the room was thinking a lot, but he didn't know the origin of this person.

Turned out ...

The last one born out of the sky was the ghost king ...

"This Daoist's progress is really shocking ..."

Among all the people, only Tianji Taoist had a calmer look. He brushed his beard in his hand, and there was a hint of thought in his heart.

Instead of paying attention to the battle between the sky and the sky, instead of looking at the Qingdu city through the large formation of the Ten Thousand Altars.

He had a hunch that things in the Qingdu city were definitely not as simple as that.

In his original deduction, the old emperor seemed to have dozens of years of Shou Yuan, but when he looked at it at this time, he felt his heavy death.

This is already the case on the sidelines, and the two people who bear the brunt are under tremendous pressure from outsiders.

This covered the Altar of Ten Thousands of Altars, and even the mountains of the West Mountain made an overwhelming moan, as if the continental shelf carrying the earth would be crushed by great force!

Huh ~~~

Between the swells of anger and waves, An Qisheng and Tianyi Taoist stood on the Altar of Ten Thousand Altars, their bodies tremble, their clothes swelled, and their black hair fluttered.

"The prestige of Yuanshen is really extraordinary."

An Qisheng's whole body membrane radiated with substantial ripples, as if the whole person had become an illusory existence like a water wave.

This is his first real fight with Yuanshen.

Unlike the last time he used the power of the Taiji Mountains to fend off his incarnation, he made greater progress at this time, but he was under more pressure.

The spreading ripples above the sky are only the eleventh of the force of the two people's confrontation and collision.

At this moment, An Qisheng was able to feel the tingling sensation from every subtle place in his body, and every wisp was insignificant.

For Yuanshen, the distance is only a thousand miles away, and An Qi is born with a seed, integrates the magnetic field of heaven and earth, and shakes it everywhere.

It seems to be a collision, but in fact, it has already collided within a few hundred or thousands of times.

I saw the mushrooms blooming in the sky, and the waves rolled like the sea.

The towering Shenmen stood in the sea of ​​clouds, letting the waves rush, the dragon roaring still unmoved.

Under the repeated impact of the sword dragon that gathered together, the sky and the sky seemed to be flooded with the sword dragon's shadow for a time, and launched repeated attacks against that **** door.

"Good, good, good."

Tianyi Taoist's face is cold, even three good.

In a collision, he didn't take advantage of it, and even his specific shell suffered some injuries.

Regardless of whether the Taoist in white achieves Yuanshen, no matter how he did it.

He has to admit that this Taoist in white has become his rival!

"Unfortunately, you still look at Yuanshen too little!"

A whistle broke through the sky, and Tianyi Taoist raised his fingers.

Hum ~

In a blink of an eye, a round of mirrors jumped out from behind it, and it seemed that a round of big sun instantly burned all the light and heat of his life.

That's his birthright ‘Tianyi Mirror’, and it ’s also the mark of his achievements.


As soon as the Mirror of Heaven appeared, the sword light that had been swaying for a while had drowned everything, and even rolled away in all directions:

"Stop me, die!"

Hum ~

The vast and powerful Buddhist sound was a masterpiece at once, and the brilliant sword light was instantly produced by the sound of the Buddha's sound, and then there were infinite changes.

Between the vertical and horizontal interweaving, between the sea of ​​clouds turned into a golden Buddha.

Ten scriptures asked the second way of heaven, heaven Buddha chanting!

The giant Buddha stood on his chest with one palm, pressed it with one hand, and picked up the wind dragon that was unknown to hundreds or thousands of feet.

Like a sword, it cut through the void, with an endless fierce impetus, and cut towards the magic gate that was still in the wind and whistling.

cut! ! !

With the majestic power of the heavenly Buddha, cut off the sword of the dragon!

This sword was cut, and a deep gully between the clouds and the sky suddenly appeared, as if the sky had been cut open.

An Qisheng's eyes narrowed, and he felt Ling Yun's murderous opportunity.

This sword is thousands of miles away, his eyebrows, his physique, soul, even the most insignificant subtle land, all show a piercing pain.

If the Ten Classics asks about the great achievements of the Tao of Heaven, it is inevitable that the ten supernatural powers will become great and unity.

Its power is not as simple as stacking one by one, and the power of the two combined can far exceed that of the two Yuanshens!

At this time, Zen sounds are flooded, and the world seems to be transformed into a sea of ​​Buddha light.

It contains endless compassion and majesty, which makes countless people want to worship.

It seems that the legendary Buddha came to the world!


Seeing the big Buddha standing in the sea of ​​clouds, beating the sky with a sword, the Ruyi monk's face suddenly sank, and the bead in his palm suddenly shattered:

"Big day is coming!"

There are many Buddhist temples in the world, but those who can condense such Buddhist temples like coming to the big picture, only like coming to the courtyard!

Not only the wishful monk, but all the monks behind him were also furious.

Naked humiliation.

"Doctor, can you bear it?"

"The humiliating Buddha is in front, can you bear it?"

"Stealing me like a man of law, it must be the Taoist of this day!"

All the monks were very angry.

What kind of humiliation is it that the Dao dare to become a Buddha?

Not only they, but also the real faces of several Buddhas in the Ten Thousand Altar.

They knew that God of Reality had become two primordial gods, but they never thought that one of them was actually the golden body of the Buddha's Dharma!


The Ruyi monk twitched his face, but he didn't finish a sentence of Buddha.

Many monks behind him could no longer bear it, and they screamed and rushed towards the Taoist Taoist God:

"Dawei Tianlong, the world venerable, the prajna is empty! You want the three methods of Buddhism, Dao, Xie, and delusion!

"Dharma protection! Dharma protection!"

"Hugh wants to intervene!"

"The thief is dead!"

Many monks have hate shots, and many real people taught by God of Will are also under the leadership of Xiao Feng, Yi Gong and others.


The fierce fighting broke out in an instant, and the magical powers scattered in all directions flattened the Xishan Mountains under the large array.

Ruyi Seng looked dignified, his fingers trembled slightly, and he looked up.

I saw that the sword light fell like a **** mountain, with the supreme might that cut through the world and slashed.

Just listen to a huge roar.

A trembling moment between the sacred gate that stood between the boiling wind and the wind, turned into a million ray of brilliance intertwined with those two colors, the black and white circulated Tai Chi scrolls exploded!


Hum ~

A sword came out, Yan Xiake only felt that his mind seemed to sublimate.

In a trance, the mind seemed to fit the swordsman by the Bishui Lake.

What do I do for heaven and earth?

A sword is enough!

"Do not!"

In the Qingdu imperial palace hall, the old emperor's eyes were split, and he once again felt the bone-killing intention.

This world has always been very interesting.

The more humble the person, the more he spares his life, the more self-righteous and wealthy he is, the more he cannot face life and death.

The widow is the emperor!

How can a widow die? !

At this moment, the old emperor's heart raised endlessly unwilling.

Hum ~

At the moment when the sword light shrouded, the golden light suddenly appeared in the old emperor's body.

Faintly, there seemed to be a dragon roar!

Wow ~

There was a trance in front of Yan Xiake, who seemed to see the golden tide like the boundless ocean. That was the National Games of the Qing Dynasty, and that was what the people of all people wanted.

It was the yearning and awe of hundreds of millions of people for the emperor who ruled the world for thousands of years.

That's the national games, but also dragon spirit!

This moment,

Yan Xiake's Jianguang finally froze for a moment, and it seemed he could never stab again.

‘Fail again? ’

Yan Xiake's heart raised such an idea, and suddenly produced endless anger and sorrow:

"How can such a beast be entitled to the worship of all peoples and the protection of the people of the world ?!"

Impressed, Yan Xiake's killing intention suddenly popped up like a backlog of volcanoes for many years:

"I do not believe!"

With a scream, Yan Xiake's bones suddenly produced thousands of cracks, and slammed down against the dragon.

Roar ~~~

The sound of the subtle dragon-yin came out through the body, and the might of Huanghuang seemed to provoke the vibration of the entire imperial city and even the entire Qingdu city.

Yan Xiake was shocked, and the second half suddenly turned into fly ash.

It seems that the sword that was cut out will disappear in the next instant.

The old emperor looked at this scene in shock, a ripple of surprise in front of him.

Hum ~

But when the sound of Long Yin sounded loudly, the sword light seemed to rise endlessly.

A little starlight appeared in the sword light, and turned into countless pictures.

It was a scholar who read the candle at night, and his head was hanging with cones and thorns. That was a woman dressing herself in the mirror, looking forward to the future ... It was a poor farmer who gave birth to a child, sad and happy ... ..

It was a small couple's cave night, happy and shy ... It was an old man sitting under a tree, surrounded by children and grandchildren .......

That is the title of a scholar's gold list, ecstatic ...

That is.......

That's the **** of the peddler, that is Yufu Caomu, that's the peasants, agriculture, industry and commerce ...

That's the heart!

A little bit of light burst out, all kinds of pictures circulate.

The old emperor's heart was shocked, and he saw the countless figures on the countless pictures suddenly turned his head, looking at him indifferently.

"Ah! I dare to disobey the prince!"

If the old emperor was struck by thunder, it seemed that he had seen thousands of fierce ghosts claiming his life, and his blame broke his heart.

嗤 ~

The next moment.

Jianguang roared.

As the breeze blew through, the scream of the old emperor came to an abrupt halt ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ The moment the sword light disappeared, it revealed its next white bone that was whiter than the white bone demon.

In a flash, the bones turned gray.

Soul annihilation!

Almost at the same time, above the sky, in the scattered light of the shattered gate of Taiji, the sound of a sky clock was suddenly sounded.

When ~

Loud sound!

This roar was too high-pitched, and seemed to have lost all sounds for a while.


The pupil of Tianyi Taoist shrank, and the subconscious gaze looked at it.

I saw that between the raging wind and the raging wind, a red and **** red light flickered from it, and a scream of fright and silence:

"Oh !!!"

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