Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 416: Damn it can't live!

There is silence in the world, and only the sound of rustling of blood spraying in the air.

Tianyi Taoist stumbled a few steps in the air, his clothes were soaked with blood and water, suddenly looked up, his eyes were black and red, and his eyes were gone.

It's miserable and disappointing.


Many gods around me changed the look of Taoist people, and they were terrified.

Xiao Feng's face was pale, and when he looked sideways, he saw an expressionless old monk staring at him.

It ’s not just him, all the God of Taoism is stared at.

Huh ~~~

An Qisheng walked slowly, stepped up to the sky, landed in the air, and stood opposite to the God of Taoism.

Inside his body, there have been dramatic changes since then, but the whole person has calmed down.

He is not a simple substitute of mana for condensing magnetic fields.

He is a kind of person, he is self-contained, and what he promotes is the essence, not the addition of a force for himself to drive.

When the effect of sown seeds is applied to heaven and earth, the sky changes, rivers change, and the earth is used for self, but it is from the small cell level to strengthen the body from the inside out.

The strengthening of the body, the capture of information, and the calculation of heaven and earth are all based on this.

You can even perceive indescribable concepts such as life, cause and effect, destiny, space and time.

In fact, he has been in the world for more than two years, and he is experiencing, adapting, and mastering the seed.

Because of this, both of them also suffered a counterattack that was enough to destroy the Yuanshen real person, but he insisted on the reason.

"Hahaha, I can't think of it, I can't think of it."

Tianyi lively smirked, and the black hole looked at An Qisheng's eyes:

"What kind of magic are you doing ?!"

The confrontation between the two people seems to be just a few collisions, but in fact, it is far more than that.

For his existence like this, thousands of means have been transformed into a type of supernatural power. The two of the primordial spirits confront each other and the supernatural powers collide.

"Tai Chi Dao Wu Heart God."

An Qisheng said lightly, deep in the eyes, deep in the ripples, no one knows, and a round of light black spiritual brand slowly united.

The prototype of the twenty-four body god, he has already achieved.

Just from the prototype to the completion, the difficulty is far more difficult than the growth of a fertilized egg.

After he tried many times, he failed to conceive.

In the past few years, he has been trying all the time, deducing this process.

This time the heart apologizes for the ape, which is the result of his past three years.

"You, did you achieve Yuanshen?"

The God of Heaven and Taoist stared at An Qisheng, and the dissipated Yuanshen Spirit didn't seem to matter as much as this problem.

He doesn't believe it!

In 400 years, how many hardships he has experienced, how many adventures he has received, how many times he has encountered life and death before he has today's achievements.

And this white man.

Three years ago, it was nothing more than a real person. If you want to be an incarnation, you might as well kill it.

In just three years, how could he believe that he could ascend to the sky in one step?

Even if he is the reincarnation of the old monsters of ancient times, it certainly does not have this speed.


An Qisheng's eyes flashed slightly.

For people in this world, it is already common sense to cross the thunder to become Yuanshen, but it is not so for him.

As long as you first go through the mystery of Yuanshen and reverse the conditions necessary for its achievement, you can naturally achieve Yuanshen.

The mind is not the Yuanshen, but it already has all the qualities of the Yuanshen.

The reason why he took the initiative as soon as he reached this point was to lead the Divine Incarnation's incarnation into action.

Then, when you stop your hand, there is also a need to consume, and the reason for the mind is in it.

It's just this, but there is no need to talk to God of Heaven and Taoism.

Hum ~

At this time, the spiritual imprint in the depths of the eyes has been condensed.

An Qisheng spoke slowly:

"What is the difference between right and wrong?"

"Yes, it makes no difference."

Tianyi Taoist sighed for a long time, and his voice was like a cloud:

"Despite this defeat, you let me see the shortcomings, but I want to thank you ..."

"If it can be easily repaired, it will not be a flaw."

An Qisheng looked indifferent.

His understanding of Tiandao in the Ten Classics is only under the will of Taoism, and he naturally knows his flaws.

The Divine Spirit of God of Heaven and Will divides into ten parts, all ten are incarnations, and ten are all deities. If not completely destroyed, there is an opportunity for rebirth.

Naturally its strengths need not be said much.

It's just that the root of Yuanshen is still a person's own aura, and if it is too scattered, there will be flaws.

It does n’t matter if it ’s the Yuanshen or the Golden Body. Even the demon, ghost, and evil Lord have different names, but their power is generally unique.

One of the most well-known is flawless.

The Yuanshen cannot be consummated, and the flaws cannot be eliminated.

Even if the nine incarnations are all Yuanshen, if one is not successful, he can't reach the Yuanshen peak.

This point, An Qisheng is very clear.

"It is said that the oldest number of heaven and earth is the first in the world, but in the real world, you are more mysterious than him ..."

Tianyi Taoist sighs from the heart.

He has a kind of intuition that this white-faced Taoist seems to have a very good understanding of himself, whether it is magical powers or flaws.

An Qisheng said nothing.

The God of Heaven and Taoism no longer speaks, and is unable to speak much, just a long sigh:

"Tianyi has always been difficult to ask since ancient times, perhaps this life should be defeated ...

Just see you next time, you will have no chance! "

The voice was scattered in the sky, and the body of the Taoist Daoist shocked, then turned into powder, blown by the wind, and disappeared.

Clean and clean with no residue.

An Qisheng's expression was calm, and no ripples appeared in the depths of his eyes:

"There won't be another time."

Ten times he asked the flaws of Heavenly Dao, he knew all about it, and also deduced the method of complementation that he had in mind.

Naturally not next time.

There was silence in the mountains. Many people looked at this scene, but their hearts shook but they didn't say a word.

An Qisheng swept lightly.

In the sky and the sky, in the air, there are dozens of hundreds of real people from various schools. Among them, there are two masters such as the Heavenly Taoist and Ruyi Monk.

This is a master of nearly eleven in the youth practice field today.

To a certain extent, it has already represented the most elite group of people in the practice of Daqing cultivation.

In other words, exercises.

For him, nature is a great benefit.

However, the Yuanshen did not leak, and the spiritual imprints of the Ruyi monk and Tianji Taoist could not be captured without fighting.


The Ruyi monk folded his hands together, chanted a chant of Buddha, and looked at An Qisheng:

"This Taoist master has a lot of merits, and Lao Qun admires it to the extreme."

He was suppressed by Tianyi Taoist for decades, and he was most afraid of Tianyi Taoist, so that An Qisheng had already shot, and he insisted on patience and no shot.

"Contribution to creation ..."

An Qisheng shook his head and said nothing.

People do not have to be overly self-humbling, but they cannot be arrogant.

After witnessing, knowing that there is heaven outside, it is difficult to believe that ‘no one is on earth’.

"An Dao Chang has done a great job of removing this evil spirit from the world. The Dao really admires the extreme, admires the extreme."

Tianji Dao's hands squeezed his beard, but also slightly sighed.

The old Taoist priest stood in midair, his robe fluttering, his face red and white, and he had the appearance of a fairy bone.

If it were not for his transparent mind, he is best at capturing dissipative emotions and information.

I ’m afraid I do n’t know. It ’s the old Taoist who has a lot of killing intentions in the previous eyes, except for a few gods who teach Taoism.

"Yes! Thank you Dao for waiting for me to get rid of it!"

"Tianyi teaches arrogantly and irrationally, and wants to release the emperor's tenth lord, but is the enemy of the people in the world! Dao Chang's great contribution!"

"It's pole, pole!"

As the heaven and earth wisely spoke, there were also many real people around to respond.

Congenital Daoists, Tianhu live-action, Yige Pavilion Master, Purple Thunder live-action, Purple Phoenix Daoist, Guyue Zen Master, etc. did not speak.

Because of their attention, they were fixed on the gods with ugly faces.

Faintly, Xiao Feng, Yi Gong and other masters of Heaven and Will have all escaped.


An Qi grew a long sigh:

"I really want to know whether the Taoist is really respectable or decent."

People's hearts are ever-changing, and then there is a difference. No one can really understand people's hearts, at least at this time, he can't do it.

Therefore, he didn't know where the killing intention in the mind of Tianji Lao Tao came.

But I don't care too much.

He cannot kill himself today, and he will have no chance in the future.

After digesting the inheritance of the martial arts of all the martial arts present, his way will surely make great progress.

"Why did An Daoyou say this?"

Tianji Taoist eyes are calm, with a trace of surprise on his face:

"The old way is only to prevent God's will from releasing God's Ten Thousand Wills, and there is absolutely no lie!"

"Hahaha! Sophistry, sophistry!"

Suddenly, there was a laugh in the distance.

I saw Xiao Feng, who was locked in the air by a lot of real people, and blocked all the escape routes, laughing to the sky:

"Tianji old thief, you said that it might not be false to prevent the leader from releasing" 鵼 ", but you dare to say, don't you want to release" 鵼 "?"

Facing the cold eyes of Tianji Taoist people, he never stopped, and he pointed at the innate Taoist people who looked around at him, Tianhu real people and other real people crossing the robbery:

"Innate! You have stayed in the robbery for more than a hundred years. Under Yuanshen, Shouyuan is only three hundred. Even if there are things that extend life, it is difficult to live for five hundred years! You are not much different now!

Sky Tiger! Your life was hit hard, and there was damage to the robbery, but the possibility of Yuanshen?

Master Yi ...

Purple Ray ...

Purple Phoenix ...

Solitary Moon ...

If you were not for ‘鵼’, would you shoot? For the sake of all beings in the world, it's really funny, really ridiculous! "

At this moment, Xiao Feng seemed to have no fear in his heart.

In the eyes of anger and killing, he scolded loudly and laughed loudly.


Tianji Dao's face sank, and the bodies of the other real robbers shuddered ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ was about to shoot.

But the next moment, their movements were stiff.

The people surrounded the locked place, beside Xiao Feng and others, An Qisheng did not know when he had stood there.

Without saying a word, several real people dared not to shoot again.

"Master Ando wants to save them?"

Tianji squeezed his beard, his eyes cold.

"They didn't die more than ten times, and I would certainly not save them."

An Qisheng shook his head.

The eyes glanced through the void one by one, and the eyes were calm and indifferent:


They damn, but some people.

It shouldn't be alive! "

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