Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 455: Qin Yu

"What did you notice?"

Looking at the big mountain in the faint red light above the altar, Anqisheng's expression was slightly moving.

The ‘toad’ fell into silence, a ray of self-consciousness submerged into the huge body, naturally because of the danger.

Emperor Tianshi's death is immortal, but ‘Toad’ is not the case. He knew this when Xuan Xing contacted the martyrdom of the zombie king.

Being a big demon, this ‘toad’ is no exception.

It was just that the old monster was alert and retreated as soon as he saw something wrong, which made him a little surprised.


Between the red masterpieces, An Qisheng's ear sounded the whispers of ghosts and gods.

He murmured whether he would sacrifice.

In the sixty years of the Qingdu City, he practiced, combed his own system, and deduced Huang Ting ’s body and spirit. Naturally, he also speculated that this side was a five-star universe from the starry landlord of the wild world.

With the ability to dream, he knows its various uses. For the use of this altar, it is naturally not that he was sent to the wild world, and there is only a skull with a different evil Dao.

It's just a rare offering. He never tried it. Now that he has this old toad, he can naturally try it out.

This old demon's body is too huge, even if it is added together by practitioners of the whole world, it cannot be compared with it.

Even more immortal.

As a sacrifice, nature is no longer perfect.


An Qisheng's heart moved.

The red light in front of me suddenly turned into a stream of light and disappeared into nothingness, and its speed was fast. Even An Qisheng at this time could not capture its trace without knowing in advance.

But he was naturally prepared, the moment the red light was on, the expression moved at the same time, wanting to fall into the red light.

But at this moment, the warning sign rose sharply in his heart, and the picture in his heart suddenly trembled.


An Qisheng frowned slightly, his mind converging.

He is naturally comfortable in using this treasure in this way, but he does not understand how it works in different spaces, even the universe, and its core.

Naturally, it is not easy to be in danger.

The reason why Daoyi has warning signs is naturally his power.

No one knows how many worlds this altar or balance is spread to. Will there be Jedi or fierce land? If you are not careful, you might just plant it directly.

Through a ray of magical power to kill people, he mastered dozens of hundreds.

In other worlds, no one may possess similar magical powers.

Hum ~

When An Qisheng's thoughts turned, the red light on the altar was again great.

Amidst the cloud-like red light, a half-moon wheel was imprinted in it, and as the red light burst out, it fell on the altar.

An Qisheng made a move with ease, and the half-moon wheel seal on the altar had suddenly flew to him.

This half-moon seal is silvery white, straight like a crescent, with a thick and sharp back.

"Magic weapon?"

In the depths of An Qisheng's eyes, a picture of light flows like water, reflecting the message of this half-moon wheel seal:

[Nine points of energy consumption]

[Half Moon (Broken), grade, no star rating]

[From the Dragon Eclipse World of Yuanyang Realm, Taiyuezong's basic magic weapon, one of the basic disciple magic weapon for the introductory disciple, combined with the moon robe, crescent crescent level one star]

[Ability 1: Body Protection]

[Capability 2: Records]

Compared with the five-star replacement balance, this half-moon is eclipsed, and there is nothing worth mentioning at all.

Its level is not even one star, and it is still broken.

The low value is also speechless.

"Replacement, replacement, really is not an equivalent exchange, if you are not familiar with the usage of this altar, most of it is blood loss ......."

An Qisheng shook his head slightly and pinched the half-moon wheel seal.

Dealing with this replacement balance, if you do not know the trick, you will definitely lose blood.

This is also the reason why he seldom uses this altar in recent years. Of course, he is not really without sacrifices, but because of blood loss.

Just like this time.

Although this old toad has been sealed in death for thousands of years, his strength has dropped, and he has been chopped off his magic body, but its volume is so large, that the value of the "sarcoma" is even higher than that of the different evil Taoists. A bone-boned monster.

As a result, I changed such a thing ...

Of course, sometimes, waste is also useful.

Call ~

As An Qisheng held the half-moon wheel, a stream of streamers rose upward, one after another, strangely shaped, completely different from Emperor Heaven Realm, Jiufu Realm, and Xuan Xing's text jumped out.

"Huh? This text ..."

Seeing this text, An Qisheng's eyes lighted up slightly, and he was a little surprised.

He has changed his expression very much, because in his heart, Gu Jing has no waves, and ordinary things can no longer touch him.

And this text surprised him.

This word is not a word in the ordinary sense.

Because this text does not need to be learned, every word contains many explanations, and even images, even if it is not him, for other people who have never been exposed to these words.

You can understand it too!

This means that no one in the Dragon Eclipse Realm, or Yuanyang Realm will be illiterate!

Moreover, its inheritance, conversation, and information transmission will not have any mistakes at all. The meaning of the text is clearer than speaking face to face.

The significance of this is terrifying.

"The person who created this writing is really amazing ..."

An Qisheng praised in his heart.

There are not many words on this light curtain, but there are a lot of information. Of course, the most attractive thing to An Qisheng is the text itself.

In addition, it is what is recorded on it.

These texts are recorded by a young man named 'Qin Yu' who is studying, or the process of learning art.

[The dragon eclipse calendar is 1455 4343, the first day of June. This is a day worth remembering. Today, I finally went to Taiyuezong ’s door, and also distributed half-moon wheel, moon essence robe, and crescent crown. ...

Sister Bai ...

[Practice Qi Jiuzhong builds the spiritual root, Linggen Jiuzhong builds the foundation, builds the foundation nine heavy Jin Dan days, Jin Dan nine heavy Yuan Ying days, Yuan Ying triple Santo .....

I'm only practicing Qi now, what year and month will I be able to cultivate Jin Dantian? Alas, Sister Bai is so beautiful ...]

[Side door, outer door, inner door, true biography, heirloom, alas, when can I become heirloom? Sister Bai, it's so beautiful ....】

[Lunar wheel, Sun wheel, Treasure wheel, Life wheel, Dead wheel .... When many wheels, when can they be built into the sky wheels? Alas, Sister Bai is so smart ...]

[Sister Bai is so good to be greedy ....]

The information above this half-lunar is quite large, and it is not only a kung fu of the 'lunar', from which An Qisheng can feel the prosperity of the dragon eclipse.

A calendar like the Emperor Heaven Realm, a one-star treasure that is as powerful as an entry-level manpower, systematic and complete exercises, and a more detailed practice realm than the Emperor Heaven Realm.

There is no realm of spiritual practice. Only when there are many people who practice, there is a realm.

Each realm can be divided into ten levels again. If there is no more meaning, it is that there are many practitioners of the Dragon Eclipse Realm, which is beyond imagination.

Of course, the most in this text is the young Muai named Qin Yu.

However, according to the crisis he felt before, perhaps this young man is also more aggressive and less probable.

After all, the operation of the replacement balance must be the connection of two altars in different worlds. If you can get this half-lunar, you will naturally have sacrificed many things including the half-lunar.

"Hope that sarcoma can help you ..."

It was far away from each other, and the real whip was unattainable, otherwise An Qisheng still wanted to take a look at the young man. At this time, of course, I only wish him good luck.

Putting away the half-moon wheel, An Qisheng raised his hand and summoned the king's sword, preparing to continue the sacrifice.

This time, of course, it wasn't a slapstick.

As soon as I lifted my eyes, I saw that death was pervading, and the sarcoma that I had cut off before had grown again, no different from before.

You know, this old monster has been banned for nearly ten thousand years, and since it is a seal, it will naturally weaken it.

Even so, the degree of recovery is so tyrannical.

It really is ‘immortal’.

Of course, compared to the huge body of this old monster, that ‘sarcoma’ is at best a ‘pox’ growing on the face of ordinary people.

Very insignificant.

嗤嗤嗤 ~~~

The sword spirit in the sky was agitated, and the death spirit among the mountains was shaken by sword light.

Hearing the tremendous roar like meteor falling to the ground, under the sword light, the ‘mountain peaks’ were cut down by roots, mixed with the smelly poisonous blood covered by the countless tentacles of blood from the altar.

Then pull into the altar.

In this process, the "toad" crawling on the earth always said nothing, as if it really fell into silence.

"Look how long you can bear ..."

An Qisheng fired it at once, and the King Power Sword buzzed like Long Yin in the far distance. The sword light skyrocketed, swelled with heavy stress and burst into the mountains.

Wherever he passed, the dead gas retreated, the poison gas dissipated, the mountains collapsed, and the mountains moved.

Sacrifice is naturally not without limits, otherwise there will be no opponents at all.

After all, if there is no limit, he can sacrifice the entire Midland and even the entire Emperor Heaven as soon as he throws away the altar.

This altar has no traps, kills, or defensive forces at all. It must be without any resistance before it can be dragged into the altar to perform sacrifices.

That ‘toad’ was keenly aware of this ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ before it went into hiding.

Huh ~~~

Wang Quanjian roared and wandered about things, suddenly unknowingly crossing thousands of thousands of miles, chopping off some unknown peaks.


Until the last mountain collapsed and King Quanjian escaped, this dead space was already flooded with blood.

Numerous blood-drenched altars spreading out of that altar filled the sky, pulling countless peaks back against the current and sinking into the altar.

Hum ~

A buzzing sound, bursting out of the blood that was ten thousand times stronger than before, suddenly seemed to illuminate the whole world and obscure the stars.

Call ~

An Qisheng stood before the altar and slowly stated his requirements:

"I need to......."

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