Zhutian Avenue

Vol 2 Chapter 470: Without me in the future!

Between heaven and earth, one person sits alone, only with the wind and wind.

It is clear that this place is Midland, and even the most prosperous place in the world. The daily flow of people is as much as one million. However, looking at the back of the Taoist, there is an unspeakable loneliness.

Unclear, the Tao is unclear, but that is how everyone feels.

Call ~

No matter how to move, when An Qisheng raised his head, the crowd found that he was facing himself head-on.

"Real people!"


Yan Xiake, Wang E and others breathed for a long time, and then a long prayer.

Even Wang Xie has lost the previous recklessness at this time, and looks more polite.

The ore has been refined and turned into steel, not to mention that Wang evil is so talented, there is no one among hundreds of millions of people?

After thirty years of polishing, it is not only about physique, mana, but also state of mind.

"Get up."

An Qisheng raised his hand slightly, and several people stood up involuntarily.

"How do you feel during these ninety years?"

An Qisheng looked at Sa Wuling.

After years of polishing, it is no longer the same. It is no longer the old country that once fled in distress.

His heart became more stable.

Once he has been able to send funerals to nearby villagers for ten years, but now he is stronger.

"Happiness, anger, pain, regret, and fear ..."

Sa Wuling's eyes rippled and seemed to recall what happened in the past ninety years.

There are one hundred and two in Daqing and 600 in the small state, with a population of hundreds of millions. The strange things happening in it do not know the geometry, evil repair, and magic repair.

Along the way, he was still alive and dead, had seen his followers seriously injured and died, had seen ambushing despair, and had seen human tragedies ...

An Qisheng glanced at the depths of the light, slowly asked:

"Now, are you afraid?"


Sa Wuling sighed:

"Still afraid."

He inherited the way of An Qisheng, taking the unity of knowledge and action, instead of cutting off the seven emotions, he still has all the emotions that people should have, fear, fear, worry, joy and anger, everything.

However, once he escaped because of fear, but now, he will face the difficulties.

"Good for fear, good for fear!"

An Qisheng nodded slightly, with a hint of sigh:

"You can go to school."

Call ~

Between the words, he made a move.

Sa Wuling's clothes didn't move, but his figure was trembling. As An Qisheng waved, an invisible light jumped out of his palm.

Was pinched in the palm by An Qisheng.

"Master Ye!"

Sa Wuling's eyes vanished in a flash, and there were no more flaws in his control of himself.

He had already guessed too many times, this master was the handwriting of the teacher. At this moment, he could see this scene, and his heart suddenly became clear.

But at the same time, it was a bit stunned.

In ninety years, getting along day and night will naturally not be without feelings.

In fact, he walked along the way, and I didn't know how many times he had to rely on this "Master" to get out of trouble.

At this time, there is a slight concern.

"The way of pure one, without asking outside, now you, you don't need to be directed by others."

An Qisheng lowered his palm and whispered:

"His name is Murong City, he was the enemy of the division."

Murong City, this is one of his attempts.

At this point, already knowing the result, Sa Wuling did not need asylum guidance, so he naturally withdrew it.

In his state at this time, it is not appropriate to leave Murong City anymore.

"Mulong City ..."

Sa Wuling chewed the name twice in his mouth before he prayed:

"Teacher, Mr. Mu has the kindness to give instructions to his disciples, and ask the teacher to show mercy."

"I will repay my grievances all over the world. He once antagonized me, but once he died, it was enough to pay off.

An Qisheng replied casually.

Sa Wuling was relieved and asked, "Teacher, the disciple wants to meet Mr. Mu ..."

"Go by yourself."

An Qisheng thought a little, then raised his hand, and a stream of light fell into the palm of Sa Wuling:

"One hour."

"Thank you teacher!"

Sa Wuling took a deep breath and had disappeared on the high platform.

"Yan Yan."

At this time, An Qisheng only looked at Yan Xiake. The dark cloak veil was enough to block the sight of the real man, but he couldn't hide his eyes.

Over the past ninety years, Yan Xiake has transformed.

It is a pity that human bones of living dead can not be achieved in idle time. Natural resources are as strong as ancient Changfeng, and it took ten years to become a boneless adult.

Although Yan Xiake has luck, his perception is not bad, in the end he can't compare with Gu Changfeng.

In his state at this time, if there were no adventures, there would be no chance to become a person in this life.

"Real people."

Yan Xiake bowed slightly.

"The legislators have worked **** this trip. At this time, you should host the banquet in the city."

An Qisheng spoke lightly:

"After that, go out with me."


Yan Xiake had no choice but to leave the platform after paying a courtesy.

The two left successively, and Wang Eu and Wei Shaoyou were left above the platform.

The two had a changeable mind, a well-developed limb, and were flammable and explosive. But in the face of An Qisheng, both of them bowed their heads, and the quail dared not speak.

One, it was a real loss, the one in the gossip furnace is still his nightmare.

One is that he has a sincere awe for this teacher who has disappeared in the long river of history and has never been recorded in future generations.

"King evil."

An Qisheng glanced at Wang E, who was even more magnificent than he once was. His eyebrows were raised with red in the gold, and his eyes were already perfect.

"Brother, the disciple is here."

Wang evil salutes, a little restrained.

"Your talents are unique, and you are unparalleled in the world. There are few people in ancient and modern times. However, you also have a lot of troubles. The mastery of power is not about being idle. You used to be childish and cannot bear such power. Now, it is slightly insufficient."

An Qisheng pressed his knees with both hands and said calmly:

"Violent like thunder and anger like fire, this is your advantage and fatal flaw. If you continue this way, even if you can traverse all thunder disasters, you can't become the Yuanshen."

Power is the bearing of the state of mind, which in turn sculpts power.

The monks in this world don't know the state of mind anymore. Naturally, because of the spirit of heaven and earth, the Tao, the Buddha, the demon, the ghost, the evil, and the five spiritual machines, they all contain extremely powerful infectious power.

Very easily affected.

Wang E's talent comes from the ‘Taoist Spirit Machine’, but what really inspired him was the anger of the ‘toad’. The collision of the two qi machines created his unparalleled talent potential in the world.

But at the same time, his mentality will also be affected.

There are also such reasons for tempering in the gossip furnace, but it is not a simple matter to really eradicate the poison in the heart.


Wang E thought for a while and fell to his knees:

"Pray for the guidance of the patriarch."

"You are simply."

An Qisheng was slightly dumbfounded. After thirty years of tempering, this big man still made some progress.

Wang E didn't speak.

Kneeling his ancestor, he could accept it, but he could not say anything flattering.

An Qisheng knew his thoughts, and he did not embarrass him, he directly said:

"Governing a great country is like cooking a small dish. At this time, Daqing seems to be prosperous and prosperous. In fact, there are many internal problems. I'm flawless. I will solve it for you!"

"... to be the emperor for three hundred years!"


Wang evil suddenly raised his head, a little confused: "What emperor?"

Wei Shaoyou's face twitched, only to feel a little weird.

Such a reckless husband like Wang Ehu, let him be a common emperor?

Wasn't he afraid of killing Manchu Minister of Civil Affairs and Warfare in anger?

"Naturally it is this emperor."

An Qisheng flicked it casually, and the streamer flashed through the void, turning into a simple token of Huaimu and falling in his hands.

"Want me to be an emperor?"

Wang evil has come back to God this time, and his face is incredible:

"Is the patriarch joking?"

An Qisheng's face remained unchanged, and he asked, "What do you say?"

The king disgusted with a groan, and immediately dared not ask again, holding the token, and wondering what to do for a while.

He certainly didn't think there was anything great about being an emperor.

However, the emperor is the head of a nation, and God knows how much trouble?

How do you practice yourself?

"Governing the country is also practice."

An Qi's business was pointed, but he was unmoved.

How great is the pressure to regulate Yin and Yang, manage every opportunity, and carry the survival of hundreds of millions of people?

Once it is carried over, what a big gain?

Wang's vicious sub-violent storms are like thunder and fire, but he needs such a way to take his temper and polish his mood.

"The ancestor is not afraid of the anger of the disciples and the public complains?"

Wang E couldn't help asking.

Although he has a cultivation base, being a Taoist and emperor are not the same thing.

He didn't dare to imagine what it would be like to be an emperor.

"Naturally not afraid."

An Qisheng looked immobile.

He is really not afraid.

The operation of Daqing is no longer the way it used to be, and the emperor is not alone in responding to major military affairs.

This is the prototype of what he tried in Jiufujie, and the perfect system that has been carried forward in these ninety years.

The role of the system is to reduce individual rights.

Is ruling the country a matter of one person?

A perfect system can never be put in one person. This point has been explained by the disintegrating Yinsi Chenghuang system.

Lessons learned from the past, An Qisheng will naturally not repeat the same mistakes.

In these ninety years, Yellow Dog became the emperor, and this was his attempt to this system.

What he wanted was not a fragile system that collapsed as soon as he left and left.

"it is good!"

Retreat is irreversible, and Wang E should just grapple his teeth, holding the token and leaving.

"You are in a hurry."

An Qisheng stopped him and finally said:

"No murders are allowed."

"it is good!"

Wang Xie got a good body, and immediately fell off the high platform, the meteorite generally flew towards the distance.

Wei Shaoyou looked at this scene ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ in awe.

Because he inadvertently remembered that Wang Evil was in the legend, and he really had been an emperor, and the name seemed to be called ‘Qi Kingdom’ ......

Could it be because of his grandfather?

"Wei Shaoyou."

Finally, An Qisheng looked at Wei Shaoyou who didn't say a word from beginning to end.

This suspected person came from the eleventh century of the future Emperor.

"The disciples are here."

Wei Shaoyou knelt down to the ground without a bone, with a respectful expression.

"You are thinking, I am so magical, status, but there is no word about me in the future?"

An Qisheng looked like a starry sea and spoke lightly:

"Isn't it?"

Wei Shaoyou was shocked: ‘He actually knew? ’

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