Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 440: Kill him clean!

King evil city **** temple?

The Chenghuang Temple is just the Chenghuang Temple. Also add your own name?

Sa Wuling's heart moved, and some interest came.

Yan Xiake naturally felt the power of the incense in the distance, and also thought about it.

This Ezhou is extremely sinister, the demon, the evil repair do not know the geometry, even there is the city god?

Is it the same with the devil, or is it still capable of protecting itself in such a bad place?

When his thoughts moved, he said hoarsely:

"Speed ​​up and get to the shore as soon as possible!"


The sailor on the boat responded loudly.

Then the giant boat broke through the waves, dashed across the river like an arrow, and headed towards the place where the incense burned.

As the saying goes, relying on mountains to eat mountains and water to eat water, people on the side of the mountains and rivers have never seen better than those on the plains, but they will not give up prey in the mountains and fish in the water.

But in Ezhou, it is different.

He came all the way, but there were few people on the shores of the mountains and rivers, not to mention the fishermen, even the merchant ships.

But as we approached the ‘Wangxie City God Temple’, people became denser. There were many small boats on the banks of the river, and there were many ditches on the banks of the river to drink water to irrigate farmland.

Many women squeeze laundry.

It can also be seen that many small villages are dotted around the city **** temple.

"It seems that it is a good city god?"

Sa Wuling's hand plucked his beard, thoughtfully.

Wow ~

The giant boat came like a mountain, and the water waves stood up to several feet, and the momentum was extremely fierce.

Seeing it from afar, many boats on the river shunned away one after another, exclaiming one by one, looking at this behemoth in horror.

They have been fishing for a long time on the banks of the river to make a living, but they have never seen such a big boat.


Sa Wuling stretched out his hand, and the speed of the giant boat suddenly dropped sharply and stabilized.

"This place ..."

In response to the suspicious eyes around, many people on the ship followed Sa Wuling, and Yan Xiake's face was a bit strange.

From a distance, Ezhou can see that its demon spirit is deep, but I did not expect that there is such a ‘Xanadu’ hidden here.

It's really incredible.

Call ~

It didn't take long for the giant boat to land, and the two sailor-dressed men jumped on the shore with large anchors weighing several thousand pounds, and fixed the giant boat to the river.

Only then did everyone slowly disembark.

Sa Wuling walked down the giant boat and looked up. There were many villagers on all sides with fear and anxiety, and the fishermen surrounded them with knives and forks.

"You, who are you?"

A dark-skinned, tall, middle-aged man swallowed his mouth and asked loudly.

Their voice is extremely high-pitched, with a strong folk sound, extremely obscure and difficult to understand, and many people present did not understand it.

Naturally, Wuling Sa will not understand. In sixty years, he has learned at least hundreds of languages ​​of different state capitals. Under the circumstance, he immediately understands and learns instantly.

"We are from Kyoto, and we are here in Ezhou to legislate for demons."

He arched his hand with a smile:

"Who are you?"

The territory of Daqing is extremely large, and most of the big states were originally independent nations, which were forcibly integrated by the ghost monarch. The accent means that the words are not all unified.

They implemented the new law this time, and also implemented unified measures, text, language, and some enlightenment textbooks.


A group of villagers and fishermen looked at each other, and there was only such a big river in their world. Even the name of Ezhou was not known to everyone.

Not to mention Kyoto.

"Master, leave it to me."

An old man with a goatee in the crowd came forward and bowed slightly. After getting permission from Sa Wuling, he walked towards the villagers.

This old man is a loose repair recruited on the Wuling Road of Sa, named Yushe. Although he is only a mortal achievement, he is quite slippery. He is the most good at communication.

Sure enough, after a while, all the villagers were still a bit suspicious, but they gave way.

Of course, the price is naturally some specialties brought from other states.

"grown ups."

Youshe followed Sa Wuling and reported:

"This big river is called the evil dragon river. The villagers nearby rely on it for their livelihood. Because of the shelter of the city gods, they have not been wealthy for many years, but they are also safe.

Later, after the end of the old city God ’s life, there was another disaster in this river, and the people did not talk about their lives. Later, a young man named Wang went to the water to fight the death of the king.

"In this way, after the king's evil death, the villagers established this city **** temple?"

Someone said curiously.

They have followed Sa Wuling for decades, and they know very well about the city god. They know that the city **** is not immutable. Every time the old city **** dies, he will find a successor.

This process is also called 'Kao Chenghuang'.

But besides this, if the old city **** died suddenly and no successor was found, some villagers in the vicinity who spontaneously elected people will be recognized and become the new city god.

This is also called Limiao.

Not only the people, the court also had similar means.

"Do not......"

Sa Wuling shook his head slightly:

"He is still alive."


A group of people were shocked.

Can living people be city gods?

They have traveled south and north for so many years, and they are well-informed, but they have never heard of such things.

How can a living person be a city god?

"Since he is alive, how can he be a city god?"

Some people are puzzled.

Sa Wuling did not explain, walked over the crowd and came to the Chenghuang Temple.

This city **** temple is not big, but it is still neat, the smell of incense is strong, and strangely, there are no temple wishes and no doors.

All incense is burning outside the temple.

When they came here, there were people who were here to worship and burn incense, but none of them stepped into the city **** temple.

Everyone was more curious.


The crowd had just arrived in front of the Chenghuang Temple and suddenly heard a roar exploding in the air.

Evil winds blew out of the Chenghuang Temple, and all the incense burning outside the temple was blown out, and all the people who bowed down and bowed down to the ground.

Several of the fallen heads broke the blood flow, and the muscles and bones were broken.

Sa Wuling looked immovable, but the rest of them were angry. If Sa Wuling hadn't spoken yet, he would immediately enter the city **** temple.

"Master Chenghuang spares his life!"

"Master Chenghuang breathed his anger! Let's get away, let's get away!"

The horrified faces of all the worshippers fled in embarrassment.

In front of the Chenghuang Temple, only Sa Wuling and others were left.

"Adult, this ..."

The playhouse was a little surprised.

As far as he knows, these villagers respect the city god. In fact, the reason why they can fish on the river is because of the shelter of the city god.

But at this time, the relationship between these villagers and the city **** does not seem to be very good.

"Go inside and see."

Sa Wuling squeezed his beard and thoughtfully glanced at the distant villagers with fear and anxiety.

Step into the temple of the city god.

It is said to be the City God Temple. This city God Temple is more like an ordinary Taoist temple.

"Get out!"

The moment Sa Wuling stepped into the Chenghuang Temple, the roar reappeared:

"It's all dead. I can burn more incense and have a fart, then burn incense, and I will cut you off!"

The anger was like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, and then the wind screamed and a bad wind swept through, and the empty air was rippling.

"So bold!"

A sergeant took a cold sigh and took a step forward. The knife made an inch, and the sharp air had risen, breaking through the roaring evil wind.

"He is not malicious."

Sa Wuling waved his hand, and the Jiashi involuntarily withdrew his knife into the sheath and took a step back.

What more people want to say.

Sa Wuling has already taken a step forward, standing in the temple where the anger came out, and said lightly:

"It's a guest from afar, is this how the host family entertains guests?"

Huh ~!

As the words did not fall, an Ang-Tibetan man had stepped out of the city **** temple.

Seeing this big man, everyone couldn't help seeing the light.

I saw that the giant man was more than eight feet tall, and he was taller than everyone on the scene. His red-faced bearded beard, tiger back and waist, long hands and feet, and mighty and brave.

Where is it like a city god, saying that there are people who believe in the warriors.

And the eye-catching thing is that there is a deep vertical line at the center of the eyebrows of this big man, just like a vertical eye, which adds to its awesome vigor.

"This city **** is really a living person?"

Someone exclaimed involuntarily.

The big man frowned and sneered:

"What? Which rule stipulates that a living person cannot be a city god?"

His voice was so loud that it sounded like a thunderstorm, causing waves of anger.

Only a lot of people knew that before, it wasn't his anger at all, it was simply that he spoke normally, which was really talented.

"Good physique."

Sa Wuling plucked his beard with a glimmer of light in his eyes.

Indistinctly, his heart touched, this person seems to have a certain fate with himself.

He cultivated the inner boxing passed on by the "Hand Lord", and condensed his cultivating skills. He had a clear understanding of the world. He felt a sense of heaven and earth, and was touched at this time.

"Grandpa's good health is not good, do your bird thing?"

The giant man snorted coldly, his face extremely impatient:

"No matter what you have to do here, let me get out of it, don't wait for Lao Tzu to do it!"


All the people behind Sa Wuling were angry, and they persevered.

"This is not your site."

Yan Xiake spoke lightly:

"You are not a city god."

His voice is not high or low ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ hoarse and unpleasant, the giant man heard, but his face was a little more solemn.

"It's just a look away."

The giant looked at Sa Wuling, Yan Xiake, and snorted:

"A family is too lazy to pay attention to what you are doing! Anyway, while I am a godfather for my godfather, no one should be in trouble here, otherwise, it will be an enemy to me!

Speaking of which, Wang evil's eyes fixed on Sa Wuling:

"After I leave, do you want incense, or do you want your blood and soul to be yours, even if you kill all of them, no one will ignore it!"

"Hate in your heart, are these villagers?"

Facing the cold eyes of Wang E, Sa Wuling said quietly:

"Then why don't you do it yourself and kill him cleanly?"


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